In the tranquility, I hear a man breathing and footsteps.
Huge shadows loom from behind, but the distance from the man never shrinks.
It seems as if a man is adjusting his distance from a giant shadow by continuing to run at a constant speed.
No, you would be adjusting the facts.
The man sometimes looks back, speeding up or dropping his legs.
He's come pretty far, and he's got ball-like sweat on his man's forehead.
After a while, at the end of the man's sight, I saw a small light.
There is still a distance, but in this dark night its lights were well lit and visible.
Almost there. Almost there.
The man grins at the edge of his mouth.
What a fellow man found was an inactive steel shell while descending.
The steel shell rolling on the earth becomes the Moon Warcraft when a man approaches it.
The man has deliberately approached and guided the Moon Warcraft so far.
Almost there, the Moon Warcraft sets a goal for that light.
The man fell when he made sure the Moon Warcraft was firmly arriving.
Though the dark night is so easy to rinse and fall, a man is not so crude.
I don't know why, but it looks like something hit the back of my leg.
This severe pain may have broken to the bone.
The man stood up, but looked at the pain.
The earth swayed small, and I saw the Moon Warcraft approaching.
"I can't stay like this. We have to run..."
The man drags his hurt leg and runs out.
I ran ten steps and felt like crap. The pain was worse than I thought.
I'm pretty sure there are a few broken bones in the A's.
When I ran ten more steps, I realized I wasn't as fast as I thought.
He seems to be unconsciously sheltering his feet. I can catch up with you like this.
"Just a little more..."
The lights are still far away. That's the light of where people get together.
Two more kilometers or a kilometer away would have caught the attention of the Moon Warcraft.
But as it is, it ends just because I've sacrificed myself.
The man screamed.
It was the four spellmen who had guided the Moon Warcraft.
All destinations are 'front-line bases'.
"I thought I'd take advantage of a dark night without the moon, but you hit it"
Without the moon at the top of the sky, there will be no descent of the Moon Warcraft.
On a night like that, the vigilance also fades.
If you are a moon warcraft that stays on the ground in a steel shell state, look for it and you will find it quite a bit.
The enemy probably used it, but it became right.
I rode on Shalazad's back, and when I found someone to move, I took away my mobility.
We're all surprised to be spellmen, but I guess it's appropriate for a spellman who doesn't rot afterwards to be used for these special operations.
I was able to deal with all four by diving into the darkness and approaching and throwing debris.
And then there's the Moon Warcraft.
Sending the news to "Front Line Base," he responded immediately.
This leaves the Driven Infantry Corps.
"All right, Sharazard. Let's go, too."
"I got it!
We hunt the Moon Warcraft from behind.
Now that the Moon Warcraft is imminent from all directions, if nothing is done, the damage of the driven infantry will increase.
Sharazard was pleased and struck by the Moon Warcraft.
"Now you don't know which one is the bad guy."
The Shalazad, who growls and destroys the Moon Warcraft one after the other, is the devil himself in the dark night.
I admire the fact that a driven infantry often mistakenly strikes as an enemy.
After a while, the Moon Warcraft was destroyed. I wonder if Shalazad defeated half of them.
Thanks to Sharazard's outpouring, the damage was considerably less.
Anne welcomes me back to "Front Line Base" and we rejoice in our reunion.
"So whoever has guided the Moon Warcraft has been caught?
"Of course, sir."
This makes sense for Anne and the people of the moving-country to catch it.
I crushed my toe, so it looks like the driven infantry caught him easily.
The situation is obvious, although we remain silent at present.
By the way, I didn't handle it because I wanted to make sure I was able to speak properly as a witness.
"Leon. Looks like the dragon jockey's back."
They must have caught the merchants who were acting with the spellman.
After I took this one off my feet, I decided to leave it to the other dragon jockeys.
It is impossible to escape a dragon jockey accustomed to patrolling the area, even if he tries to escape on foot.
Brilliant, they were all successfully captured.
"You're about to be interrogated."
"Yes, we have to interrogate them to find out the truth, but it's better than that to prevent a raid"
"Right. Now that their testimony has been obtained, the merchant countries will be put in a predicament, and the same hands will no longer be available, so it will be harder to attack the driven infantry."
This alone saved many crises.
So is Mr. Ann's life.
Besides, I'm really glad I didn't get a crack in the alliance between the movers and the dragon kingdom.
To inform him of the situation, the dragon jockey set out for Wang Du, one horse.
The rest will be manipulated by the Dragon Club and the politicians of Dragon Nation.
Her Majesty, the Queen, while taking the utmost account of the movers, must bump into the interests of the merchants or impose various restrictions.
I don't know if I can get to the mastermind, but I'm wondering if the merchants will be honest with me.
Whatever it is, I honestly want to be happy that one problem has been cleared up.
Anyway, there's too much going on here.