Saiyans adopted by Thanos

The Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 100

Because she really smelled the breath of death in this bone dragon, the breath of the same origin as herself.

"Hey, how much nutrient solution do you have?"

Hela asked about Beckett, but found that the latter was not listening to her at all, her eyes were locked on the bone dragon, and there was a light of excitement in her eyes.

"Hey, Beckett!"


The silver streamer was fleeting, and the pair of fists condensing power blasted directly on the bone dragon of the dead group!

While Guanghua was in circulation, the newly formed bone dragon fell to the ground instantly!


Verruz swallowed the words that came to his mouth abruptly.

This is not right.

In the information provided by the frost giant Wang Laofei, Beckett is not so strong.

"Hey, this vulnerable guy is your god of death?" Beckett, who just knocked down the bone dragon with a punch, frowned. The strength of this bone dragon was completely different from what he felt.

"What a weak god."

Stepping on the bone dragon's thigh, which was still struggling, Beckett looked up.

"You guy..."

Verruz, who was floating in the air, narrowed his eyes and said, "Ola."


The true purple dream flower emerged from Ola's hand, and the rhizome violently sank into Ur, who was still healing himself!

"you guys?!"

Ur lowered his head and glanced at the flower that had fallen into his heart, the imprints of the dream flower petals on his arms became more and more shining, and the expression on his face was six points of astonishment, three points of anger, and perplexity.

"Everything is for the future of our family."

Aura stared coldly at the Dream Flower and swallowed Ur's vitality. With one move, Ur's corpse was sent to the darkest part of the world of the dead.

At the cost of abandoning Ur and killing Ur's body and sending it to the graveyard of the dead, summon the legendary god of death in the dark elves of Wat Alheim!

The ground under Beckett's feet was trembling, and the dying bone dragon under his punch was instantly wrapped in a rich infinite gem isotope, and then flocked to Verruz and Ola under the blood moon.

"I am the legendary god of death and battle among the dark elves!"

Roaring, roaring, the body surface of Verruz that absorbed this death divinity and infinite gem isotope gradually changed.

The whole body was covered with special black metal, and the sharp claws replaced the dark elf clan's arms with sharp cold light.The shield engraved with mysterious patterns on the back is split on both sides, and the scarlet eyes are particularly conspicuous under the black and gold dragon-shaped metal head armor.

"Death, and the god of battle?"

Standing on the ground, Beckett's eyes were full of excitement, who had witnessed Verruz's changes.


The two figures crossed under the blood moon!

The sharp claws smashed the silver armor on Beckett's body, and the sharp whip legs swept Verruz into the ground!


As the smoke cleared, Verruz raised his eyes and looked at the figure in the sky, his voice full of disbelief.

He now possesses the power of the god of death and battle in the folklore of the dark elves. Why is this man still...


Do not!

Will not!

This is the method Wang taught him himself, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Absolutely, there can be nothing wrong.

"I am God!!"

Roaring, Verruz, who had vaguely guessed something, raised his hands above his head, and countless gray energy streams from the world of the dead gathered in his palm!

"God said, you must die!"

Watt Alheim Energy Cannon!

"God?" Beckett, floating under the blood moon, shattered the silver armor he had been scratched. The cold wind blew his black combat uniform, the corners of his mouth rose, and the energy in his hands gathered:

"Even if it is a god, I will kill it for you."

The silver-white beam of energy collided with the Watt Alheim energy cannon, brilliant sparks burst out, almost blinding the eyes of Hela...

Text Chapter 102 War is a dirty game

Everything is reduced to nothingness.

When the dazzling white light faded like a tide, the roaring figure that was still standing on the ground before has disappeared.

Two purple phantom flowers fell to the ground, as if they played the praises of heaven, they danced in the sound of holy prayers, and then hugged them, disappearing without a trace in front of Hela who opened his eyes.

"Did it disappear?"

Hela, who stretched his bow and prepared to kill two arrows, frowned, and then cast his gaze to Beckett who was still in the air.

The latter was raising his eyes and looking at the last enemy in the field-the cursed warrior Ola.

"Damn it!"

Ola cursed secretly, her figure retreated, but Beckett blocked her way and her throat.

"Tell me, where is Malekis?"

"Um! Um! Um!!!"

Ola wanted to curse in her heart!

You locked your throat and my old lady said something like a shit?!