Afterwards, he spent time in paradise while hunting for the Moon Warcraft, and at the request of Sister Sillu, working in the King's Capital.
Residents of the Wang capital also began rumouring that Her Majesty the Queen was preparing a large-scale operation to eliminate the dominant species.
Somewhere, the information must have flown.
It seems that the big frame of the operation has been set and a voice call to each side has begun, so maybe it's time for rumors to circulate.
This operation seems to be a plan to leave the soldiers and dragon jockeys of Wangdu Defense behind to mobilize the dragon jockeys who are temporarily deploying on the path of the Yin Moon. At least that's what I hear.
They're desperately thinking of "winnable operations" by the great people of the country and smart people right now.
Even for me, I'm in favor of crusading dominant species, and I know it would be a little quicker if I were to do it.
The question is, is it possible to pull that leg?
The days passed early, and what was decided at the meeting held the other day was carried out.
It is the recruitment of dragon jockeys to participate in the operation.
Together with small and medium-sized dragons, they solicited five hundred horsemen of hope.
Me and the Souranium jockey are not in the number because I joined them from the beginning. [M]
"Actually, I guess that's about half of it."
When I talked to the Souran maniac, he said that.
Until we build the first front-line base, it looks like we're going to have to work hard besides the selected members.
Wedge in as deep as possible in the Moon Warcraft's ruling area and use it as a base there.
Our selection members will reside there and head to where the dominant species are located.
While eliminating obstruction along the way, we are likely to see the opportunity for a special attack from outside the range of dominant species.
"We'll end up splitting up into a few groups and messing with the dominant species and their surroundings."
"Do you have to go that far and be careful?
"Failure is an unacceptable activity. I'm told to be careful and don't move until we have a chance to win."
Souranium manipulators seem to have already blown out.
"I took 2,000 horsemen to the showdown, but that was reckless."
According to Charazard, we pushed it in numbers, but the guardian dragon that was supposed to defeat the dominant species - the attribute dragon as we speak here - has taken the lead.
Charazard is strong, indeed, and Tarvelli has not lost.
But if those attribute dragons hurt but pave the way, leading and penetrating, they are worn out when they reach the source of the dominant species.
Then he says no.
Wang Du's government research institute (think tank) seems to share the same opinion, and by daring to build a throwaway stone, he is trying to increase the success rate of the operation.
That splits both the Dragon National Congress and the Dragon Club as "necessary sacrifices".
That's what they've had many arguments about.
On top of that, they recruited the hopeful.
The deadline is twenty days after the start of recruitment.
I don't know how much it's going to come, but with a little advance information but it was circulating among dragon jockeys, they all understand the situation thinly.
"Recruitment has already begun, and this operation cannot be pulled off later. And if you don't succeed in one go, this continent will be ruled by the Moon Warcraft"
I had to snort in the serious face of the Souranian maniac, too.
Like that, when my attention was geared to dominant species and invasion operations, something terrible was going on outside Dragon Nation.
It's been quite a while since I found out about it.
It was information from Sirle's sister, who I see regularly.
"What, are you wiped out?!?
Dragon Nation is now engaged in various investigative activities in the Tengu Mountains.
That he was purely poorly knowledgeable because of his previous lack of interest.
The presence of 'Paradise' within the Ceiling Mountains increased its importance.
Dragon Nation, as part of its national policy, had put a large number of personnel into the Ceiling Mountains.
Even so, the Canopy Mountains are wide and large. And deep and steep.
The investigation itself did not go as far as I thought.
But such a fold, a group of investigators, discovered traces of people in places where there was no footprint.
The Canopy Mountains are a place where ferocious beasts still live.
A large number of people with weapons are also involved.
Even as they followed people's tracks, they lost touch. No one came back.
When a suspicious investigator heads to the scene, he will see a large number of bodies.
And the investigators also became the ones who did not return.
"The investigators kept a log, so I knew what was going on."
"But if you don't know who did it to you and why, so be it."
Sirl, your sister nodded.
Because investigators won't be returning to base camp for long, other groups said they went looking for it and found it.
Investigators' bodies and luggage were transported to the foot by Feilong, where they were to find out the cause of death.
From a doctor's point of view, it was poison that was used.
There seems to be no certainty because there are no signs of suffering, but he said it would be an immediate poison.
Before they even noticed it, they said they had been poisoned.
Traces of people found in the Canopy Mountains.
the annihilation of those who followed it.
It's already been over ten days since that happened.
"I'd like to be strict about breaking into the king's capital, but he's running out of people."
Now is just a time when there are not enough people.
And new things are starting to happen.
"Well, maybe the King's Capital also has its poison in it,"
The identity of the person who killed the investigator. If you're not a dragon country person, the answer is squeezed.
Merchant of the merchant country. Moreover, a single line of Halim currently being arranged is thick.
That's why your sister tells me the story.
"Well... maybe Harim came to King's Capital"
Harim disappeared into the Canopy Mountains. I didn't know why.
If Harim had headed to the Canopy Mountains to collect a powerful poison, he would naturally use it.
And the most effective part is where there are a lot of people.
Therefore, the "shadow" of the Dragon Nation falls under the utmost vigilance.