It's a long way to the Wang capital.
If you can fly in Charazard, you can fly alone, but now it's time to heal your injuries.
Besides, Mr. Ann, there are all the driven infantry soldiers and all the Dragon Nation soldiers.
Except for the dragon jockey, he'll follow us in the carriage, so I can't just go home first.
"Well, I guess a trip like this would be nice"
I was always on a challazad when I went away these days, so this is how I didn't even go about relaxing with the view around me.
"Oh, I see it. Wang Du."
Someone at the beginning said.
Then everyone exclaims "oh" or "oh" if it propagated.
As we approached the king's capital, several dragons arrived.
"Welcome back. The parade is ready in the Wang capital. Keep it up."
I was informed beforehand, but do you still do it?
"Please tell me you understand."
That's what the Souranian manipulators answer on behalf of.
The parade runs down Wangdu Avenue, called "The Dragon's Back".
The road has been expanded so that even large dragons can pass.
If you don't use it when this is the case, it will feel like when you will use it.
We did the 'parade' as prompted.
The crowd was amazing. They all greeted us with great cheer.
Meanwhile, we looked... like wreckers.
Ten days or so, injuries can't be healed.
Broken bones don't stick, they're a queue full of bandages.
Even sharazard and turveli are full of holes.
It wouldn't be hard to imagine that it was a fierce battle.
After you have walked down the main road, the return ceremony begins at the Royal Castle.
Even so, there are many injured people, so it's a simplified one.
The prince praised us and worked hard for us.
Come to think of it, this is all in the hands of a prince. Nominally the general representative.
We inform the Prince of our return and will be dissolved once and for all.
I hear the party is planned, but it's like a wreck. We need time to get familiar. Later, they're going to have a big event.
After the return ceremony, we dragon jockeys head to the Dragon Field.
Mr. Ann stays in the castle, so it's a temporary farewell.
Annella seems to be heading to the college.
Speaking of which, I was still a grad student.
Everyone else has a place to go.
"Thank you all for your hard work. This is dissolution."
In the words of the Souranian manipulators, we finally felt liberated.
"Leon, I heard you. Looks like it worked."
"Ark! Long time no see."
When I broke up with Sharazard at the dragon court and headed to the room to which it was addressed, there was an arc.
Apparently Ark was protecting people from the Moon Warcraft all the way in the town of Hewler after graduating from college.
"I applied to the Moon Squad, too, but they jumped me."
"It's only a rule, you can't have a new graduate."
"That's right. I didn't even get the paperwork because I didn't meet the rules."
"A new graduate of the academy has a proven track record, so you can get back out."
"He said some of his senior dragon jockeys fell into the lottery, so even if he wasn't a new graduate, he might not have been able to... congrats on that. You made another name for yourself in history."
"That's not what I'm going to do, but I have a sharazard. We have to do what we have to do."
"So the world was saved…? Speaking of which, you know what? About Her Majesty's private dragon squad."
"Hmm? I don't know, it's"
"When Wang Du was in danger, there was a group of dragons that appeared out of nowhere. Actually, it was an army of dragon jockeys that Her Majesty had secretly organized. That's why he showed up in the capital and kicked the intruders."
Ark said excitedly.
By the way, isn't that about the loyal army (Royal Legion)?
"Well, that's amazing"
"Right? Remember what I said before? Talk about the old King's capital, northeast of Hewler."
"Are we talking about a dragon going in and out of the closed Old King's Capital?
"Yes, Her Majesty's private dragon squad was rooting there. I can't find him."
Well, did Ark finally find out?
"I'm glad you solved all these mysteries."
"Oh, I knew you remembered. That's right, I knew there was something over there. Besides, it's in the path of the shady moon over there, close to the demonic kingdom. I thought Her Majesty had a lot in mind."
Rumors of the invasion of Wangdu have been heard even over there.
I heard there was less damage, but the loyal legions (Royal Legion) seemed so stuffed with cuts.
"I see, you really do.... So why did Ark go to King's Capital?
"I can't help it, my love dragon got hurt. I came here because I needed medical attention for a while. We can rehab here."
He finally thought he'd see me, too.
"Was it? How's the dragon?
"Oh, the injury will be fully healed soon. I guess I'm getting used to it one by one."
After all, the rest of us weren't playing either.
He was desperately protecting Dragon Nation after the Moon Squad left.
"Then will we talk today for a long time? I have a story to tell."
"I'm fine, but is Leon okay?
"I'm still tired, but I'm not hurt."
"Okay, if that's the case, why don't we warm up our old relationship for a while. I'll tell you what I've been up to."
Thus me and Ark, for a really long time, became intrigued by a stupid story that was no different from the old days.