Saiyans adopted by Thanos

The Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 40

Launch an attack: BABA

The extremely hardened small battleship relied on Woz's wonderful micromanipulation to circumvent the encirclement of the Kerry Fleet at the cost of 41% damage to the body.

Astra, who had been lying on the ground looking at the light screen, widened her eyes, and her face was full of disbelief.

He never thought that the pilot of a battleship in the Kerry Empire was worse than a cat!

The combat artificial intelligence assistant Woz, the blue robot cat, is so terrifying!

After the surprise, Astra's eyes fell on the semi-biological, semi-mechanical life form that sounded unusually loud but actually did not show the slightest usefulness.

He wanted to know what on earth gave this creature with only a strong mouth the courage to stay on this battleship.

Main text Chapter 44 N52 Planet "Vanas, I need an explanation." Looking at the small battleship that had escaped, Dudek, the accuser, directly connected to the channel of another accuser, Vanas."There is nothing to explain. You are also responsible for not destroying that battleship." As the only female Cree with white skin instead of blue skin in the accuser's team, Vanas established the Cree Empire Her feat is that she is still not humble or humble in the face of Dudek, who is a nobleman.Under the golden waves, the blue eyes were full of disdain.She looked down on the accusation team members including Dudek and Rob.The origins of the nobles gave them resources that ordinary people could hardly reach, but in the end they were extremely wasteful.Especially Rob, he died before they arrived."Also, pay attention to the tone of your speech, Dudek. Now standing in front of you is the winner of the Imperial Medal." The curvature of the corner of Vanas' mouth made Dudek's face gloomy for a moment, especially when he saw it. After Vanas closed the communication directly, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot."General Dudek, don't be angry. General Vanas is too arrogant--" "Slap!" The adjutant who wanted to come forward and say a few words was slapped by Dudek before he had time to finish. .The crisp sound made the adjutant freeze on the spot."Vanas is a member of the Kerry Supreme Accusation Corps. And you, who are you?" It's just an outsider who took refuge in the Kerry Empire. Dudek didn't know what gave him the courage to be an accusation. The group member’s face-to-face criticized another accusing group member.This is a rule that has long been written into the bones of every soldier in the Kerry Empire. Dudek wonders why he, a foreign adjutant who has always been smarter, would make such a mistake.Fang Zheng's cheeks were filled with the pride of the noble, Dudek backed his hands and gave the order to recover Rob to the fleet.As a nobleman in the Kerry Empire, Dudek couldn't bear to watch his old friend's body become cosmic garbage.[Dudek, let me tell you, I have already thought about the name of my future grandson.] [Your son hasn't written his eight characters yet, do you think about the name of your future grandson?of course.I plan to name my grandson who I don’t know when I will be born in the future Ronan.How about this name, right?The scene of chatting with old friends on the battlefield of Sandal Star once again appeared in front of Dudek. The man sighed and looked up at the magnificent universe."Detected the target disappearing near planet N52, General Vanas." While the accuser Dudek's fleet was busy recovering Rob, the accuser Vanas was not idle."Retrieve the information on planet N52, now." "Yes, General Vanas." "According to the information..."………………………………………………………… "According to data records, Planet N52 was originally a beautiful planet with abundant resources. Peaceful and serene. But after the outbreak of the war between the Kerry Empire and the Skuru Empire, everything changed." "Due to geography. Because of its location, planet N52 was affected by the war, and its peace and tranquility were destroyed by war. The planet N52 that lost its leader soon became a paradise for cosmic robbers, and the planet has since fallen into a state of extreme chaos." After a large number of fierce robbers and wanted criminals took over the planet, seven famous powerhouses appeared on this planet. These seven people have established their own power with superhuman strength. Later, they felt that continuing to fight alone was not a way, so they temporarily put aside their prejudices against each other and formed a mutual-aid alliance, and the chaos of the N52 star only improved." "They called this alliance justice. Alliance, the reason is because they feel that they have maintained the basic order of this planet, which is a righteous act." "Later, the man codenamed [Hunter] among the seven was defeated by a mechanical lifeform. After defeating [Hunter] , The mechanical lifeform gathered the former subordinates of [Hunter], kicked him out of the Justice League, and took the upper hand, thus forming the current situation." "The above is the specific situation of planet N52, Your Royal Highness Beckett." On a small battleship somewhere on planet N52, Beckett looked at the desolate city ruins outside the window and listened to the information that Woz had looked up in the database."Justice League?" Beckett sneered, crossed his arms around his chest, looked at the desolate ruins outside the window, and looked at the seven phantoms of information that appeared in front of him, with disdain in his eyes."Actually, they have a more appropriate name." Untied, Astra was pouring wine and seeing the seven people appearing on the light screen, she reached out and wiped the wine stains from the corners of her mouth."Unrighteous Alliance." "This is the name given to them by our Cree in private. After all, what these seven people do is neither from the perspective of the Cree nor from the perspective of the Skuru. Go to justice. Each one is a big monster with blood and debts. "His Royal Highness Beckett, the city over there is almost in ruins. Will there be the materials we need?"The Other, holding the scepter, doesn't care about the Justice League and the Unjust League. He just wants to go back. He sees many of these chaotic planets. The day the Kerry Empire and the Skuru Empire join forces, they will abrupt. From now on, it has been reduced to cosmic dust and never has the following. If you want to live for a long time, you have to find your thighs in advance like him. TheOther has a good plan for the future. "Don’t worry about TheOther, Woz has already scanned it. This city is now, and there are indeed materials needed to repair the body, and there are many more."Woz released a map in time and fed TheOther a reassurance. "According to Woz's calculation, the fleet of the Cree Empire should appear on Planet N52 in ten minutes.Your Royal Highness Beckett, Woz recommends that you hide the warship first to avoid being discovered."Who is the leader of this place?"Beckett tapped his left arm with his right index finger, and asked in a solid voice. "It's a lady named Diana.""The seven phantoms in front of Beckett disappeared in an instant, leaving only the only woman among the seven reflected in Beckett's pupils. "Woz, install the self-destruct program for the warship to clear confidential data, The start mode is manual control.Invisible, but to create invisible traces that are not very obvious."The corner of Beckett's mouth raised a dangerous arc, he had a bolder idea. Killing all the Cree people, wouldn't he be able to safely bring Astra back to the dark quadrant?