"Crush the Eva Chamber of Commerce."
It took time to understand Her Majesty's words.
That's all shocking.
Isn't it unusual that the state should secretly try to crush the Chamber of Commerce?
Previously, I still defeated one of the same five heads of congregation, Sulnuff of 'Luxury Merchandise'.
But that was a very bad man who aimed himself at the overthrow of the King's capital.
After me, all the dragons became sea algae chips, and the Chamber of Commerce found out what was wrong and broke up.
Some of the employees should also be caught and forced to work in the North Ridge area.
"Um... is that not the same as processing 'Hua Honey' halim"
I have handled merchants who do not benefit or betray my country on several occasions.
But dealing with those who worked evil is not the same as crushing the Chamber of Commerce.
"Crush the Chamber of Commerce. It's... it's something you shouldn't have"
"May I ask why? And how far would it have taken to crush the Chamber of Commerce?"
"Right. Dismissing the Chamber of Commerce is the same if the roots remain... Leon, listen to what you're about to say now, and you judge."
"The southern part of the country is a completely different vegetation than the dragon country, you know."
"I hear there are rare sweet fruits, big wheeled flowers that smell, or big leafy plants about the back length"
Although coniferous forests abound in the north of the technocratic country, we have heard that there is a wide variety of plants in the south.
I've never actually seen it, but I can somehow imagine it because sometimes it also comes into dragon country, such as thick leaves and rare fruits.
"Among the plants that only grow in the southern part of the country, when you inhale smoke, you feel intoxicated. It's forbidden to cultivate because it brings strong habituality."
Apparently the discovery was a coincidence.
When I burned a volcanic fire or dead grass, I guess I inhaled it.
It seems that people searched for the plant in search of a fluffy feeling, like walking on a cloud they felt then.
I found it. It's a royce mime flower.
It is said that just before bearing fruit brings the most intoxication. The product name is "Dream Entrance".
In one village, most villagers were hit by its habituality, becoming apathetic and irresistible.
When the other villagers discovered it, they all said they were malnourished, starving to death.
Anyway, when I smoke that smoke all the time, they don't want to do anything else.
"I found them secretly cultivated and sold."
Her Majesty's face is rugged.
So you want me to crush the Chamber of Commerce?
"Even if we process Harim himself, another will take over now that the route is in place. Even if we prosecuted what was involved, the rest of us would dive into the basement and continue our activities, wouldn't we? Customers are still there."
So you're going to crush the Chamber of Commerce?
Top of course, its executives and sales routes...... crush everything.
Then we need to crush the cultivation site.
"I think it would be a pretty big case if we executed it,"
"Customers are concentrated in the kingdom of moves and demons. The dragon kingdom is in danger. Let the customer put in other" shadows "and do something about it. Leon wants the Chamber of Commerce."
People flow easily.
Even dragon nationals are no exception.
This time, many of the victims are other nationals.
That's not why you can leave it alone.
We will talk to the upper echelons of other countries, but the dragon kingdom cannot move either way.
If Dragon Nation crushes the Chamber of Commerce by waving its spicy arms in the kingdom of moves... yeah, don't let bad rumors get you started.
or can I leave it to another country to feel safe...... that's hard.
I need to crush this stuff thoroughly.
If you put your hand in it, you'll survive.
"Besides, it's not a good idea for other countries to get confused."
"Exactly. I want to completely crush the buds of confusion in order to survive the metastasis."
That's still what it is.
"Okay. Let's get to it."
"Yes, yes, Leon"
"... Yes"
I wonder if there's anything else yet.
"Be careful because Halim has a brilliant spellman attached to him"
"Yes, I would like to be very careful."
A spellman. We really need to be careful.
Left under Her Majesty the Queen and returned to her chambers.
Sit back in bed and read the material handed to you earlier.
This is the result of research carried out by our colleagues, Shadow.
"Three places are found in the cultivation area? All near the southern ocean."
They're secretly building fields in the native forests of the Tsukuguo Haizo.
Maybe not just in these three places. Let's keep that in mind.
Reading the material, it is said that it is the nearby villagers who are cultivating it, and that Gorotsuki, who was hired to do so, is under surveillance and order.
They have a large number of armed people in the fields and in the workplace, so I guess everyone here knows what they're doing.
Did we wish we hadn't used it? It's a bad story.
"I see you're creating some fictional chambers of commerce"
There are multiple itinerary routes, and the names of the chambers of commerce you are undertaking do not appear anywhere.
Looks like it's a pedestrian selling it. Sounds like this' entrance to dreams' specialty, not a real deal.
Although there are escorts, the merchants don't seem to have any combat experience.
The more I read the material, the less I lose the line that I'm lending a hand without knowing.
We all know that we are dyeing our hands for evil.
"Problem is, it's purpose."
That area doesn't say anything in the dossier.
What did Halim think and dye his hands so illegally?
If we don't look closely for motives and purposes, there may be processing leaks somewhere.
"In the meantime, I put this matter into my anxious mind due to the cataclysm and major metastases. Let's drop enough."
I read the material to the end, and I fell in love with it.