Sharazard is in a good mood to be able to hunt the Moon Warcraft.
You don't have to say anything, you're increasing your speed. I want to get there a little faster.
On several occasions, I said, "It's a tour," but I wonder if you understand.
And a little, I found it interesting.
The Prince Revreal lived in the highlands, so even if the Shalazad rises high in the sky, it doesn't seem to be a problem at all.
People who aren't used to it are somewhat breathless, but it's not like that.
"I'm asking you how soon you'll be there."
Mr. Rosana is with us as an interpreter.
"I'm already close, but I'm going to have lunch somewhere first, okay?"
You may eat preserved food over the charazard, but the target is Prince Wang.
I want to prepare a decent meal on the ground because I am loaded with food.
I can't swallow until I get to where the Moon Warcraft comes out.
As a result, it descended early and became lunch.
Bring the fire down and cook the meat. At the same time make soup and gently broil the bread.
I've been practicing a lot about camp in college. If only we had our share, we could have it ready.
"I'm looking forward to seeing the Moon Warcraft," he said.
At first I wondered if Mr. Rosana had the wrong interpreter.
But the look on Prince Wang's face remains gloomy.
I guess I'm really looking forward to it.
"From the people of the Dragon Nation, the Moon Warcraft is a symbol of fear."
"I said that, too. Apparently, there's something I think."
Mr. Rosana seems to have heard it with wonder, too.
According to Prince Wang, although there are numerous anecdotes left to the royal family, few were written about the causes of the country being pursued.
"Maybe we thought we'd be ashamed of ourselves."
"He's an old royal, and he lived in the old king's capital."
"Yes, the Moon Warcraft vandalized the town and held it accountable."
Anyway, the arrival of the Moon Warcraft was an unexpected disaster.
In addition, there is no storage to rebuild.
I don't know in detail how life was at the time, but I guess it wasn't a life I could afford so much.
The damage is serious because the town was vandalized.
And reconstruction is unbearable.
Residents' grievances turned to the then royal family.
The royal family failed to clean things up and finally people pushed over to the castle. That should have been the story.
Afterwards, the royal family, who moved to a nearby town - possibly the town of Hewler - traveled to a place that could not be left intact.
Then the people who had supported the royal family flew out after the royal family.
That is said to be the 'Fog People' and the 'Tide People'.
Now I know.
It was the 'Fog People' who found the exiled royalty.
I guess the two met somewhere and acted together in search of a restful place as it were.
At that time, the cave leading to paradise should have been accessible.
But since we have to go beyond the mountains of the Canopy Mountains, I don't think we've been able to return to the continent that often.
I guess we broke up with the people who lived in Paradise and the Ceiling Mountains, and some of them stayed as' Fog People '.
That's what I know about the old royalty.
Meanwhile, 'paradise' is better.
One of the few records of the time left there is also said to be about the Moon Warcraft.
However, he regarded it as something close to fairy tales, such as monsters attacking towns.
Our own ancestors were chased through the capital in the wake of monster raids.
No such monster.
They thought it was a metaphor for interracial or enemy nations.
But when we came, it was a giant dragon on board.
The dragon is not in paradise.
And when he heard the moon warcraft that came out of Mr. Rosana's story, he thought maybe that fairy tale might be real.
"The Moon Warcraft caused my ancestors to kick out, but I wonder if that's a good neighborhood"
"It was hundreds of years ago, and you don't seem to feel like an ancestral grudge."
"I see. Is that right"
There doesn't seem to be that much obsession.
I won't forget the resentment for hundreds of years...... no, instead of forgetting it, I might stick it in that you don't know then.
"I don't know how you'll react to seeing the Moon Warcraft, but will you tell them it's just a matter of time before you can fly out of here?
When Mr. Rosana had him interpreted, Prince Wang was overjoyed.
Let's go, then.
We ate lunch and took enough breaks, so we headed for the path of the Shady Moon.
Moon Warcraft was quickly found in the midst of a major metastasis.
"There's more than ten of them."
"Ten Moon Warcraft? That's a lot."
Mr. Rosana is surprised.
"It could be like that anywhere now. The patrol hasn't caught up."
"I don't think I have a choice right now."
There are patrol courses for dragon jockeys to efficiently hunt the Moon Warcraft.
The Moon Warcraft found there is supposed to hunt, but when we meet more often, we really eat time.
Then I push it around the other course, one or two days late.
If that doesn't resolve, the patrol delay will spread more and more.
Then you might think you should patrol someone else, but it's like that everywhere.
In the end, the Moon Warcraft will increase, and only patrol time will grow.
Charazard flies over the moon warcraft wandering through the earth.
By the way, I have slapped Charazard in the neck several times and kept the attack in mind.
At the end of the day, he tells them "no mess" and they're preventing an outburst.
"Hey, Leon. I'm saying I want to see you fight."
"Trouble again"
Of course, about ten of the Moon Warcraft, if there's a sharazard, it's fine.
But if you ask me if it's absolutely safe, I'll have to say, "It's not absolutely safe."
I don't know what's in the fight. Sometimes just in case.
"Will you manage to convince Prince Wang?
Bad for Prince Wang who is excited about the first moon warcraft I've seen, but I don't want to give in here.
"I'll try."
We don't know what we're talking about with each other, but Mr. Rosana worked hard for us.
We've bumped our opinions over and over and it looks like we've finally settled.
"I got permission to go on a tour this time, so I pushed it through."
That's Mr. Rosana.
I would appreciate it if even royal opponents would say no properly.
"Well, let's take a little more tour"
I'm me, and I have to hold on to Sharazard.
Focus your nerves so they don't erupt.
"Come on, Sharazard. We're going in the back."
We moved along the path of the Shade Moon.