I made a big stretch when I finished preparing my report. No, I'm tired.
"I'm the one who wrote it, but I don't know what you mean by Leon being more tired"
Mr. Rosana is looking at me with his jito eyes.
"Uh, yeah. I guess it's because I'm not used to it, you know?"
"I heard dragon jockeys write daily newspapers, too."
"Right. When I went on patrol, I would write down the route of movement and the number of moon warcraft I defeated, but that was just easy to write down."
This report is different. As a splendid material, it has been decided that it will be viewed by high-ranking people.
You can't write in "more or less".
"So, Mr. Leon. Take the day off and start moving again tomorrow. Nice to meet you."
"Roger...... what, yeah!?
"What's going on?
"Are you still with Mr. Rosana?
"Yes, I still belong to the Dragon Guide Church."
"... it is"
Surprisingly, it's not over yet.
"... so Leon kun"
"I wonder what happened to your engagement to Ann?
"Uh... yes?
"I even know we're officially engaged. And beyond that? You're not married yet, are you?
"Uh, yes."
"I'd like to hear more."
"... Yes"
Mr. Anne. Annelotta Lagos.
It is the first in the sequence of the kingdom of moves, the direct line of the family of the raven.
It can be quite a high ridge flower for me.
When I was engaged to Ann like that, I used to get a charazard, which is a critical point.
I had the feeling that, adding to the political intentions of Dragon Nation, I was allowed to stretch out a bit in my position.
Mr. Ann's grandfather, Chief Dion, didn't care, but I think those who would take him to the Lagos family - they helped to hold back the antipathy of the nobility of what they call the Dragon Nation.
Afterwards, I bounced off the invasion of the Shalazad and the Devil Nation, defeated the dominant species and was treated like a hero in the Dragon Nation, to the point where I could line up my shoulders.
Your brother, Mr. Maurice, is already married, and the tech competition is over, and it wasn't supposed to be a bad time to get married......
"The cataclysm and the great metastasis. And there was an alliance between Dragon Nation and Moving Nation, and Ann is now on the path of the Yin Moon with her own troops."
So I may not have seen him.
"I know you manipulate driven (how) infantry, but what is the path of the yin moon... do you have to get that far?
"To Dragon Country, I came as a goodwill ambassador, but it seems more beneficial than being dressed and dancing with nobles"
Kindness in the country of moves.
This has been seen quite favourably.
There is not much perceived as an army of the moving-country.
Either that or the impression of people coming all the way from the moving-country to hunt the Moon Warcraft.
Dragon jockeys who don't join the fight on the other hand are going to the moving-country, but that's not much to talk about. I hide it well.
Even as a moving-country, they can collect data on combat experience and moon warcraft warfare, so it's not a bad thing.
Driven infantry is ridiculously expensive to maintain, so there will be limits, but so far it has worked well.
For some time now, won't Ann stick to the path of the Yin Moon?
"Then is the marriage going to be delayed?
"The major metastasis lasts a few years, but it shouldn't be until it's over. Looks like we're getting married when we get some attention."
"... you mean Leon."
"Yes, but there are political issues involved, and I can't just decide between Anne and me."
In the end, it is also about the alliance between Dragon Country and Athletic Country, so I think the date will be set by the country and we will have a consultation.
"... ha. That's a tough one."
"Right. Mr. Maurice couldn't decide for herself either."
The immediate family line is difficult.
In my case, Ann will be married to Dragon Country, so it doesn't really matter what her family's name is.
However, Anne's treatment is likely to be quite a concern.
When a couple's cracks lead to a deterioration in relations between the two countries, it's a lot worse.
"Let's not trigger war, shall we?"
You thought the same thing, Mr. Rosana told me it was a nickel.
The next day, me and Mr. Rosana got into the sharazard.
Aim is the Canopy Mountains.
And the southern part of the demonic kingdom. Around the border with the country of moves.
"Even in the Canopy Mountains, it's an amazing south. Most dragon jockeys have never been there."
"Especially since all these mountain ranges are high, I don't know if most people have ever been back there."
The Tengu Mountains are the names given by the ancient people from "mountains as if they were suspended from heaven".
west of the demonic kingdom, with dozens, hundreds and thousands of mountains all the way behind it.
The mountain is so high, but the place we're headed is higher.
It's as if the two mountain ranges bumped into each other and thrived big up there in that place.
In fact, in the south and north there are said to have been some crustal fluctuations due to the different nature of the mountain ranges.
We stayed overnight on the way because the distance is far from Wang Du.
"There's a dragon country's foundation (Konkiki) in the Sky Mountains."
"That's right. I got people from the country to make it."
The place we're headed will be just off the border between the Devil and the Moving Powers.
From there, they split into the Canopy Mountains.
The grounds are already in place and supplies are being brought in, he said.
Using this as a base, we split into the Canopy Mountains, and that's why we were chosen.
"... no!?
"What's up, Sharazard?
"This sign!
It's already inside the Canopy Mountains.
Even the mountain near the entrance is said to be eight thousand meters or ten thousand meters at the top.
I have chosen the lowest possible location on the ridge (carrot) to proceed, but hid in the mountains and my vision is pretty bad.
When it comes to why you go so far, it makes your breath painful when you're too high.
'Ugh, still!
"What's up, Sharazard?"
Something flickered in the direction Shalazad stared at.
If you gaze closely...... red?
Red color at that height?
"Ah, that one!