○ Evereal Souran, the former capital of the Moon Squad
A line of moon squadrons headed for the dominant species crusade was well under way after leaving the bridge headquarter.
That does not include the damage of dragon jockeys.
Success means that something unexpected did not happen.
But things have changed since Evereal arrived.
The Moon Warcraft was waiting.
To call it a coincidence, it's too readily available.
Moon Warcraft, including numerous large species, was hidden.
"I'll take this place. You two go ahead."
Souran Depoy told him so and stayed on the spot.
There are two reasons.
For one thing, it needed pure combat power.
If you don't join us here, the Moon Warcraft will wipe out all its members, not far away.
By then, there were many moon warcraft that appeared.
And another reason.
"... they don't like detailed work."
My fellow dragon jockeys are also fighting nearby.
Sharazard and Tarvelli are not fit to fight together. Every move is too powerful.
Souran thought about these things and chose to stay.
"For that matter, it will be hard for them alone to deal with the dominant species. We have to hurry up."
Blue Dragon attribute moves are an indelible flame.
This flame, where it was watered, makes no sense. It really doesn't disappear.
And melt anything, rock or dirt.
The flames thrown up by the Blue Dragon continued to burn on the spot, leaving the other dragon jockeys out of the vicinity.
In terms of annoyance, Blue Dragon may not be that different again.
Souran drove the Blue Dragon and decided to take on a large species.
Hi, compared to Sharazard, Blue Dragon's own combat experience seems inferior.
This cannot be bridged by the skill of dragon manipulators, and Souran can have teething thoughts.
"I don't know how much you hate the Moon Warcraft..."
I had that impression when I saw Shalazad deal with the Moon Warcraft.
I can't help but hate and hate. I can't help but destroy it. That's what you can see from the side.
The elderly must be stoppers so that this battle does not run wild.
That's what Souran had in mind.
"Again, let's get on with it"
Having finished defeating a large species, Souran sees other dragon jockeys.
"It's okay here. Please go."
"There are still many Moon Warcraft left, though."
"We'll do something about that. Please, defeat the dominant species and free the land."
It is said that if a dominant species falls, there will be no more dominant areas.
Within the Dominant Area, the life span of the Moon Warcraft has been found to be endless.
Usually, the moon warcraft that started the activity can only move for about half a month.
To use up the energy stored in the moonstone in your body.
That is replenished under the dominant areas.
The Moon Warcraft, which will remain in motion for ever, is a threat.
That's why we have to defeat the dominant species.
"... ok. I'm going."
"Yes, defeat the dominant species. That's our wish together."
"Be sure to knock him down"
Souran left the occasion to fly in pursuit of the preceding Leons.
At that time, a tremendous shock wave hit me.
"Are you fighting a dominant species? But what is this? It doesn't even look like a Tarvelli attribute move... an attack on a dominant species?
Apparently, dominant species have many hidden moves.
"Well, then it won't be too soon."
Souran flew towards the one who generated the shock wave.
○ Fight against dominant species Leon
"Senior Leon, is Mr. Sharazard okay?
Sharazard was pierced by a long-range attack. There is damage.
But I knew that before we started fighting.
An unharmed victory is unlikely.
Therefore, I asked Shalazad in advance.
"Oh, my God, I've had three or four shots of that."
"Is that true? Don't be ridiculous, I'll be in trouble later."
'No problem. I can tell because I've already eaten it several times. There is nothing I can do about it in about three or four shots.... Well, let's endure up to five shots. I don't know if I'm gonna get past that. "
"Okay. Five shots is the limit."
There was such a conversation.
It was for that reason that he continued his attack even after eating a ranged attack.
The Moon Warcraft is now spinning under Tarvelli's attribute moves.
"Charazard, please be big"
"Aye, okay!
When it comes to big attribute moves, it's Thunderballs.
A sphere of thunder appeared over Shalazad's head.
The bees and 'thunderballs' grew just bouncing.
I'm not only charazard, I'm also charged.
Thank you. I think I've recently developed a strong resistance to lightning.
Of course.
'Thunderballs' burst into the belly of a dominant species whose rotation had already slowed, and the bright light spread towards the night sky.
I would have seen enough from afar.
A giant pillar of light rose heavenly high.
"Senior Leon, how did it go?
"Well... I don't see any weaknesses so far."
Why are Annella and I repeating a single attack?
This is because we are looking for weaknesses in the dominant species.
The body of the dominant species is very stiff, even if it punches in a special attack.
He was therefore going to look for weak defenses and slam a fierce attack there.
But no weaknesses have been found in previous attacks.
"Weaknesses... it doesn't seem like it's your back"
"Yeah. But the chest plate's pretty thick, too."
Are you protecting the heart, the breastplate of the dominant species looks like strong armor.
"Do you want to attack some more?
"I hope the dominant species will wait that long."
Even after receiving Sharazard's "Thunderballs," I could only earn a little time.
The dominant species rose up.