I crushed the factory with my father last night. [M]
There is no problem. People never saw him, and he went outside of town when he boarded the Shalazad.
I arrived in the town of Saul and slept as I had accomplished.
"... hmm?
The next morning, when I woke up, it was just a little noisy outside.
It is still a busy time in the morning. I guess the noise outside has arrived so far.
"Well, today is the search for Harim. I guess the quickest way to find and hear about Harim Chamber of Commerce people."
If you listen in, you'll find a man in the Chamber of Commerce.
What to do from there.
Ask gently, or catch and interrogate, but I don't want to handicap anyone who isn't involved in the contraband.
"Harim, why don't you tell me you want to see my meeting and ask me where it is, or I'll ask you to take care of it?"
As long as you know where you are, you can infiltrate the night.
When you get out, it becomes a child battle, but if you take the time, you may receive rumors of a factory raid.
Like that, let's go.
He went to the dragon house where Sharazard was located in an attempt to head towards the Canopy Mountains in search of a Harim Chamber of Commerce person.
"... hmm?
Slightly noisy.
Apparently some people are gathered and talking aloud.
"What's up? Can I help you?
I found someone who knows a dragon clerk (Ryumu), so I asked him.
"I heard about it earlier. Apparently, one of the Moon Warcraft Crusades has been destroyed."
"Is Frontline Base the backward support that incorporates the Technological Country method?
"Right. Recently, the Moon Warcraft's range of activities had expanded, so it seemed to be a raid shortly after the decision to move the base backwards. You know, the dragon jockeys and the driven infantry that were there got hit a lot."
"Didn't the dragon notice the approaching Moon Warcraft?
"Sounds like it was a sudden raid. If you do it at a fast rate, even dragons will slow down their response, and if you come to the dokan first, you won't be able to handle it."
"That means it was a large species or something that attacked you?
"I think so"
Original accommodation for dragon jockeys, but many were available near the path of the Yin Moon.
However, these have been kept as narrow as possible and operated with minimal personnel.
Considering the Moon Warcraft raid, it has been assumed that it is better not to be too big.
After the Great Transition, the previous base method ceased to work, incorporating mobile backward support provided by the moving-country during the war.
I have heard that civilians have also employed quite a few in a simple assembly-style facility where a large number of soldiers can also be stationed.
I thought that was moving-country technology, but they attacked it.
"... hmm? What's going on with Mr. Ann?
Ann should be fighting for goodwill between the movers and the dragon kingdoms on the front lines right now.
Is it the bottom line of the driven infantry, although it was the damage that was done initially?
These days, useful operational methods have been knitted out, and they have had a reputation for reducing damage while delivering results.
I heard that a method of warfare was officially adopted against the Moon Warcraft in five driven infantry units.
He said there was damage to a large number of driven infantry in this raid, but not so many troops of driven infantry are coming to Dragon Nation.
Especially if you're on the front lines, you're likely to be Ann's unit.
"What have you done?
The dragon clerk worried and spoke to me.
"Well, do you have any idea where the damaged driven infantry is?
"No... because this story was also just talked about by a dragon jockey who came to deliver luggage"
"Really... when was the raid?
"I hear it was last night."
"Ok...... thank you"
Go to Shalazad's with pleasure.
"Lord, what's wrong? You look pale. '
"No... nothing... nothing."
"Maybe there's been damage to Mr. Ann's troops"
I was saying it myself and my chest was tightened.
'When it comes to Anne... is that your stomach that talks to me a lot?
I nodded.
Unlike Linda and Rosana, Anne used to talk to Sharazard.
Sharazard's reply only arrived with a roar, but Anne was nevertheless happy to hear from him.
"So today I have to... go to the Canopy Mountains and find someone named Halim."
"But maybe Ann's in pain right now."
What should I do? [M]
A directive from Her Majesty the Queen shall deal with Harim.
But if anything happens to Ann...
"Lord, what is bothering you?
"A squad with Mr. Anne in the Moon Warcraft could have been attacked. But I have a directive and I can't go there..."
Is Mr. Ann safe?
You should go.
'If you were attacked, you should go help. I'll be on my way to where Ann and I are. "
But I have a directive.
"Lord! What are you so lost in? If the Lord doesn't go, who will!
"... Huh!? Right."
'Come on, Lord, get on me. Do you know where it is?
"Somewhere on the path of the Yin Moon, so I think you can tell by asking at the lodging halfway up north"
'All right, I'll be there in a minute to help!
"Okay! Shalazad, let's go."
We turned our destination into the path of the moon and flew into the sky.
"What, no problem at all...... guuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"