Ryuugoroshi no Sugosuhibi

Exposed to dragons, dumped.

There is one man in the dark woods. Late in the night, when birds and animals sleep, they travel discreetly by sneaking a black coat together in their footsteps. The smaller the noise, the quicker I turn my gaze towards you, the more attentive I am to my surroundings. Looks like he's running away from who and hiding.

The wind blowing in from across the forest mixes the smell of the tide with the small sounds of the waves. At one point, a deviation occurred in the interval at which the waves struck. that. The man didn't care if it was a high wave, he kept moving his legs forward. But then I heard something fall into the sand, and I stopped.

Stand still in the direction where the noise sounded. But the trees interrupted me and I can't see the beach very well.

The man thought a little and drew some conclusions. Change direction, feet head to the beach.

"What is this?

A man who was quiet accidentally leaked his voice. At the end of the man's gaze, there was something like a human being bursting from his head into the sand. I didn't think of the sight I saw for the first time in my life, and I leaked a confused voice.

"Do you want to pull it out for now? That's what he told me."

The man grabs and pulls the human foot he's poking at. I guess I found out that people who are poking are also being pulled, pushing their arms and trying to get sand or body out.

Are you glad it was you two, pull it out right away, and a sandy young man shows up.

"Thank God."

The rescued man sits down on the sandy beach looking relieved. When I breathed, I turned to the man who lent me a hand.

"I don't know who it is, but thanks for your help"

"You're welcome.

I'd like to ask you how you ended up in that situation. "

The man who helped looks at the whole body of the man who helped him again.

Looking only at the clothes, it was traveller-style, but there was no luggage, and it was hard to imagine how that situation had turned out.

"You can ask me something, too.

I'll just say my name before I do. My name is Kosuke, and I'm a traveler on my way back to Sebsic. "

Yusuke sees the man in front of him as a little older than himself, and responds with polite language.


Here the man stops the words. Open your mouth again, even if it makes you feel a little lost.

"I'm Shyte. We're on our way to Mount Mubarant. I heard a loud noise from the beach, and I was curious, and I had you."

"Mount Mubarant? Where is this place?

"You don't know? This is the northern part of the Ezembian continent, the Duchy of Calibarette."

"Ezembia... is it south of the continent of Calhoud?

"It is. Could it be you're from Calhoud?

Yusuke nods.

To Yusuke, who is in a detached direction to return to Sebsic, Shayt questioned whether he was directional tone-deaf.

It's a little cold to talk on the beach like this, so the two of you tell us why you're here as you travel.

Yusuke puts it out in his mouth as he remembers how he was until he got here.

The three Yusuke, who left the port of Calhoud, continued their voyage smoothly without suiting the storm or anything else.

The ship on board is a medium-sized passenger ship with three sails, similar to a carabel ship. There are sixty passengers and sailors on board. It was a ship that lacked stability, unlike modern Japanese ships, and had never changed except that Wiale showed a little drunkenness.

On the fourth day after leaving, Yusuke, who had no time to do so, was on the deck trying to stay in the sunbathing.

"Weare, I was here"

"I feel better in the wind than in the room."

The drunkenness seems to have healed and Wiale answers with joy.

"Maybe the anti-drunkenness pills worked too."

There was always medicine on board, although it was paid for intoxicating guests. Ellis reminded me of those pills and asked the sailors to sell them.

"I'm sure a bigger ship would shake less."

Yusuke remembers that the ferries he had ridden several times often did not shake.

"Really? I've been on a boat since this started, so I don't know anything about it.

Speaking of which, what's Mr. Koske doing on the deck?

"I thought I'd take a nap while I was free."

"It's a beautiful day, and that might be nice."

Is it for sailors or some of those sleeping chairs you can roll over. Nobody's using it now, so you should be able to use it if you say no.

Tell the sailor cleaning the deck, then Kosuke heads that way. Wiale must have thought of taking a nap, too, following Kosuke.

I sat in a chair and when I tried to close my eyes, I heard a loud voice coming from over my head.

He was going up to the watchtower of the mast and the sailors who were watching his surroundings had found the anomaly in the distance and had cautioned him.

"Didn't you say sea dragon?

"That's what I heard too"

The two rise from their chairs and head to the edge of the deck where the crowd is gathered.

There were giant snake-like creatures in the direction that many people pointed at. You're still supposed to be far away, but you can tell it's huge. Yusuke rubbed her eyes wondering if her sense of proximity had gone mad, but it never changed in size.

Someone says that's a blue sea dragon. Indeed, the dragon at the end of his gaze wears a blue scale.

"Aren't you going to run away or stop not to irritate me?

Yusuke wonders about the sailors who are noisy but not scared.

Asking the sailors nearby about it, they returned a response that they would never approach the ship unless they attacked the sea dragon, convinced them that they were calm. I guess the sailors are sailing and going through it many times.

"I've never seen a dragon other than a black dragon"

Wiales The people of the Kingdom of Pirials have seen the dragons flying over their heads several times. We were frightened many times when we would attack where we were. So I can still see the colour of fright in Wiale's gaze, even though I know it's not a black dragon.

"I've never lived a dragon before."

Because of this, the two of them look at the sea dragon. It's the first time for Wiale to see a dragon with emotions other than fear, and her gaze doesn't come off the dragon even though she can pull her hips a little.

"Is that it?"

Yusuke tilts his neck. Yusuke's excellent vision captures the change in the movement of the sea dragon.

The sea dragon's neck turned in the direction of the ship and changed course.

"What's going on?

"The motion of the sea dragon..."

"Movement? Oh, are you here?

Wiale sees a dragon that looks somewhat bigger, and I wonder if it's getting closer.

"You're not attacking me, are you? Why are you here?

I ask Yusuke with a slightly mixed voice of anxiety, but Yusuke doesn't have an answer either and I can't answer it.

The sailors also notice this change and the upset gradually spreads.

Just because an organism that size comes close, it could be rocked by waves and the ship could sink.

I can hear voices everywhere discussing what to do with this situation. One runs to inform the captain, one tries to adjust the sail in order to leave at all, and one goes right and left without thinking.

Ellis, along with the other guests, came to the two as he was invited by the noise on the deck.

"What causes the noise?"

Keep your gaze off the sea dragon, Ellis says as convinced.

Yusuke agreed and nodded.

"That's it."

"Did someone do something stupid to attack you?

"No, nobody did that. They're getting closer somehow."

"I don't know what's going on. Flying magic is too far from land to be used. Enough time to use metastatic magic?

Ellis' thoughts are skewed away because he knows the dragon's strength is stained. You wouldn't think to fight it by mistake. I'm not ready to fight. When I challenged the Black Dragon, I was well prepared before I went. So I didn't manage to die.

"Why are you both calm down!?

Wiale is surprised by Yusuke and Ellis, who seem to be relaxing and talking.

"Because there's nothing I can do?

"It is. If I had to, I'd run away into the air with flying magic."

Even the most powerful shield magic I can use now is unlikely to withstand the touch of my body. We both know that. All I had to do was take Wiale and think she was going to flee to the sky. Then I don't think about the rest.

Five hundred, three hundred sea dragons approaching, who were a kilometer away. The waves are rough proportional to the distance and the ship begins to shake.


Grabbing the arms of Wiale and Ellis, who are about to fall, Kosuke supports them. Yusuke himself maintains a good balance even on the rocking ship and has no way of falling.

The approaching sea dragon slows down gradually and stops about fifty meters away. Then the waves heal, and the boat shakes are gone.

"It's big."

Let go of the two arms, Kosuke looking up at a sea dragon bigger than the ship. The bodies under the water would also be bigger than black dragons when combined. Just being there has an atmosphere that makes you think humans can't beat you. It's not weird to pass out if you're weak.

The others also look in awe and silence at the sea dragons they see at their first distance. Only Yusuke and Ellis can afford it.

I can't feel any hostility from a sea dragon. It will be because of that that we are not all in a state of panic.

The sea dragon's eyes move to explore something, and Yusuke and I stop looking up at each other.


Yusuke receives the feeling that her body is pulled. And it gets stronger and stronger. I haven't moved my legs, but they move me to the edge. Yusuke himself is stepping on his feet to stop, but he can't stop. Wiale, who returned to me, pulled his hand, but lost his strength, and Ellis magically interfered, but he was bounced.

"Are you calling me?

With no hostility, Kosuke turns to Wiale and Ellis, concerned about letting himself be at his disposal. It may be an inadvertent decision, but it is also the only way to do so than to resist the power of pulling.

"I'm going for a minute. I'll manage to get home on my own."

"I know there's no hostility, but the purpose is clear. Be very careful."

"Yeah. Wiale looks worried like that, too. But it's okay"

Kosuke, speaking to Wiale, who is unable to say anything with a crying face, is floating away from the edge and being pulled into the sea dragon. It is lowered straight to the top of the head of the sea dragon.

Did it serve its purpose to obtain Yusuke, the sea dragon turned its neck away from the direction of the ship and began to move. We started moving at high speed and the ship rocked quite a bit.

But there was nothing to overthrow, and the sailors caressed their breasts with relief. While wondering why he took one of his guests, he begins an investigation to find out if there are any anomalies on the ship.

We finish the inspection in about an hour and start sailing again. There will be no more happenings like that just now, it will be eight days before the demons of the sea strike them. Apparently most of them thought a little about quitting sailors.

Wiale and Ellis are still looking at the direction of the sea dragon's departure, even after there are fewer people off the deck. Wiale wholeheartedly wished Yusuke well and wondered how Ellis got it. After they were completely blind to the sea dragon, the two went back to their rooms.

Yusuke, who was moved to the head of the sea dragon, remained fixed to his head and unable to move. It's the head and hands and feet that make you move a little. I guess it's a consideration not to drop it, but it was hard to keep it that way all the time. It is also possible that when immobilization is solved, it may fall. They're traveling at speeds slightly beyond the ship they were on. Kosuke had previously given out about fifty kilometers per hour on a scooter, but it was close to the physical speed at that time.

It was difficult to understand because the surrounding landscape remained unchanged and lacked change, but in fact the speed was well over 100 km. Normally, I can't stand the wind that hits my body, but the sea dragon is somewhat guarded, so I am exposed to about fifty kilometers of wind.

"Hey, where are you going to take me -?

Even though Kosuke doesn't know if he has a response, I'll ask. There was no reaction. It's something I could have predicted, so I can't help but put myself to sleep. I closed my eyes and told him to stay asleep because I was going to take a nap.

Even as Yusuke begins to take a nap, the sea dragon keeps going.

And the night he began to move, Yusuke, who slept, didn't realize he was approaching land, and was thrown ashore, just as he was when he was exposed to dragons.

This is why Kosuke is on the beach.

The change in the waves that Shayt didn't care about was caused by the disturbance in the waves caused by the sea dragon's proximity to the continent. If I had gone to the beach right then, I would have seen the black shadow of a sea dragon in the distance.

As a matter of fact, the sea dragon didn't come after Kosuke. Anyone with strength could have done it. That the powerful person within whom the sea dragon can be felt was just Yusuke.

The reason I got caught is outrageous too. On the Ezembian continent, there are Blue Sea dragon favorites. I was looking for someone who seemed to be able to manage because the person seemed to be in trouble these days. Aokai dragon brought Yusuke in a huge mess of powerful people to think that if he did it near his favorite person, he would be able to do something about it.

There is no way that Yusuke, who has not had a conversation, will know such circumstances, and Yusuke's primary priority is to return to the Sebsic continent. I don't know if there's any reason for this, but there's nothing I can do about it with no hints.

As a Aokai dragon, even if Kosuke fails, I wish he could take another human being.

Kosuke did not talk about the details, but explained them to Shayt while being moderately deluded.

The ship on board was attacked by demons and destroyed. Caught in a tree cut, drifting on the current, bounced off by demons who were in the sea where the land was seen, and so on. It is more credible than the dragon's exposure.

Yusuke unwittingly laughs when she says something good about being able to say that she rode a sea dragon where she rode the current. I thought Shayt was a weird guy for such a pleasure.

Shayt has doubts about Kosuke's explanation. That was drifting, because Yusuke's clothes are not wet. To the extent that it is slightly wet but hit by light rain, it should be possible to stay wetter if you are swimming with your clothes on.

Shayt doesn't point out there. Because we want to get along a little bit.

"That was a mess."


"In that situation, you couldn't even afford food and drinks, could you? You want some because I have a hand?

He says he drifted, so I suggest he hasn't eaten or drank in a few days.

"Are you sure?

"Oh, we're each other when we're in trouble"

Forgetting that there was nothing higher than just it, Kosuke received the suggestion.

It was an easy meal: water, bread and dried meat, but it seemed pretty tasty because I was hungry without dinner.

"What's Koske going to do now?

Ask Yusuke, who filled her hunger and took a breath.


"I guess. But you have money?


Explore Yusuke's nostalgia and release his wallet. What was in it were two silver coins and a few copper coins. I have other money in my bag. The bag is naturally in the boat.

"... I need to earn some travel money before I go home"

The ID card was in my purse, so I'm not uncomfortable accepting requests.

"I need to talk to you about making money, won't you?

"I don't need a lot of money?

I am suspicious of Yusuke I have heard when I was in Japan that if I really make money I would not reveal it to others.

"I know I'm suspicious. Even I'm wary of sweet stories.

But I'm the only one making that kind of money. "

"Wouldn't it make a difference if I joined you?

"But my hunch tells me to take Koske. I think I should come with you.

I have a hunch gift. Me. "

Look, and show me your card and prove you have a gift.

Shayt trusts his gifts. Even when there was ever danger, if you followed a hunch, the injury would never die of what you bear. If that hunch commands you to take him, Shayt leans all nerves toward taking Kosuke.

"You really have it."

Kosuke tipped his neck wondering if his hunch had reacted to the dragon killing.

"... how about listening and judging for now?

"Well, that's fine."

I think it's impossible for Shayt to snort without any information, and I agree with Yusuke's suggestion.

"You'd see a mountain over there, wouldn't you? That's Mount Mubarant, and it's a nest of some demons.

There is a spring near the summit there, which is the source of the river flowing from the mountain. Well, that doesn't matter.

There's a sunny spot just a short distance from the fountain, and there's some kind of herb growing. One of its herbs is the object. Even so, we don't need the herb itself, we need a mixture of blooming flower pollen and morning dew. "

"What effect does it have?"

"Great for your throat"

"Throat? Does that mean someone who wants to go get that have a bad throat?

"No, I didn't do it wrong. My throat is so important, I'm always looking for that potion.

You know what they call the best singing princess in the world? I'm the princess of this country. "

Sasuke shook his head sideways, saying he didn't remember to hear it.

"I'm famous for it.

There's such a person and they need it for that person. So you know that potion is traded at a high price, right?

"If it's expensive, the adventurers are picking it, right?

Shyte stands three fingers.

"I'm always in thin condition for three reasons.

The first. That herb doesn't grow unless it's at height. Second, the amount of pollen mixed with morning dew is low, and the timing is limited. The third. Those mountain demons are one or two ranks above this demon. "

"You mean because of the third, there is no random capture of the adventurers"


I guess Shuit's got a hunch, Yusuke. I am confident that the demons will escape even if they are strong. Brains concluded that water recovery was likely to be possible while fleeing.

Kosuke is troubled. I'm pretty sure I need the money. But you don't have to go for a thousand bucks. You can say no, but something's caught on my mind.

That's what I got food for earlier. The fact that you've been kind makes me hesitant to say no. And for that reason, Shayt was after him. Suddenly asking for it is likely not to be accepted, Shyte expected was hitting his hand.

"... you can go if you want to accept one condition"

"On what terms?

"I don't want to stand out because of a few circumstances. That's why I don't want you to let me know that I'm involved.

In this job, just help and get paid. Now, please. "

Shyte to be a clapped face. It was a lighter condition than I thought.

"That's all? That's fine.

Well, good to see you again. "

"Yeah. Nice to meet you."

The two shook hands head to a nearby village. So to take the fatigue out of Kosuke's drift and get ready to go get the potion water.

"Oh, no. Why would Shayt want to go get the potion? For money, just like me?

"No, I want to see Princess Sing up close."

Shayt, so briefly upset that he could not be enlightened by Yusuke, answered without changing his tone from mediocre.

"Take the potion and you'll meet the singing princess."

"He wants to thank you in person for taking the risk for himself."

"Ho, you're a princess."

"I guess they call me from all over as a singer and I'm out of the country, and I'm not out of the public"

Since the Principality of Calibarette is a small country, Schait believes that he may also be less aware as a royalty.

Shyte doesn't complain about such a situation. It's more convenient as a purposeful shyte because you can meet the royalty in person.

"Oh, I see it. Is that the village you want?

"Yeah, but you looked good. I was pointed out to the point where I finally looked like a jerk.

I still felt confident in my eyes. "

Surprised by Yusuke at night.

'Cause I was confident in my good eye, too.

"It's a fine stunt if you can only see it in this darkness where the moon isn't out."

With the word stunt, Shayt comes to the thought that Kosuke forgot to ask if he had a gift.

But because of Yusuke's words that he didn't want to stand out, he shuts his mouth to try not to pry. Now we definitely need to get some medicinal water. I decided I should stop putting extra cracks in the relationship.