Saiyans adopted by Thanos

The Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 105

Malekiss, with his hands behind him, smiled, and the dark fog gradually formed a blue cube in front of Beckett.

"I said that I established the Nine Realms Alliance just to resist Asgard's suppression of our dark elves. Unlike Odin, I have no interest in conquering."

"So, if you help me, not only will you be famous as a teacher, you will be able to spread the reputation of you and your father in the universe, and you will also be able to obtain space gems of the same level as the ether particles."

"I think this choice is much better than helping a tyrant, isn't it?"

"Can I interpret this as asking for mercy?" Beckett tilted his head and looked at Malekis with interest.

"I prefer to call this an equivalent exchange."

"Odin's brutality is obvious to all. Otherwise, why do you think all the nine realms except the dwarves are resisting Asgard?"

"Even Odin's wife's hometown is no exception."

"If I'm not wrong, when Odin told you about the ether particle, he must have not clearly stated the specific location, right?"

Malekis, sitting on the dark throne, tilted his right leg, and Beckett frowned subconsciously with his determined appearance.

After looking around, he discovered that the dense fog around him had disappeared and Hela was nowhere to be seen, but he appeared in a palace of kings.

"This is my sincerity, and here is where I really am."

Chapter 106 Virtual Reality

In the cold and gloomy hall, with the figure sitting on the throne, there is nothing else beside Beckett.

Whether it's the Qitarian army, or the other, or Hela.


"His Royal Highness, Woz is collecting data."

The bracelet lights up, the light screen data in front of Beckett's right eye flickers, and Malekis' character model is established. Malekis on the throne has no intention to stop Woz at all, and is full of sincerity.

"Name: Malekis."

"Age: unknown."

"Sex: Male."

"Race: Dark Elves."

".........An unknown error occurred in the system detection, Woz is generating an error log......"

"The error log is generated, Woz is sending the log to the terminal..."

"The data transfer is complete, thank you for your cooperation, Your Excellency Malekis."

Woz's electronic sound was particularly harsh in this empty hall. Malekis on the throne stood up with a smile and stared at Beckett, who was standing under the steps, and said: "It looks like the artificial intelligence in your hand. Life needs to evolve."

"Woz does need to evolve, but not now."

Beckett cannot deny that Woz does need to evolve, and he must return to the Dark Quadrant base every once in a while and his adoptive father Thanos will personally help him update the version information and complete the evolution.

"It's troublesome, isn't it?"

Malekis opened his hands and walked down the steps step by step: "If you agree to my terms, in addition to the space gems promised to you, I can make your Woz an intelligent life form that can evolve independently. how about it?"

"Of course, if you still want the daughter of Odin, I can assure you that I will not kill her after the capture of Asgard, but give her to you, how about?"

"I reject."

Before Malekis spoke, Beckett's voice of refusal sounded, and the smile on Malekis's face gradually disappeared as he stepped off the throne.

"Father said that a qualified king would never create troubles he could not solve, and would never make promises he could not fulfill."

"And you, obviously don't look like a qualified king now."

"Really?" Malekis couldn't help laughing as if he had heard some joke.

"To Thanos who said this to you, did he say another word to you?" The black mist gradually appeared behind Malekis.

"Your pride will blind your eyes."

"Who knows, maybe I said it."

Beckett shook his head, the air surging under his feet, his dark hair swayed wantonly, and the cold eyes gradually climbed up with excitement.


The hustle and bustle burst!

Beckett's figure appeared beside Malekis in an instant, and the powerful whip leg passed through Malekis' body and swept on the steps!


Stone chips are everywhere!

"Is it only this level?"

The figure of Malekis immediately appeared beside Beckett, and his cold palm swept the latter's face with lightning speed!


A powerful force that Beckett had never felt before directly plunged his figure into the steps!

"how about it?"

Malekis landed lightly, staring condescendingly at the man who was slammed into the stone steps with his palm, and asked with a smile.

"Can you sit down now and have a good talk, kid?"

For Malekis, who has lived for nearly 10,000 years, Beckett, who is only in his early twenties this year, is indeed only a child, or even a baby.

Although Beckett's size is much larger than that of dark elf babies.

"Tsk," Beckett stood up from the shattered steps, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, raised his eyes and looked at Malekis, the fiery fighting spirit in his eyes was burning.

"Also, far worse."

[Becket, you may not have noticed it, but that power is not given to you by the spiritual gem, but a power that belongs to you.

[I will not let you use the gem of the soul, because I want you to truly find your limit.

The admonition of the adoptive father Thanos after the war on planet u40 echoed in Beckett's mind at this moment.Without the other by his side, there is no gem of the soul to rely on, and there is not even a Hela who can share the pressure. Beckett completely regards Malekis as his whetstone for breaking through the limits, and he is here without reservation. Vent your own power in the hall.

Boom boom boom boom!!!