Saiyans adopted by Thanos

The Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 13

"Congratulations! The sinful traitor is dead!"

The Other, holding a blue scepter, immediately changed the death battle order given to the army by the predecessor King Zetaru, and then, under the gaze of the other high-level Zitarians who had been overdue, he knelt on his knees and crawled on Beckett. At his feet, he shouted his declaration of allegiance:

"I, TheOther, the new king of the Zetaru clan, hereby swear allegiance to the great son of Thanos, Beckett!"

Chapter 15: Beckett, Lord of Zetaru

The army is under pressure.

Not long after General Deadblade and Proxima Darky led their first legion to Zetaris, the true helm of the Dark Legion, the last Titan tribe in the universe, was called Thanos because of the atrocities. Thanos took his powerful subordinate, Ebony Maw, to Zeta Ruixing.

Beckett, General Deadblade and Proxima Dark Night, the three Supreme Warlords under Thanos stand on the side of the open space, welcoming their adoptive father.

"You really didn't disappoint me, Beckett." A golden armored Thanos autonomous ship stepped off, looking around the respectful Zeita Swiss soldiers around him, fully affirming Beckett's performance.

"And you, the cooperation with Beckett is perfect." After praising Beckett, Thanos turned his gaze to General Deadblade and Proxima Dark Night.

"This is what we should do." General Deadblade bowed slightly after putting away his weapon.In front of Thanos, the leader of the First Legion of the Dark Order was still as humble as it was when he was a fledgling early in the year.

"Let's go, go in and take a look."

After seeing everything in sight, Thanos saw the Zetaru who had taken refuge in him behind Beckett.It's just that Thanos didn't ask anything about this Zetaru named The Other.

The sound of the collision between the boots and the ground was kicked, and under the crowd of everyone, the figure of Thanos in a gold armor gradually disappeared in the depths of the commanding hall of the Zeta Rising battleship.

The palace where King Qitari is located has been destroyed by Beckett, and the battleship command center, second only to the palace, has become TheOther's first choice to receive Thanos.

Compared with the empty palace of the king, the battleship command center is full of various technological equipment.

"Please take your seat, Lord Thanos." The sensible TheOther bowed respectfully and showed the throne hidden behind him in front of Thanos.

This is the exclusive seat of King Zetaru, but now it is dedicated to Beckett and Thanos by TheOther without hesitation.

In his opinion, the father and son are the same for everyone, anyway, he and his people can be bathed in the glory of the Titans.According to TheOther's guess, the one who is most likely to sit in that position is not Thanos, it should be Beckett.

Thanos has its own business and its own base, and it is impossible to stay in Zeta Rising for a long time.But Beckett is different, since he left Thanos and began to perform tasks independently, this one has always been alone.

And the facts did not surprise him.

The first thing Thanos does after ascending to the throne is to wave to his son Beckett, let him walk to the throne step by step, and publicly announce that the Zetarian Legion will be incorporated into Beckett from today.

Beckett, who was originally a lonely family, became the most powerful one in the Dark Legion system under Thanos' order.Although the combat effectiveness of the Zetarus is not very good, their intrepid nature is enough to cause headaches for most planets in the universe.

The Other who made the right bet was also excited in his heart.He felt that his previous decision to swear allegiance to His Highness Beckett in public was too prescient.

However, Beckett himself is obviously not the love of Thanos.

After the Zeta Rising Carving Conference hosted by the current Zetaru King TheOther, Beckett did not leave with the crowd, but still stood beside the throne, condescendingly watching the people including the Dead Blade General Ebony Maw one after another. Continue to leave.

"What's wrong, Beckett, is there anything else?"

Beckett's strange Thanos was in sight. Thanos, who knew his son's character, waited until the crowd had all left the battleship command center, then turned his attention to Beckett, who was standing next to the throne, and asked aloud.

"Father, I don't need a Qitarian." Beckett's response was simple and clear.The stern face was scornful when talking about the Zitarians.

In Beckett's opinion, this kind of weak-fighting race did not help him at all.

"You don't need a zitar?"

"Yes, I don't need a man who is holding back." Beckett's knowledge of the Chitari is clear.The behemoth that the Zetarians are proud of has no resistance in Beckett's hands, and this is already the strongest combat power the Zetarians can produce.

For Beckett, he is still more accustomed to being alone.

"Becket, this universe is huge."

Thanos stood up from the throne, raised his right hand in front of Beckett, and snapped his fingers.

The light of the entire battleship command center disappeared, and then, the magnificent cosmic image replaced the dazzling light reflected in Beckett's pupils.

"Too big that you can't do anything by yourself. Just like me now."

"You are proud of yourself, Beckett. That inherent arrogance is your trait, and it's what I admire the most about you."

"But one thing I hope you remember, don't be blinded by pride."

Stronger than Thanos, also came from Beckett's age.He has suffered a lot of losses, and now Thanos wants Beckett to avoid unnecessary detours as much as possible.

"You can think about it, are the Zitarians really useless to you?"

And, the most important point, Beckett, you are my son.This means that you cannot be alone forever.Sooner or later you have to learn how to manage the army to share my worries, just like ebony throats."

As soon as the voice fell, snapping fingers sounded again.

The cosmic image disappeared, and the lights of the battleship command center hit Beckett's eyes again.

"The war in the universe cannot be solved by a simple beheading plan, do you understand, Beckett?"

With his hands on his back, Thanos, who was preparing to start the next stage of training Beckett, continued to instill his own ideas in Beckett.

Beckett shook his tail behind him, his stern face didn't show the slightest sign, and he thought to himself what Thanos said.

After the Zetarians become his vassal army, what is the use?What can he do with the Qitari army?

Cannon fodder?

This was the first thought that came to Beckett's mind.

As Thanos said, Beckett, who has always been a loner, now needs to change his mind.The beheading action cultivates Beckett's personal strength, and commanding an army allows Beckett to digest all the knowledge he learned from following Thanos into his own experience.

"His Royal Highness Beckett, you should go to the Fountain of Life."

The smart program worn on the wrist interweaves the figure of a blue civet cat in front of Beckett: "Woz has prepared the Fountain of Life for you according to Gates' prompt."

Chapter 16 The Gift of Thanos

In 2233 of the cosmic calendar, the lord of the dark order, the last survivor of the Titans, and Thanos, the youngest adopted son Beckett under Thanos, officially became the lord of Zeta Rising with Thanos’ approval.

The current King TheOther of Zetaru has abandoned his dignity as a king and is willing to crawl under Beckett's feet to serve him as his master, and do his best to flatter.The magnificent hall was erected under the indefatigable Zeta Swiss soldiers. In just three days, the supplies sent by Thanos made the Zetaru people who have never been loved by fathers and mothers. Nothing can be more moved.

Where did they enjoy this kind of waiting start where they can enjoy the supply of basic resources without fighting?

Leaning on the mountains for a good life, they finally realized the bitterness and pain in this sentence.Why did the previous King Zeitari painstakingly seek development and advancement?It's not because the Zeta Rui star is poor that indirectly caused the Zeta Rui clan to be unable to make a big step forward.

The climate of Qitarixing is already bad, and the terrible geographical environment and barren energy resources have always been a big mountain on the chest of the previous King Qitarui.Yes, they are indeed semi-mechanical and semi-biological, but this does not mean that they can survive in the universe without any resources. This is something that even the eternal Titans cannot do, let alone the Qitarians. This life form is relatively inferior to the Titan race.

In order to survive, to develop, and to resources, the previous King Zeitari lived with his people for a period of time, but finally couldn't bear his heart that wanted to make progress too much, and started to provoke war everywhere. To obtain a lot of resources for the evolution of the race.

Theoretically speaking, the predecessor King Zeitari’s philosophy is still good, but unfortunately, he didn’t get the iron plate of Thanos. In the end, not only his corpse wilderness, but also his own race was packaged by TheOther Give it to Thanos.