If the merchant country finds paradise first, what will it do?
"This is only a prediction," Ms. Yosari prefaced, sharing her thoughts.
"If there are no people in paradise, the merchant country will undoubtedly declare its territory"
"Territorial declaration…"
When I hear it as a territorial declaration, it reminds me of the array in the Canopy Mountains.
"As you know, the merchant countries have recently done the same thing. That's a fabric stone. You wanted to know in advance how other countries would react if you declared it as their territory."
I see. The sudden declaration of territory was quite unnatural.
Was there such an intention hidden in that one?
"That was abrupt. Besides, it was a pretty inconvenient place in the Canopy Mountains. Why did you bother?"
"That was a place where no one complained, even if they used it on their own. Rather than that, it was a land that didn't need to put a no anywhere when it was used. I dared to declare it territorial and gather information about how each country would react to it."
It's not just the country.
Ms Yosari said she would have figured out to some extent with that as well the thoughts of each people.
"But that's crazy."
But Mr. Rosana's face is dangerous.
"What is it, Mr. Rosana?"
"That territorial proclamation was a fabric stone to make paradise our own," he said.
"Probably, but I'm pretty sure"
"Then why did the Dragon Nation acknowledge it?"
"Hmm? Didn't you protest the merchant country?
That's what I hear.
"You're protesting only the shape. Since then, we have received an answer from the merchant country that there is no legal problem."
"So how did Dragon Nation react?
"As it is. We're not protesting again."
I see what Mr. Rosana is trying to say.
If that's the fabric stone that will get you paradise, you'll have to crush it at all costs.
The demon country blocked the exit, but it can also be taken by the wind, which is recognising it as merchant territory.
"There are two reasons. For one thing, we know that the merchant country has not yet obtained paradise. The other is because we're going to find paradise before the merchants do."
What do you mean?
"So the Dragon Nation finds paradise first and declares its territory. Even if the merchant country complains later, it's declaring territory on its own, so it's unconvincing."
"Yes. We also know what the merchant country intends to do here. I've decided to let you take that backwards. We therefore protest only in form, and we have the response."
"Oh well..."
Is this the one called political decision?
Making it fait accompli on purpose means that we will get the profit.
"If there was a precedent, it would be great. … although the premise is that we will find paradise first"
"Thank you for that verse."
Politicians, dirty.
That's what I thought.
"There will be some discontent, but I think the lack of the most locals is a small possibility. The information in" The Devil's Explorer "scatters descriptions of locals there, and leaves behind a few sketches, but there's something about what people do for a living. Territorial declarations are insurance, so to speak."
As for Mr. Yosari, it's quite possible that there are locals, so you won't have to worry too much about them.
"Now if there were locals, I'd tell you how the country of business would come out."
Mr. Yosari stuck out four fingers.
"There are roughly four instruments to be adopted by the merchant countries. One negotiates with the locals to buy the land. I guess you're prepared to offer something that turns into land. rights and reputational reconstruction as well as attractive products. I think the locals are going to make what they want come true. … but there is also the possibility of deceiving and taking away"
Others seem to have the possibility of entering into exclusive or occupancy agreements for land or using it as a stepping stone for controlling distribution by means of preferential buying and selling.
They say this is the first.
"Do you have three more?
"Yeah, that's right. Next, occupation by force, right? It would be possible if we had a dragon that would use a spellman and five heads would use it. If you haven't been through a war for a long time, you may not even have the concept of war. You may be wandering in a strictly class society, or you may be living your religious beliefs on the pillar. Depending on the number of locals, I think it's possible to occupy"
"Sounds pretty aggressive."
"If you think that much wealth is there, you will also be looking at making decisions"
Attacking and self-governing is normally considered.
"Okay. Is this the second one? You have two more, don't you? Please."
"The third is the other way around. We also consider the possibility of blending in among the locals and being absorbed into the merger. Do you dare to feel at the centre by being taken in on the other side? Merchant countries are light because they don't weigh in on something called territory. Half a dozen of the five heads have joined the other side, and we're thinking about making it work as a second country."
"It's another way... I can't even think about it."
Will you be taken in from yourself?
If you have an attachment to your own country, you shouldn't resort to that kind of means, but if it's a merchant country, is it possible? If you ask me, it seems possible.
"You seem to understand, most importantly. Okay, next."
"Fourth...... That's the last one"
"It is possible that there was no fourth"
"I will not publish paradise. After you find them, you lay down a warrant and don't let them talk you out of it at all. Just like 'Demon Scout' once did."
"... but that's not the same reason as' demon scout ', is it?"
"Yes. Exclusive without publication. It could try to integrate food into the economy without knowing where it has been boiling from. In that case, if the locals disagree, they kill them all and bury them. It's even possible that in time there was nothing. We can't even protest because we won't publish it. Think of it as a country born, all in secret and out of the reach of anyone."
"Can you do that?
"We think we can if we think the merchant countries are serious about doing it. Will the locals be disposable slaves or will they all be killed… Either way, there won't be a good future"
Ms Yosari said that the above four policies could be considered, but the more heavy they became later.
Exactly. I don't think it's possible to kill them all... No, I don't know. A paradise that has been unknown for hundreds of years.
In order to get there, the five heads of congregation put in considerable assets.
I think there's a lot of human damage.
"Okay. We act in the belief that merchant countries may make such moves."
If I saw that, I might handle them all, even without Her Majesty's directive.
"Based on the above, I will talk about the actions of the Dragon Nation. If there are no locals, it is the same as in the country of business. I declare my territory in my country. The flow that follows will follow the instructions of the Wang Capital, but at the time of its proclamation it has become a dragon kingdom, so I think the exclusion of others, the enactment of borders, etc. will be the first move. It's our job around here. Leon will be asked to travel a few times."
"Okay, I think we can work together."
"The problem is if there were locals, right? In that case, it will be a political decision, and it will matter what the locals think and what they want. Don't worry there, we will never adopt abusive means like merchant countries. It will probably make our country independent, as a patron."
"Don't you put it under the control of Dragon Nation?
"It's a national decision, but I'm foolish to think you don't want to bring trouble in."
If Dragon Country is even safe within the dragon crest limit, there are some things I don't really care about.
Well, it's not what we think, so we can do that later.
"Does the explanation feel like more than that? The specifics you will be doing are written on paper, so if you have a question after a careful reading, I will answer it. I'll be ready for this one in two days. Then we'll cross the mountain, so please prepare your mind."
"Okay. I'll try."
"I will fulfill my mission, too"
The meeting with Mr Yosari was thus concluded.