Saiyans adopted by Thanos

The Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 83

Beckett frowned, reaching out to touch, but was stopped by his adoptive father Thanos.

"Your body can't bear the side effects of gems, Beckett." Thanos' majestic voice sounded, and the arm attached to the gold armor replaced Beckett's grasp of the spiritual gem floating in the air.In an instant, the extremely dazzling light walked on Thanos' body accompanied by surging energy.

Beckett saw with his own eyes that the adoptive father Thanos, who had never been injured in his memory, was just because he held this infinite gem in his right hand, and there were some brilliantly colored wounds on his chest. These wounds suddenly made Thanos’ expression happen. Variety.


The Other, who finally got up from the ground, felt that an irresistible force had taken away the blue scepter in his hand, and looked up, the scepter appeared beside Thanos under the control of the ebony throat.

"Master Thanos."


With a crisp sound, the king’s scepter, a sacred object enshrined for generations by the Qitari clan, was inlaid with spiritual gems on the top, and the color and style changed instantly...

The eighty-sixth chapter of the main text, the clues to the reality gems, TheOther was dumbfounded, holding the air with his hands unconsciously, and swallowing back what he wanted to say when he reached his mouth.There is no other reason. It was Thanos who took away his scepter, the father of His Royal Highness Beckett he served."It seems that the existence of infinite gemstones really needs a container." Thanos, who didn't care about his injuries, lowered his head and stared at the greatly changed scepter in his hand, and his eyes reflected the appearance of the gems emitting yellow light on the top of the scepter. ."Master Thanos, we should go now." The ebony throat, with his hands behind him, glanced at the frost that was gradually spreading outside the palace, and reminded him aloud.Without the energy of the soul gem, the climate and environment of this planet that relies on the soul gem is naturally not pleasant.The huge battleship flew over the Crystal King Palace under the control of Ebony Maw, and a dazzling beam of light descended from the sky, sending Thanos, Beckett, Ebony Maw and TheOther back to the battleship."Let's go." All the members including the building were not moved by the ice, including Astra, whose body was already dilapidated before, was also left by Thanos in the Crystal King Palace, in the endless cold. Waiting for death."Speed ​​up and leave this planet as soon as possible." "Yes, Lord Thanos." When the huge warship entered the jumping point of space, the planet B48, which had lost its light, was completely reduced to a dead planet.Panicking races, praying crowds, confused animals, swinging plants, etc. have all become one of the most dazzling ice sculpture specimens on planet B48, waiting for later discoveries... "Is this the legendary infinite gem? "On the battleship, it was the first time I saw the infinite gem, something that only exists in books and legends. The ebony throat eyes showed a bit of surprise, and The Other on the side stopped talking.He wanted to say that the scepter, which had been greatly changed now, was a holy relic that they had enshrined for generations by the Qitari clan, but according to the current situation, the treasures of their clan should not be taken back.As for why Thanos didn't set the gems on his broadsword, but instead set on his own scepter, this was the most puzzled point of TheOther.But he did not dare to speak, nor did he dare to ask.There was still frost hanging on the old crooked neck tree on planet B48, and he didn't want to go to experience the big world of ice and snow."This is just one of them. Only when all the six infinite gems are collected, can I truly accomplish my goal." After a long pause, Thanos, who played with the scepter in his hand, directly threw it to Beckett."Father?" Beckett, who was holding the scepter with one hand, was puzzled."Take this scepter and take your army to Asgard in three days." "Why?" Hearing Asgard's name again, Beckett didn't quite understand."Odin's opponent, the Dark Elves, holds part of the power of reality gems." This is the message that Odin personally informed Thanos. In the name of King Asgard, it must not be faked.This is a deal between him and Odin, in exchange for the clues of reality gems for the future of peaceful reunification of the nine realms.For Odin, who is now determined to conquer the Nine Realms, he thinks this is very worthwhile.What's more, what Odin used to trade was just clues to reality gems."A reality gem?" Beckett frowned."Yes, reality gems." Thanos nodded."It is an extremely powerful and weird gem. All scientific codes and laws of nature are meaningless in front of it, because it can modify them at will." "However, it has a fatal flaw, that is, it cannot Used alone. Without the aid of other gems, the consequences would be devastating to the user." This is also the reason why Thanos gave Beckett the scepter inlaid with spiritual gems.Without this psychic gem, Beckett could not use his own power to force it away from the dark elf station when he came into contact with the reality gem. "Now, do you understand? Beckett?" "But, if there is no dark elf station What about reality gems?" Beckett was puzzled at how his adoptive father Thanos trusted Odin in this matter."This is the king's promise. If he betrays his promise, then he will pay a painful price." "And this price, he can't afford it." Once the Dark Quadrant joins the Nine Realms War against Asgard, Kwang Just a Thanos is enough for Odin to have a headache, not to mention the four-member Obsidian group under his command."Understood, father." After turning the scepter in his hand, Baker nodded after playing for a while.The continuous space jumps obliterated the atmosphere of talking with each other on the battleship. After arriving at Zeta Rising, Beckett and TheOther waved goodbye to Thanos, and took the flight cabin back to the city of Zeta Rising."In these three days, complete all the troops." Stepping into the palace of his own, Beckett seemed to remember something, and ordered TheOther who followed behind him."Understood, Your Royal Highness Beckett." The Other who was still afraid to ask Beckett to return the scepter replied.I was about to retreat silently, but suddenly heard Beckett's "Wait a minute." "What?" "Take it." Beckett directly threw the scepter he had played with for a long time and returned it to his heart. TheOther.Father said that when his strength has not yet reached its peak, it is not advisable to use the power of the spiritual gem, which easily makes his psychology dependent on it, which is not conducive to the growth of his strength.Father also said that giving enough trust to loyal subordinates will make them work harder for you, especially trust in certain important matters.But the prerequisite is that you have the power to correct mistakes yourself after you trust it."Wow oh oh oh!!" "Bei...His Royal Highness Beckett?!"