I slashed and tore Chester's throat.
The feeling is still in my hands.
Didn't the demon lift, Chester kept going and hit the tree before falling.
I think he's dead or fatally wounded.
Good. I'm relieved.
Wizards who can also fight are hard to fight anyway.
Even this time, even if I said I could win, it was critical to put me in a trap.
"The rest are basilisk and light-giving wizards..."
There may be others, but those two are the ones I can confirm now.
"... hey!
An arrow flew in from below. I also speak.
He found out where I was when I fought Chester.
"Drop the spear."
Shouldn't you have a prominent long spear at hand?
Grab about three long spears and drop them from above the tent where the Demon King is in The Dark Knife.
After repeating it twice, I melted into the darkness. The results have not been confirmed.
As it melts in the darkness, down to the bottom of the tree, soldiers are gathered and they are hovering their sweets over the sky.
We're still going to get together, so hurry off the spot.
Chester's hit made the camp noisy.
Not only those who were already awake, but all the soldiers woke up and began to arm themselves.
"The tent is starting to fold."
He says it's only late at night, but he's in complete combat.
The king was targeted, so maybe he's laying a maximum vigilance net.
"It's going to be hard to get close from here."
Soldiers began to align. I'm taking a callout.
They're scattered around from the one who's done with the doodling, but what's the matter?
After watching how things were going for a while, I figured out the situation.
"Oh... you made the formation"
He makes several circles around the Demon King and places many soldiers. This is a circular defense formation.
The outer perimeter is full of large soldiers with large shields.
There are many lightly dressed soldiers in there, but I guess they have that split up.
"I guess this is what you say when you're protected by a dozen duplexes (for example)"
This sucks. I wish I hadn't seen it swallowed.
The Demon King is out of the tent and in a position to command the whole thing.
"From here, about four hundred meters. I wish I had just the right Oki nearer..."
I'm on a tree away from formation. From here, it's far from doing anything.
Too close, I can't get away with it when they notice it, but from a distance, I can't think of an attacker for a bit.
"Do you want to try it"
Throw a piece of glass from the head of the Demon King with the "Dark Knife".
Because of the distance, the aim is imprecise.
There is a basilisk, so it is also significant that we cannot aim slowly.
A piece of glass fell under the feet of a nearby escort. I didn't hit it.
From what I've seen, the basilisk hasn't moved. Maybe he was convinced it wouldn't hit him.
"You failed. If I had stayed in the tent, I would have swept it from the outside with" Dark Hook Claws. "
Still about half the chance of success.
From outside the tent, 'Dark Hook Claws' could not be hit, avoided or prevented.
Now we're no longer even enemies of getting close.
"I don't want Sharazard involved, if I may."
It would be hard if only some of them were petrified.
My father tells me that the demon eye of Basilisk is capable of petrifying the Moon Warcraft at one time or another.
Charazard's body, and if even half of it is petrified, it will be a big deal.
Also, I don't know how far away it is safe.
"You'd be safer a thousand meters away if you could."
And my father tells me something terrible.
I don't think so, but the continent's most powerful wizard can't be weighed down by common sense.
"You can't break through that enclosure with my help, and with the help of Shalazad."
Regrettably, I can't help it.
I melted into darkness.
"Sharazard, listen to me."
'Lord, you seem to be back. It's over?
"No, I'm retreating. I have a consultation there. I'm sorry I'm hurt, but can you help me out a little bit?"
'Hmm. I'll be fine. Instead, I guess they'll let me go hunting the Moon Warcraft later'
"You fought a dominant species recently."
"Uhm, no! You're hurt. You're still going to fight!
"What, another belly?"
"You're using another belly the wrong way!
If you thought you were quietly healing wounds, would you still be thinking about that?
'... so what can I do to help?
"Right...... explain. Come on."
I rode up to the night sky in a shalazard.
In getting Sharazard to help, there are two things to be aware of.
One is, of course, not to show your enemies. Since assassination is only the main purpose, we will not use the power of Charazard more than we need.
The other is to keep Charazard at least a kilometer away from the camp, no matter what.
This giant. When I get close, I stand out. I don't want to be petrified by basilisks.
Fortunately, enemy camps are near the mountains in alarm of raids.
Mountains don't feel like trees are dense and people can get up easily. Well, I'm not going to be able to climb in the middle of the night without a single light.
It will not be possible for enemies to come to Shalazad in a short time.
I'm glad I got rid of Chester.
Shalazad, we're going down to the top of that mountain.
"Aye, okay."
Slightly ahead of enemy camp, there are high mountains.
Besides, trees don't even grow near the top. There are many gobbly rocks rolling around.
At the foot is a cliff, impossible for people to ascend.
"Mostly about a thousand meters from the top to the camp."
Due to the considerable height of the mountain, the distance appears to be close, but is actually likely to be about that.
"What am I supposed to do here?
"There's a place where that light is gathering, isn't there?
From here you can see the camp.
Round circles are well visible in the light of the octopus.
"There, I want you to pick up the stone that's here and throw it in."
Here's what I thought of the operation.
Just have Charazard throw more and more stones and rocks from the top of the mountain.
You can throw it with your hand, or you can pay it with your tail.
Flying stones draw parabolas and fall into the camp.
It will be havoc downstairs.
I aim for the gap. [M]
'Don't think about something you don't understand again. Will the Lord go into it?
"I think the stone will fly for me, but I'll try my best to avoid it. I want to break that formation and panic the soldiers."
'... Hmm. Okay. Let's try.'
"Please. I'm going downstairs."
Lights illuminated brilliantly by the dark night.
Going for it, Shalazad throws a stone.
The distance is about a thousand meters in a straight line.
From the giant Charazard, which is several hundred meters long, it's a distance that you can reach without so much effort.
As I dived into the darkness, I hurried to the camp.
Before I arrived, Shalazad's stone-throwing began.