Tie up the three people you caught and take them to the town of Saul.
The workers I handled this time were invited to "have a good story" and were carrying it with knowledge of the evil.
Instead of having no force, the merchant country uses gold to sneak up on people's hearts.
There is no tomorrow for the people who sold people's hearts to gold.
Now, this incident, I am not letting it get involved because if I leave it to the security mechanism of the country of skill, the information is going to be lost, the person who was supposed to have been captured is going to be released at some point or, conversely, erased with a mouth seal.
I'll let you know later through the muscles I should have, but I'm on my own now.
"Well, thank you."
In the town of Saul, he handed over the three men he had caught to the Shadows.
Looks like I'm going to interrogate you and take the back of the story, but you'll let me know if you have any new discoveries.
I also asked for the incineration of a cultivated area that was deserted.
Exactly. Sharazard incinerates all at once...... that's not how it works.
How to grow Rosmime flowers, but I haven't checked for any other leaks. I didn't have time to do that.
It could be leaking to the workers' families, for example.
You have trouble growing it on your own, and you should be threatening to distinguish between information you can publish and information you don't.
I think so, but you should let me check that too for once.
If you don't know how to extract ingredients by growing them on your own, are you okay?
If so, unless Harim starts anew, the contraband should be stopped at some point now.
"What will you do after this?
"We will crush the paths in turn. Looks like we have a refinery, so that's where we're going next."
Sometimes each clan has innovative technology, and even on the border, there is quite a bit of secrecy going through it.
"Oh, you're building something important," even if you're laying strict security at just a factory in the country, it doesn't even climb to the edge of a person's mouth.
The route to bring dried royce mime flowers from the cultivated area into the factory and go from there to other towns is up.
I know where the factory is, but I want to handle this in secret again.
"You can't have a town in the country catch you through a conversation."
At the top of that town, he thinks he's already got his nose pumped.
If you tell us what's going on, you'll either be gripped or tipped off.
"There's only one factory, but security is tight. The building is sturdy..."
It's going to be hard.
If you just want to destroy the factory, you just have to sneak in at night and light the fire, the question is how many people know how to refine it.
"As the workers naturally know, the lookout... you wouldn't know. What about the rest?"
We should still interrogate him. Seems like a lot of trouble though.
Look at the materials examined by Shadow.
"Instead of looking it up, I looked it up...?
The material may not have a surprisingly critical point.
I interrogated the three earlier last night, and once harvested, for three or four months, the next flower cannot be harvested. It seems to be transported to the factory every few months.
It is therefore likely that the information on the devastation of cultivated land will not be found out for some time.
And according to the materials created by the [Shadow], mechanical schemes were applied in various parts of the factory and could not be broken into inside the factory. Can't use it.
"Except there are rumors."
The factory was in a rustled town, and there were several stories written from those who went in and out of it.
The place of work seems to be divided by content and I don't know what is being done in another room.
They spend about a month shading and drying the flowers they collect, removing unnecessary parts of every flower, and much more.
Horse carriages have been seen entering and leaving about twice a month.
There are guards out of sight during the day, and guards are patrolling alternately at night.
And there are mechanical tricks.
"I guess I'm not using a dog because my nose is too good"
There was not a single dog in the cultivated area.
It's easy to bark if you have a strange smell, but maybe you can't introduce it because of the smell of the contraband itself.
"Is this the place for prior information? I hope you understand Harim's purpose here."
The men on the cultivation watch knew nothing about Harim's purpose. He said he was just blindly protecting this place.
"Well, shall we go?"
I thought so and went to Shalazad, and a visitor came to me.
"Leon, it's been a while."
A blind handsome smile attacked me.
"It's been a while. Do you have business in this town, too, Souranist?
No missing teeth existed in the smile of the Souranium manipulator.
Speaking of which, he seems to have healed at some point.
I have heard that tooth chips are stiffened by refining the powder of the seashell.
"Leon, I'm here to see a maniac. Hear you're in this town."
Then he went out somewhere, so he looked around a lot.
"To me?
What is it?
"It's not here..."
Softly looked at me and the Souranium manipulator whispered.
"Her Majesty tells me to destroy the cave leading to 'Paradise'"
"Uh, I was"
There was one over there.
Is the merchant country removing the rubble now?
Because of this, the eyes of the five leaders are poured into the mountains of the ceiling.
Paradise is right in front of you, so I know I'll stick it out.
That's why I decided to wipe out all the contraband routes in the meantime, but when I think about it, cave closure is also an important task.
"Okay. I'll show you around, so let's go together."
"That'll help."
Apparently, the Souranian manipulators tried to get to the base (Konkiki) of the Ceiling Mountains near the Kunikuniku territory because I wasn't there.
I've done something wrong.
"We're going from the southern ocean, so we're going to break through the kingdom of moves. Remember where you are and next time you can go alone"
"Okay. Well, let's go."
Before the destruction of the factory, the destruction of the cave.
Shalazad, we're going to the tunnel.
"I got it!
Me and the Souranians flew in line.
I'm sure the inhabitants of Saul's town will have been surprised.