Saiyans adopted by Thanos

The Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 70

"Who?!" Woz's advice was interrupted by Beckett.


Woz's expression was suddenly dull, and countless data flashed by in his eyes, but he still failed to analyze who Beckett was talking about.

The skyline is as dim as ever.

[No, it's not right!

Woz's eyes widened, and an extremely unfamiliar and unanalyzable data quickly occupied its eyes. In the next second, the dim sky was torn apart by a rainbow of light in an instant.

this is……?

A colorful beam of light lay between the sky and the earth, and the figure with long hair and shawl gradually emerged from the beam.The black battle tights engraved with mysterious patterns highlight the exquisite figure of the visitor, and the eyes under the long black hair are looking at the planet U40, which is gradually heading towards destruction, amazed.

Heir of Odin, the heir to the future throne of Asgard, the goddess of death-Hela.

"You really surprised me, Beckett."

Hela, who wandered in the air with long legs, looked at the cold-faced man with interest. The latter's dazzling blond hair was about to blind Hela's eyes: "Poisoned?"

"Do you want to die?" Beckett squinted his eyes, his body surged, and the invisible pressure instantly solidified the joke in the corner of Hela's eyes.

"I want the Ice Box."

The sinking sea opened the door to the point.

Since the communication signal was blocked by Beckett last time, no matter how hard she tried to change the line, she couldn't contact him.Therefore, under Odin's instruction, Hela directly used the power of the Rainbow Bridge to make Heimdall teleport it to the location of Beckett.

As for how Hela positioned the first launch of Beckett coordinates

"You never understand the magic of magic, only magic can deal with magic." Hela held her chin high, and the smile on the corner of her mouth had not spread, and a hand had locked her throat.The speed was so fast that Hela couldn't react at all, even if her power had been transformed back to Asgard.


"You may overestimate your own strength, Hela Odinson." Beckett tilted his head, his eyes full of coldness.

"Oh oh oh oh oh!!! Your Royal Highness Beckett!!!"

Under Beckett's feet, on the ground that was constantly cracking and collapsing, the strong desire to survive made TheOther's screams resounded through the sky, even briefly overshadowing thunder and landslides.

"I can take you out of here." Hai stretched his hands free from Beckett's restraint and rubbed his neck, suppressing the anger in his heart.For Hela now, fulfilling the task assigned by his father Odin is far more important than being here with Beckett.

"Leave here and return to safe Asgard."

Beckett stared directly at Hela, unmoved.


Seeing that Beckett was indifferent, Hela decided to speak directly with the facts.After the cold call, the magnificent Rainbow Bridge reappeared.

"I know, the Ice Box is not very useful in your hands." Ha Lamian walked into the Rainbow Bridge without expression, and stretched out his right hand towards Beckett.


Centaur galaxy, in the dark quadrant base.

After bathing and changing clothes, Thanos put on his own golden armor, sat on the throne, staring at the vast starry sky in a trance.

"Master Thanos, Becket's intelligent life form Woz has sent the coordinates of the mysterious place."

The Ebony Maw, who was always respectful, appeared in front of Thanos to inform him of the final result of this trade.

"Notify General Deadblade, let him accept the negotiation of the Kerry Empire, and let Proxima Darko lead the team to meet Beckett on planet U40." The index finger of his right hand tapped the armrest of the throne, Thanos stood up and ordered.

"...Master Thanos, planet U40...exploded."

When stating this sentence, Ebony Mouth's voice paused, seeming to be organizing language.

The expression on Thanos' face after hearing this did not fluctuate at all, but silently held the sharp giant blade standing beside the throne in his hand, and said: "Continue."

"It was discovered by our planetary civilization observers. The planet U40, which belongs to the Skuru Empire, has been destroyed. So far, no signal from the intelligent life body Woz near Beckett has been retrieved."

Chapter 74 Odin's Ambition

"Ugh wow wow wow wow wow!!!"

Nine Realms, Asgard.

The expressionless Heimdall heard the screams from the passage of the Rainbow Bridge, followed the voice, and three figures gradually appeared in front of him.

Hela, daughter of Odin, and two strangers.

One is a blond man with a naked torso, and the other has a hideous and ugly face and is still gasping for breath...

Obviously, the scream just now came from the figure who was breathing heavily at the moment.

"I am starting to think that taking you to Asgard was a wrong decision." Hela glanced at The Other, who had not yet recovered from the sequelae of the Rainbow Bridge, and then glanced over Beckett with a The host's posture, standing proudly at the wide open door, stretched out his hand towards the bustling city under his feet:

"Now, what you see is Asgard."

Beckett looked in the direction pointed by Hela, and the architectural style completely different from the dark quadrant instantly came into view.

Magnificent, magnificent, and even spectacular.

As the most powerful country among the Nine Realms, even though they are now in the midst of a complicated war, the people of Asgard still have smiles called happiness and hope on their faces.

"not bad."

Beckett nodded without a doubt, and then lost the thought of continuing to appreciate it.The right hand pressed the silver bracelet worn on the left wrist and restarted Woz.

Wozzi in the Rainbow Bridge didn't know why the database was messed up for a while, just in case, Beckett directly closed Wozzi, which he had hardly closed since childhood.

"Woz is starting..."

"Woz started to complete the starting

"Detecting that you are in an unfamiliar environment, Woz automatically turns on the scanning function."

"Woz is scanning...Woz has failed to scan. Your Royal Highness Beckett, this strange place is very dangerous. Woz suggests that you should leave this place as soon as possible."

The data in the eyes of the blue Doraemon re-projected in front of Beckett kept flashing, but in the end nothing was found.The entire Asgard is in a protective shield composed of unknown energy, and Woz's current ability alone is not enough to conquer it.

"It's not a good habit to retrieve another person's territory without permission, Beckett."

The energetic voice echoed in Beckett's ear, making him alert.He had heard this voice before, in the royal court of Jotunheim.

The master of Asgard, the initiator of the Nine Realms War-Odin.