○ Dragon King Du

A wide passage behind the royal palace.

That's the only way to contact Her Majesty's door.

"... are you here"

One of the "shadows" there whispers.

They heard the noise of contention from the outside.

"Is this... a raid?

Kristan cleared his ears still.

Everyone nodded a little. faintly, the sound is coming through.

A soldier defending the castle is fighting the raiders. That would be the place.

"I was trying to lure the Shadow out to protect this place, and I wonder if it had the math to attack it."

"Well, I guess so. We didn't leave, so I think we cut the numbness."

According to Halui, the successive falls of the people of the King's Capital, beginning with the fire riots in the town, would be a trap that would diminish the security of the Royal Palace.

Already the perimeter of the castle is surrounded by enemies, and if you go out to see how it goes, you will be targeted there.

If the scouts don't come back, we have to roll them out one after the other to get information.

That way, after isolating the outside and inside of the royal palace, he would intend to reduce the "shadow" inside.

The enemy's aim is not the townspeople, but only the queen.

We all understood that we were ready to achieve our goal of defeating the Queen and that we had finally put that into action.

"What about your father-in-law?

"Speaking of which... you don't see 'Reaper'"

Kristan and Sill tilt their necks.

"I didn't go to defeat the Raiders..."

"You were here earlier, weren't you? But I don't think he's the type to take the lead."

It's a pretty awful thing to say.

The other Shadows don't really care.

Originally, as personnel, the Kristans were not in.

"I'm talking about your father-in-law, so I don't think you have to worry."

"I wonder if you went to Her Majesty's room."

If you do poorly, you're stronger than everyone else here.

"Her Majesty's room is stretched by the physical junction. I can't imagine going out of my way."

"I guess I didn't even go to add something for you... I wonder where it really is"

Unlocking a physical bond takes time, and there's no point in breaking a bond with power.

Then Sills wondered where he had gone, but it was gone.

And the noise of contention came nigh.

"Well, I wonder if anyone can get this far"

I don't know.

The Royal Palace of Dragon Nation is robust.

Still no example of a broken in thief coming out safely...

○ Dragon Royal Castle

It was those belonging to a minority on the continent, including the spellmen, who were attacking the castle.

There is no place to call home, but those who think they are in temporary abode.

The country is interested and disappears.

Those thrown out in the process have no sense of belonging to the current dragon kingdom.

And some of them have lost their way because of the destruction of the demonic kingdom.

Many of them have a deep hatred for the dragon kingdom.

The direct cause of the country's disappearance is the descent of dominant species.

From there, the demonic kingdom disappeared to be half-destructed without ever standing back.

Not many people can break this off as "inexorable."


Neugen Naughton, who directs the castle guards, gives appropriate instructions with the castle structure in mind.

Already under Neugen, the state of the town had been delivered.

I also understand that the organized crime has led to many soldiers and "shadows" outside the castle being hunted.

This is the first large-scale invasion in a long time.

That's why I guard the castle dead no matter what. That was Neugen's job, as well as his insistence.

We intercepted the raiders with many soldiers lying low.

I train assuming to fight in the castle every day.

It is not the number of things, such as those who first set foot here.

Neugen didn't even pay attention to the enormous consequences that came up from his men, but gave further instructions.

"Destroy them."

The number of raiders had decreased visibly.

○ Dragon King Du

The plan for the raid on the Dragon King's capital was elaborated.

This was drawn up by Fustra of "Makuno (Bukya)".

In view of the current strength of the war, a new correction has been made.

Originally, the strength in the castle should have been halved in the phase of attacking the royal castle.

There are several reasons why it didn't go as expected, but the biggest one would be the presence of unidentified reinforcements.

If there are indiscriminate and massive incidents of residential casualties, the castle will have to deal with them.

During a long night, deciding to ignore is of no benefit just to expand the damage to jail.

So I don't know what stage it is, but I thought it would be something where a large number of soldiers would come out of the castle or the townspeople would become refugees and push them to the castle.

But how did it actually go?

A group of dragon jockeys from outside the town instantly recovered the poison they planted.

And they began hunting the raiders that were scattered throughout the city.

It is a miscalculation.

The damage to the townspeople was going to be much more, and it should have expanded in scope.

But before the damage spread, it ceased, and the companions who were hiding were found and hunted one after the other.

The companions were scattered all over the town in such a way as not to be conspicuous.

No matter how good you are, you can't fight dragons alone or in small numbers.

A group of dragon jockeys who finished handling the poison went for the royal palace.

The raiders got in a hurry.

If you let it run, the plan itself goes crazy.

Split half of the soldiers kept warm for the royal palace raid, one into the castle as planned.

The other had to make it to the dragon jockey's foothold.

You just didn't reduce the power of the Dragon Nation, or this one got the soldiers dichotomous.

As long as it's bitter, but let the dragon jockeys like it any more, they'll never be able to attack again tonight.

It was too early to start the raid, but it was an unscrupulous decision.

It is the spellmen, mercenaries and the old demon people who have gathered in this raid.

It also includes a handful of wizards and members of the Demon Nation's assassination organization. It is a mixed unit.

With the devastation of the capital of the demonic kingdom, many talented people have died.

Many of the assassination groups are also headquartered in the Devil's Country Capital, which was heavily damaged.

This time, I gathered it and put it in.

Once we make a raid, we can't go back later.

Until one of us is killed, that goes on.