Ryuugoroshi no Sugosuhibi

after the happenings that came with the apprentice

The first day was fruitless.

I also talked to people working in the field and got enough information that there was no damage to the field except once the vegetable fields were vandalized. The damage stopped because when I fixed the field, I could harvest it early if the damage didn't happen again, so that there were no vegetables left in the field. I guess there were no more errands in the field where I ran out of food to eat.

Back in the village at dawn, this time the three of them head in the direction in which the witness testified.

The three of them decided that the spot they witnessed was frivolously skewed and that maybe there was a nest over there.


The two stop at Yusuke's voice.


Jerm asks briefly.

"There are two, bigger demons in this direction"

The two of you stare in the direction of Kosuke's fingers, but you can't see anything.

Still, I never doubted it. Because I knew the sharpness of Kosuke's senses in the last few days.

"Is it a wockoom?

"If we don't get a little closer, we'll see."

"Then I'll go that way."

Raise your guard and walk out in the direction Kosuke pointed at. And I could walk about five minutes to see objects moving farther into Gelm and Terrier as well.


Kosuke nodded to confirm the gem.

"Because they haven't noticed, magically ambush"

That's good, right? and Yusuke asked Terrier, who nodded back.

We quickly discussed what magic to use and decided on a lightning system. In the flames it burns to grass, and in the magical winds in Terrier's hand and in the soil and ice it can be bounced on the outer shell. Thunder disregards the outer shell and deals damage to the inside, that's why I took it.

The two are ready to use magic and use it even closer.



Yusuke's magic goes straight with a bunch of thin thunder, and Terrier's magic goes straight with a fat thunder.

Both hit the wockoom that stayed on the spot. If Yusuke hits him, he falls and stops moving, and if Terrier hits him, he still stands, albeit in glory.

Jerm, who sees it, runs over and slashes it. Wokhoom, who did not fall with a single machete, also died of breath with a third machete.

"Well, you can't peel it off if I take it down."

The part of the vodkum that sells is the outer shell, but if Yusuke knocks it down, it is burnt and blurred, and it is unlikely to be used.

Gelm complained lightly about this by thinking a little more and using magic, and Terrier was poking a vodkum at the end of his cane to see how he was burning.

I lightly fastened it because it's not like I can often blame you for wasting it on an overattack. And I know it's just out of focus to blame you for taking a step forward on your goal. If you know what I mean, don't complain, but I couldn't do it emotionally.

"Is this magic even I can use?

"Did Terrier just recently become Magic D?


"Then you can use it. Teach?"


Terrier nodded and negotiated with Yusuke, a piece of silver coin.

"That's about it. Why don't you just tell me?"

"That's class D magic, isn't it? A piece of silver is cheaper, isn't it?

I don't mind the firestone magic I taught Cochia, but I can't just do this one.

Nearly ten pieces of silver coins contain about five Class D magic books. It's the act of ridiculing merchants and crushing demand to just teach them all that valuable stuff. Depending on the location, you will be punished and fined.

Ellis uses conveniences such as teaching Yusuke magic as a reward for chores. It's a form of consideration for a single labor.

Gelm was neglected there because he didn't use magic.

The three of them, who have also finished stripping, head to the spot where the sighting took place, where they search for vodcums around them.

The result of the day is five. No large species could be discovered.

The next day we looked at the same point and were able to take down three bodies. There were no large species again.

The next day, I'm going to go even further. Moving on turns into a wasteland where stones and rocks roll, not meadows.

"Oh, there was one"

Instead of finding it this time and knocking it down right away, he decided to know the way home. There must be a nest there.

I followed him away and immediately poked at what looked like a nest. There are holes digging on the ground like ants, and they are holes the size of which can be walked for large species to pass by or at one person's leisure.

"How easy it would be to sprinkle oil from here and set fire to it."

"Because if there's another way out, it doesn't make sense."

To Terrier's response, I groaned in my heart that you were right.

Terrier uses the magic of the lights that shed light, and the three enter the nest. I wondered if there were as many rooms as an ant's nest, just a big hole being dug not three minutes down the steep slope of the gradient from the entrance. There are some holes in the ceiling area, the light is plugged in and it's not dark in the nest. It is a cylindrical room three meters high and less than fifteen meters in diameter.

Fortunately, they didn't notice, so the three of them hide in the shadow of the entrance and look behind.

"Big, that. It's over two meters."

"Sounds like it"

There are two big wockoos, as testified. It's the type of razor bug and the type of dango bug. The razor worm type has a tough jaw and is likely to chew through tree trunks and such easily. There is no noticeable spot for dango worms. I have so few legs.

Around the large species there are two wockoos of normal size, with more than twenty white and round visible on the walls.

"Is that an egg?

"I guess."

Although not visible to Gelm's eyes, Kosuke captures something that shows movement in his shell.

"How do we fight? I can only barge in."

"You're not going to be able to use flashy magic, are you?

Terrier did that because the nest wasn't built sturdy. When ants and others build nests, the nest may be reinforced with saliva. The wockoos didn't do that. If you use flashy magic in a place like that, you're likely to be buried alive. Yusuke and the Wockooms may be able to crawl out, but Gelm and Terrier will probably not be able to escape.

"The way you can take it is to go in, ambush, attract enough after using the magic of power that is not too flashy?

You know what they like?

The two asked shook their heads sideways. I don't even know Yusuke, so if I were to call in, Yusuke or Gelm would need to become Yusuke.

The three of them discussed it and decided to ambush it outside with a view of how it was going, as there might be other vodcooms out there.

Stand by in the shade of a rock a little further away with a view of the hole entrance and wait for the movements of the wockoos.

So after about forty minutes, one of them dragged the beast back and went into the nest. After that enough, one comes out and leaves the nest.

Only Yusuke followed him and attacked him about five minutes away from the nest. I shook my head with a sword, and that was all I could kill, and now I could peel off my outer shell. The remaining body threw it far away; the body over 50 kilometers superior often fell five hundred meters ahead of it. It's a move that builds muscle strength too far away from humans.

I took three hours to kill four of them afterwards, and since there were no wockoos to come back after waiting another hour, I thought that would have been all normal size wockoos.

There are two large species left. Plus multiple eggs. If this number allows us to fight without thinking about the Terrier's escort, the three of us enter the nest again.

This time the large species noticed the three people who came in because they did not particularly suppress the signs, etc.

Immediately the Dango worm type moves out. He tries to come at the three of us, and he sets up a round of momentum and a good hit along the way. Jumping and rolling pebbles just because it has nothing to do with the ground, which is not good as a scaffold.

The three of them avoid it. The dango worm didn't stop and hit the wall. The impact causes paralysis and dirt to fall from the ceiling.

"Don't let the nest crumble when you get bumped over and over.

I'll take down the Dango worm. You two, over there, please. "

Yusuke runs to the dango worm to hear back. Gelm and Terrier look at each other before smiling bitterly and shifting their gaze to the razorblade worm. We both felt sick moving legs and didn't want to come near each other. So I was a little relieved by Kosuke's suggestion. When we met, we knew how each other felt and laughed.

Dangoworm's opponent was soon over. It hasn't taken me a minute.

He woke himself up from the wall, turned to Kosuke, who approached him, and slashed the Dango worm before he could round it up to roll. It had two heads straight from the top. Even though it was a hard crust, Sakuri passed the blade regardless of Yusuke.

Because of the bug's high vitality, he was moving even if he was crushed in the head, but if he kicked it from the side and turned it upside down, he just kept moving his legs without getting up.

This one decides that this is the end, and Kosuke sees the two of them dealing with the razor bug.

Gelm is avant-garde, Terrier is avant-garde. This must be natural.

Terrier uses less powerful magic, aiming at the face of a razor bug and drawing attention. Gelm approached the gap he was able to do so, striking a blow and leaving. Attention goes back to Gelm, where Terrier uses magic again. I was repeating those hit-and-ways.

Razorblade attacks are leg waving and biting. Both of those gems were avoided, but not even the pebbles that splash when the empty shaken bite decides on the ground.

Gelm's attacks have not yielded much results. It's not powerful enough to scratch your feet and torso, so it's the best you can do. Ordinary vodcoons would not pass the attack they were going through because the crust is simply thick and hard.

They both only have small scratches. Gelm is slightly painful and bleeding against a razor worm that feels no pain and no blood flowing from the wound. Even if the condition is similar, there are differences in the effects on the body.

If the thunderspread taught by Terrier, the attack would pass, but if removed, it would hit the wall and cause heavy damage to the nest. I have just learned and the controls are sweet and I am anxious about the hit rate. I didn't want to be buried alive, so I couldn't attack with great power.

The result is a small stack of attacks that target the same spot as much as possible.

This way of fighting was not a good one. Because of the difference in health. Bugs are highly vital, like the dango bugs you killed. It's also a good place to defeat them with a decent attack. The two of us run out of strength first.

In the present situation, where the magic of high power is sealed, I may have had to choose, even if I knew.

I don't think it's going to end forever as it is, trying to keep the signs down and turn behind the razor bug. It's not a big space, so I can't hide and travel, but I thought about making it less noticeable than the two of us and suppressing the signs.

Before Yukisuke moves, there will be a change in the battle.

Gelm tried to avoid the larger stone that was in the splash and fell to the ground.

Not so stupid as to miss this good opportunity. The razorblade shook his head down trying to freshly poke his jaw at the gelm.

Terrier's follow up is not on time. Faster than using magic, my jaw stings.


Terrier screams, and Gelm takes a defensive stance and closes his eyes hard.

Saw the scene, Yusuke had his body moving before thinking, throwing his sword at the razor worm. He flew to the razor worm at an awesome speed as he rotated vertically, and the next moment he threw, he smashed the head of the razor worm and stabbed it against the wall without falling to the ground, although it attenuated the momentum slightly.

The razorblade shook her body so loud that she fell down, just letting her legs wave, just like the dango worm.

"Well, good luck."

I give a voice to the two of you who send a dazzling glance at Yusuke for lightly knocking him down.

The two men were fighting anxiously, unable to make it through the attack. I couldn't make a big deal out of it, and I was looking at running away. For both of us, the razor worm was a formidable enemy. Jerm in particular had the shadow of death hanging on his back of his brain.

If they take down such beings as lightly as if they were nothing, they wouldn't be forced to have incredible thoughts either.

"... I knew you were stronger than us, Mr. Watase, but you were so strong"

"Well, yeah."

"How can it be so different when you're about the same age? That's not sloppy! Because I knew I couldn't learn from a proper master!?

Unlike Terrier, who felt admired, Gelm is jealous of its strength. Emotions disturb from the fear of death and reveal their emotions without concealing them.

"It's sloppy... I don't have a master either. To the extent that they taught me a little.

The difference between me and Gelm is luck. "

"You mean I had no luck and you had luck!? I'm not convinced of that!

"You got my luck?

I didn't mean to say luck or bad luck. If you're lucky, you're here. That doesn't suit your dying eyes, and you shouldn't have come to this world in the first place.

I got power, but if you ask me if I choose between power and the original world, Kosuke chooses the original world. I have family and friends, and Kosuke's common sense is there.

"I wouldn't be here if I were you, would I? I'm dying.

Luck was luck. I said whether or not an incident would happen.

I'm not dissatisfied with the status quo, but I still miss my previous life. "

"You could still be strong, couldn't you?

I don't know about Kosuke, but it's easy to say.

"I did, but hey.

Well, it's easy if you don't have to have an incident to just stretch your strengths a little. "

"Strengthen mine?

I look at Kosuke with suspicious eyes.

"When you wave your sword, use your hips a little more to wave and your powers will ride. It sounds like a habit to shake fast, but because of that, I was close to shaking it with my arms alone."

"Even if they say hips"

Jerm waves his sword on the spot to confirm. You don't know for yourself, he's twisting his neck as he shakes.

While Jerm is practicing, Kosuke strips the outer shell from two large species. My legs were still moving pimply, but I showed no further reaction and it was already harmless.

Terrier was also breaking eggs while the two of them were doing their own thing. Easily break even the less powerful magic, and the growing vodcum dies with that magic.

"Hey, I'm not sure"

Make sure that Kosuke's work is done, and Gelm talks.

"Even if they say they don't know. Then I'll try to imitate the way you shake it. And then the next thing I know, I'm gonna fix it."

Saying so, Yusuke shakes once slowly. And the next thing I know, I'll shake it if I modify my habits.

"Difference. Okay?

"One more favor"

Shake again, twice. Please again, somehow understanding and nodding, Gelm slowly shakes consciously in different places.

Saw Yusuke like this, Yusuke nodded.

Terrier stops the gem he tried to shake again.

"Why don't we both do it here, when we get back to the village?

I want to go home and rest now. "

"Broke all the eggs?

Returns a nod to confirm Kosuke.

Look at the egg wreckage and see if there's anything moving, then start prepping for the transfer if you don't have any more errands. The outer shell you collect is at your feet, and you two are asked to touch your shoulders.

"The fact that metastases can be used is confirmed by Magic D + or higher. I can use my sword, I can use magic, how much?"

Through his admiration, Terrier looks at Yusuke with a frightened gaze.

As she was preparing for the metastasis, Kosuke retained only a bitter smile.

I moved to where Linyo is, so I'm surprised at the three of them that Cokia with me suddenly showed up.

"Welcome back"

Return it now and invite Kokia to come to the village chief.

I told him that I had crushed the nest, and if I can't find a vodcum around tomorrow, it means I'll accomplish the request.

"Just keep going!

That's what Jerm says. He pulls Kosuke out.


"Mr. Watase pointed out the bad things about Jerm's sword. I need you to make sure it's fixed properly."

"I hated the wind, but I thought I'd learn a lot."

"Isn't it because Mr. Watase is so strong? I don't know if you like it or not, but I think you'd like some advice."

"Were you that strong?

In far-sightedness, the area around the nest was out of range of effect, and we couldn't see what was happening there. So I don't know the battle over there, and I still don't know how strong Kosuke is.

"It was a blow to the demon that we struggled to win. We can't compare."

"... a blow"

Terrier told me that I just found it somehow awesome and I didn't know the details and it got worse.

"Is there also a difference in weapons?

"It also has a little something to do with it, maybe? I don't think the jacket was specially made and unlikely."

"I'm gonna ask."

"I'm going back to the inn. I'm tired."

Gelm should be tired too, but the thought of being able to be strong had temporarily made him forget his tiredness.

Kokia closes in and talks to Yusuke, who is watching Jerm wave his sword wholeheartedly.

"Is Mr. Watase's sword the same and special as his jacket?

"I don't know. It has no special effect. Just heavy and sturdy."

"Can I have it?

Yusuke gives Kokia the sword he had. Since Yusuke treats it so lightly, I wonder if Kokia is a little heavier than a normal sword.

But to the unexpected weight of the received sword, I couldn't support the sword and dropped it to the ground.


That's what I said.

Cokia picks up the sword she drops and holds it with both hands. I could hold it, but I couldn't seem to treat it as a sword. It's impossible to keep holding it with one hand like Kosuke did.

"Cokia, is that so heavy?

Is curiosity inspired. Jerm stops barebacking and asks.

"Eh, just like a baby over a year old"

Trying to tell him how much it weighed, I remembered as much as I did when I held the baby in the next house.

Gelm never had a baby, so he didn't know how much.

"Let me have it too"

I'll take it from Cochia that you'll know if you actually have it. It weighs more than twice as much as the sword I use.

"... that's heavy"

How many times I shake it and decide that Gelm can't be used as well as Cokia.

Returning the sword to Kisuke, Jerm bowed his head.

"I apologize for my rude attitude so far. I'm sure you can apologize and forgive me."

If I could show this much power difference or specific instruction, I would think I was wrong.

"If you can apologize, I'm willing to forgive you."

"Oh, really? Thanks."

I forgive you because it's hard to be seen forever.

"You'll be tired today, and when you get back to the inn?

"I will."

Cochia also seemed to return and left for the inn with him.

It's not like there's anything else left for Kosuke to do either, so I'll hang out and take a walk before heading back to the inn.

The next day, he split into two groups, Yusuke and Gemlteria, looking at the meadows and making sure there were no vodcums around.

Along the way, Jerm encounters and fights demons. Conscious of the advice and waving the sword, I found that the sword tore the demon's body deeper than usual and contained a lot of damage.

Jerm had one resolve with this.

That evening after finishing the request, Jerm asked Yusuke to disciple him. I was aware that I was saying something convenient, but I was convinced that with a little advice and easy to understand results, I would be even stronger if I continued to teach.

I know it's shameless. But I couldn't stand it, and I wasn't willing to.

"Say no."

Yusuke slashed and abandoned Jerm's plea in a nutshell.

"I knew it was because I took that attitude?

Cloud your expression that you can't just apologize.

"I told you I don't care about that anymore. I'm turning down my apprenticeship for another reason.

I don't have Cochia as my apprentice, so I thought you had predictions that you weren't going to be?

"I knew that... but!

"Mr. Watase, what is the reason for this?

If you know why, Terrier asks if you might be able to find a thread to fulfill the other party's wishes.

I couldn't answer when they asked me why before, so Kosuke had a fake reason in mind for when they asked me again.

Swap the title from 'Dragon Killer' to 'Apprentice of the Singing Princess' and make it appear on the card.

"That's why I don't want to spread the word. If you can keep it a secret, I'll answer."

Much to try to make it credible.

The three nodded without setting aside. Kosuke, who sees it and shows a bare gesture of thinking only a little, offers the card in front of the three of them.

"This title is the reason"

"Disciple of the Singing Princess"

It looks like Cokia, who read it out, doesn't know yet, but Gelm and Terrier look something like they noticed.

"When it comes to the singing princess, could it be Master Fleur?

"Does the singing princess of this title indicate the princess of Calibarette?

Kosuke nods back at the two doubts.

Fleur is not aggressive, but he works on the world stage, and his visibility is quite high. It's not weird that you both know.

"We had a little encounter and got into a relationship where we could get titles like this.

I stand close to Master Fleur. If I do anything, it's likely that the effect will be on Fleur-like.

If I take a disciple like that and that disciple wakes up happening, it could be annoying because of that.

That's why I'm trying to stay away from Calibarette and keep this continent out of trouble as a place of activity.

To reduce the likelihood that not taking an apprentice will also cause trouble "

I don't actually think about that. I'm not spreading the word about titles, and if I don't try to use titles, I can hide them through. So it's not that likely that Fleur will be annoying.

If anyone could look at the title and manipulate it like a Wiale gift. However, there are not so many such gift holders. So you don't have to hide it in your nerves.

"I can't support Jerm for those reasons. Talk about annoying the royalty. Bye."

I can't find a thread. Terrier is gibberish.

Gelm thinks the same thing, and I think I just have to give up. Cokia sends support there unconsciously.

"Can't you be like me? I think it would be a plus just to get regular advice."

The word was like a heaven to Jerm.

I immediately bow my head to Kosuke and beg him.

"Same as Cochia, please!

"Even if they say it's the same. Cokia's advising me on a promise until I'm alone.

Gelm's almost alone, isn't he?

I am somewhat anxious about my strength and personality, but I have not done anything wrong in terms of responding to the client or choosing a request that has been made to me.

I almost lost to Wockoom because I didn't have any information that there was a mutation.

If there is a change from these previous information and the difficulty of the request increases, the Alliance will increase the reward if there is testimony or evidence from the client.

This time, the witness testimony of the village chief and villagers and the stripped outer shell will be evidence.

"Do something there!

"I want you to give up."

"No, I won't give up!

"That's it for today, okay? It annoys people at home when you make a scene."

The place you're staying in is not an official inn, it's a place that a spacious private house offers as a private accommodation. I'm not that careful about soundproofing.

"I'm not giving up until you admit it!

Declare so. Gelm returns with Terrier to the next room given to him.

I didn't lie to this word, I asked for every thing. At this time, it was impressive to Terrier and Cochia, who were watching by her side, that she never had to be emotional when she refused.

At last, Kosuke will be broken by the persistent and tenacious plea that continued even when he returned to the city. It's a student-like addition.

The distrust of the existence of a master is based on previous experience. So when I turn my emotions around, the part about longing for a decent master emerges. That's why I guess I wouldn't do anything to miss a decent, like-minded master figure who toured me.

By the way, Terrier will be following in Gelm's training, but he didn't volunteer to be an apprentice. Because I had asked my master how to practice voluntarily and he was not dissatisfied with it. Sometimes, it was enough to teach me new magic.

The next morning, the three of them, rested enough and tired, and Cochia leave the village. Unlike going home, I could use the transitional magic, and by around eleven o'clock the night I left the village, I could return to Bellassen.

Even at night, the guild has people in case of urgency, but since they did not accept the end of the request or anything, the four decided to assemble before tomorrow's noon guild and dissolve at the city entrance.

Yusuke went to Sidi's Inn, where he is accustomed to staying, Kokia went to his parents' house, and the two remaining followed Yusuke. The first inn I stayed in this city had already been cancelled before I answered the request. So I went with Yusuke, who said I should stay at the inn.

Sidi was already asleep and other employees were at the reception. I was familiar with the person, too, so I greet him lightly and pay him. Yusuke overnight, the two paid for three days, went into each room and just slept.

Speaking to Sidi in the morning who was surprised he was staying, or being appreciated for bringing guests, he kills time and heads to the guild.

"Good luck with your request"

"I'd like to talk about adding a reward."

The official who was in charge of the reception to Yusuke's words told the official who was working on the paperwork behind him about it and led the four of them to the small room.

"I'd like to talk about increased rewards."

"It was a Wokhoom crusade when I asked for it, but when I went there was a large species of Wokhoom."

"Wait. Is it a large species in vodkum?

I feel suspicious about Kosuke's report that I have never heard of such a demon.

"This is the outer shell of that large species. I also have testimony from my client."

"Can I keep that and find out?

"I'm gonna sell it, I'm gonna have trouble getting it broken"

"Then we'll buy it at home."

Yusuke asked Jerm and Terrier if that was okay, and the two nodded.

"Assuming this report is true, this is the seventh one,"

Officials shrugged unexpectedly.

"You mean the seventh one?

"Number of incidents concerning unknown demons.

There are things going on around the world where unfamiliar demons are uncovered. "

Officials also replied to Terrier's query whether it was to hide them.

"It's okay to say that seven different demons have been discovered, right? Like making a fuss?

"I know you feel less when you look at just the number of seven species, but there are too many in terms of mutations and the discovery of new species.

If you say you can find one kind in more or less ten years, doesn't this seem unusual to you?

Normally, it's normal for adventurers to go to undeveloped places and find new species and mutations to live there. Coming to people's territory from beyond like this one has not been on record for the last hundred years.

All seven of them are found in a people's territory, so it would be suspicious and natural.

"No, we found monkeys collecting demons on the continent of Calhoud."

When I told Ellis that story, he said he had never heard of such a demon. It is a demon not in the knowledge of Ellis, who lives long, so there is a possibility of new species and mutations.

"You didn't hear that story. Do you mean the eighth kind?"

The rough worm that the Bordos went to defeat after the militant tournament can also be a related event.

It just doesn't mean it was strange somewhere, it's less rare because it was slightly more powerful than usual, and it's not thought to be related to this event.

"But the monkey was unleashed in the woods by adventurers."

"May I ask you more?

The employee's eyes emit a brilliant glow of curiosity.

We will talk about what happened in the village of the Beast to the extent that it does not involve privacy.

I didn't tell him that Legglesparrow was involved with those who were releasing the monkeys.

"I want to find the adventurers who were unleashing the monkeys. But I don't know your face, so it's hard."

"Maybe I can draw a sketch?

"Is that true?

I get a piece of paper, and I write a reminder of that time. I wrote it and repeated it as a fix, and after enough I had a satisfying sketch on another piece of paper.

The painting I wrote was the man I asked Regulsparrow to do.

Keep a close look at the sketch and officials will miss this man as he leaves information on his guilds around the world.

"That's what you talked about. It means an increase in rewards, but as far as listening is concerned, I can believe it, and it doesn't make that much money, so let's admit it on this occasion.

What about fifty silver coins originally, eighty silver coins and twenty silver coins per person considering buying an outer shell?

"Oh, no Cochia's share is fine, so please calculate for three"

"Uh, okay?

Ask Cokia to confirm. Cochia nodded being informed of this beforehand. I wasn't in the demon crusade, but it wasn't thick enough to try to get paid. And there's no reward, but Kosuke was paying for the trip. I didn't spend the money, I gained experience as an adventurer, that was enough.

"Then why don't you reduce it by ten copper coins, 26 silver coins per person and 10 copper coins?

Yusuke was glad because trying to split the two silver coins exactly between the three of us would make it worse. Gelm and Terrier snorted because that reward was enough too.

"Really? Okay, I'll get you a reward right away, but if you want to know anything about ten pieces of copper, I'll answer that, right?

None of the four came to mind in particular. When he sees the four men shaking their heads sideways, the official leaves the room to collect the reward.

From the value of Gelm and Terrier, the two have a delightful look on their many eye rewards. When I heard him talking about turning it into savings and making it into a fund for new equipment, Kosuke could hear what he wanted.

"This is the reward. Please confirm."

Put the rewards on the tray, divided into three equal parts, before Yusuke and the others.

Put it in your purse. Yusuke asks the staff.

"I was just talking about the information."


"Do you keep the sword or armor that you've blurred and stopped using?

"I'm putting it down. I will sell it to the waste material store once it has accumulated to some extent. I throw away things that are too vague to sell."

"Can I have that?

"Right...... I was wondering if it would be okay if I could get permission from the officials. But don't we need you?

"I hope something happens to you, not to me."

Indicates Cochia. I thought there would be more to blurring than clothes or wooden swords.

Personnel convinced to look at the unequipped cochia will give permission if they tell Happy Suke about the waste material storage area and tell the officials near the storage area what's going on.

Kosuke, who bids farewell to the staff, quickly heads to Cochia and the Waste Materials Storage. Gelm and Terrier are not interested in waste materials, so they split up to look for a request.

Tell the staff in charge of the warehouse where the waste materials are located and get permission to take them out. But you can't admit what you're about to sell.

There were quite a few weapons in the waste storage area, including broken weapons, rusted weapons, damaged armor, broken leather armor, etc. That number is not ten or twenty. Why there is so much, because the adventurers leave it. Some adventurers go to blacksmiths and so on to sell, but others are tempted to do such things.

"Just look for a few if you like"


Cochia's eyes shine. For Cokia, who doesn't have decent gear, this was a little pile of treasure. Even a broken sword is more aggressive than a wooden sword. I take it out of my hands for a lot of fun.

Kosuke is holding the weapon by his side. I'm not looking to use it. I'm wondering if there's anything I can fix. I had my own work room at home. If you use it, you can repair it, put it back into a metal mass, and rebuild it from scratch. I don't have any full blacksmith experience, but I was a little curious to see what it would look like.

Cokia got two broken broadswords and broken hard leather armor.

The broadsword has been broken since the middle and feels like a dagger or something. Then the blade is also missing or crushed.

The armor is not around the left shoulder and feels like a large chest. It also has small scratches and blood and dirt stains. This dirt will come off if you wipe it with a cloth.

Yusuke got a sword and axe that seemed useless.

Thank the staff. The two leave the guild.

"Cokia, shall we grind back the sword? It's going to be better now, but what do we do?

"Well, this way, please"

Pass one to Kosuke. Said he'd bring it in ten days. Yusuke splits with Kokia and goes home.

From that day on, Kosuke decided not to leave the house except to go to Rickart and try blacksmithing.

What I did was melt it, solidify it in plate form, heat it, beat it, bend it, beat it, etc. when I was on the planet. It's a workout method I saw on TV, etc. Determine that you have worked hard enough and make it a sharpening blade. Then you will look at the blade you have made and tilt your neck.

I haven't taken formal steps, so there's no way I can do a decent sword. What you can do is a crazy cleavage dull blade in the center of gravity.

What I found out about this one is that you should ask the blacksmith about the procedure and then try again.

Still, I decided to put it in remembrance because of the first one, and the blacksmith challenge ended first.