○ King Dragon Metropolitan City
One person after another falls.
Some hold their breasts, while others hold their throats.
Everyone complains of breathlessness uniformly and falls as-is.
Seek a doctor, people run around town at night.
The night patrol doesn't know what to do and asks the castle.
But the castle remains silent.
"What's going on, dude?"
"Hey, hold on!
"Mother! Somebody help Mother!
The cries of the inhabitants of the king's capital were sucked into the night sky, and earthly sounds were heard from afar as new victims were about to be born.
"Is that a dragon's footsteps?
Someone whispered so.
Not one or two heads.
The footsteps of a dragon over ten sounded.
The inhabitants of the town exhale in relief as they reliably see the dragon passing by their side.
He said he'd be relieved if they came.
There is no basis. But that's all the dragon people trust about dragons and dragon jockeys.
But when they saw the passing dragon jockey, people leaned their necks.
"Where is that uniform?
All who live in the Wang capital can say that they are fans of dragon manipulators.
The dragon jockeys do not match their memories.
"I thought I knew it all..."
The general public is also well aware of dragon jockeys because it is very helpful to be able to identify them in a uniform.
This is the capital of the king. It is a place where dragon jockeys gather from all over the dragon country.
Those who wondered about uniforms they had never seen continued.
Meanwhile, an army of loyalists (Royal Legion) hastened to the king's capital, seeing the suffering townspeople, divided the army further into two parts.
One goes straight to the Royal Castle.
The other is to pinpoint this cause and eliminate the enemy.
"The poison is probably being used. Everybody, cover your mouths."
That's what one of the dragon jockeys shouted all over town.
People are falling by the side of the road. That seemed dotted.
All we have in common is that we "stayed here" or so.
Then the first thing I suspect is poison.
And it would be something with immediate effect.
While on the back of a dragon walking around town, the dragon jockeys thought.
It was poison that was used, everyone hasn't found it yet.
"Tell Fei Long. Nothing on earth is causing the poison."
Sprinkled as poison, where it was and how it spread.
If it was placed in an alley, the damage would be worse in the vicinity.
But as far as we can tell, the poison is spreading all over town.
This indicates that there are multiple sources of occurrence, and that they are in a difficult place to find.
"There was! It's on the roof."
There was a report from Fei Long.
They found a small light leaking on the roof.
What I found was a black vessel.
It burns the poison, and its smoke seems to be flowing quietly into the wind.
"There must be something else. Search the roof around the most damaged areas. And water. Put some water on it and turn it off."
The order was immediately executed.
The poison was smoking (dull) as though it were a lot of fire, scattering smoke around the area.
Feilong took the water from the rain barrel on the waterway and at the end of the house and dropped it from the top of the poison.
All the poisons I discovered were on the roof.
A vessel presently over twenty was discovered and immersed in water.
Recovery will be good in the morning. But the dragon jockeys go to one fact.
"Why didn't Wang Du's Shadow notice this?
At night, night patrols tour the king's capital.
At the same time, [Shadow] also told him to pass on the roof and move.
Something you can find right away, such as a conspicuous vessel on the roof.
"... have you moved in a separate case or have you already been terminated?
Why the shadow is not on the roof of the king's capital.
To that end, one of the dragon jockeys tightened himself up.
This raid is massive and ready to go.
Now, the executor seems cautious enough not to show up.
"Leave the sky to Fei Long, we restore security. Kill the enemy as soon as you find him."
A group of loyal legions (Royal Legion) have not carried out the activities previously tabulated.
But that's not synonymous with inactivity.
Together with their rigorous training, they have built up training for interpersonal, anti-moon warcraft.
A group of talented, dragon-grabbing, and untrained people. That is the loyal legion (Royal Legion).
If they meant it like that, even if they were struck by surprise, they had enough skill to deal with it.
A flying tool was unleashed, targeting a dragon maniac riding on the back of a dragon.
Playing it, one of the dragon jockeys laughed.
"Finally Found It"
It was the dawn of a battle staged on the King's Capital.