○ The Town of Rayvos, the Devil's Capital, Part 1
That day, in the capital of the demonic kingdom, the first meeting to preside over national politics was held.
Its contents are not leaked outside, and whoever has spoken what is only left in the minutes.
The only people who know what's going on are those who took part there.
Three days after the meeting was held, a number of matters were announced with the approval of the Demon King.
Among them, there was nothing about Dragon Country.
While the war was declared and its response was due, people rumored to each other that they would not have seen a settlement during the meeting. I don't know the truth.
Because the mouths of those who took part in the meeting were strong, and no one divulged their contents.
The war between the two countries is in seven days.
Those in charge of national politics remain silent as the demonic people pray and cover the remaining days.
○ Royal Castle, King of the Kingdom of Kyrda
Farn, king of the kingdom of Kyrda, who reached the age of seventy this year, had cut the country up by trying to whip it to an old body.
The paperwork had accumulated and the shoulders and hips were screaming.
Guests came from outside the mountains where they were planning to give the throne to their son and hide.
Farn was determined not to be able to hide before this challenge, and he sent his son outside, while gathering the country's heavy towns for continuous consultations.
King Prince Revreal, son of Farn, is forty years old.
He had already achieved enough, but it was dangerous for him to go outside the mountains as king.
Let's just say it was an English break that didn't give up the throne beforehand. Therefore he is still the Prince Wang.
Revreals are back in the country, twice before.
All of them are on different dragons.
When he first left, he was a black dragon.
When I came back, I was on a red dragon.
And the second time I came back, I was on a blue dragon.
Farne had the feeling of being stunned by the size and strength of the country as she listened to the outside stories brought to her by her son.
- It's no longer my time.
I began to think that I should leave everything at the helm of the country to my son.
At the same time, I understand what my son can do in the outside world because he has the final decision.
All I need to do is always "bring the story home once" when my son comes back.
This is how my son comes back because he can't make a decision on the spot.
I know that, so I can't give in cheaply.
And Farn thinks.
He said it was good that Dragon Nation was the first to cross the mountain range.
The Dragon Nation tells Revreal without covering up the thoughts of the nations. Revreal tells Farn that.
At least for now, I don't see any lies or deception.
Perhaps it is the insistence of the great power, or the majesty.
Revreal gives me as much knowledge as I want.
I am able to have a good relationship with Dragon Country.
Although there are so many differences in national power, it is also helpful that you are in a reciprocal position of alliance.
They also agreed that the opening up of the country would be avoided as far as possible, with the exception of territorial development, which presupposed food security, when they found that the Kingdom of Kyrda did not want radical change.
Firstly, only the exchange of goods.
It was then decided to be free to come and go when the time came while we had human exchanges.
Either way, now that we can't get in and out of anything other than the special dragon in the dragon kingdom, maybe we think that's fine.
As for agricultural land development, they want it to take place entirely on the initiative of the Dragon Nation and slowly become a continental food pantry.
Only one point has Dragon Nation made a clear demand.
Only about that, Farn acknowledges, because he knew Dragon Nation wouldn't pull it off.
Even a single dragon can destroy this castle and other places without complete skin.
Farne believes it is the way to survive to spot the other person's inalienable and avoid negotiating there.
So far, that's going well.
Reports have already come that the settlers have started the opening.
I don't know what's going to happen to this country from now on, but there's no other way to live with it than there's a way out.
Then we should be more friendly than hostile.
King Farn took a breath rubbing his elaborate shoulders. The paperwork is still there.
We should let our son go to Dragon Nation for a while longer and let him take over this country after he has let us see the view outside.
You still have to work hard to do that.
To think so, he was a fan who felt that the power that should have withered would come back.
○ Town of Rayvos, the Devil's Capital Part 2
Three days before the moon changed. On that day, the Dragon Nation Army assembled its troops near the border.
Having heard the story from the pedestrians who had fled the streets, the demon people began to put together household tools to lock up at home or escape.
Rumors call for rumors, when people who panic also start appearing in the town of Rayvos.
Finally, there was an official announcement from the Demon King.
- Today, the Devil Nation made the decision to accept the request of the Dragon Nation
That means accepting to come under the control of the Dragon Nation.
The war was averted.
It was even unwillingness, but given the safety of the people, the announcement continued to be made that they would drink that demand.
People rumored to each other that they would no longer be able to retain their stature as a nation, but that they would not lose their native land and scatter it all over the place, as they once did.
Exchangers take their place and the country name changes.
We don't know if our lives will get better or worse, but that's something new rulers would know if they gave it to me.
Let us rejoice that the war has now been averted. Such an atmosphere dominated the capital town.
In fact, until the announcement of the Demon King, we were all worried about where we were going to escape, that's all.
If the city of Rayvos had not become the capital, so much so that some would have spewed a curse.
As the war was averted and optimistic stories dominated, certain rumors were also told in secret. That's...
- It seems that those who opposed the surrender ran off.
That made it impossible to get enough votes to make important decisions, delayed resolutions and late announcements.
The rumor was disputed and later forgotten about people's avoidance of war.
On this day when the Demon King's announcement was made, the same contents were also delivered to the Dragon Nation.
Dragon Country also received it immediately.
With this day, the demonic kingdom vanished.