Saiyans adopted by Thanos

The Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 123

Beckett, who had already guessed what Thanos wanted to say, took the conversation and asked.

"Yes, they are dead."

Thanos stared at the sunset on the horizon, his eyes reminiscent of himself when he was young.

"because I."

For the specific reason, Thanos did not say, and Beckett did not ask.He just sat quietly beside his adoptive father Thanos, and accompanied him to stare at the sunset in the sky.

After eating the energy ball, the orange cat licked his lips, feeling uncomfortable with his shoulders lying on his stomach, and slid on top of Beckett's head. The little furry head arched Beckett's hair, and it was comfortable as a nest, learning the appearance of Beckett. Looking into the distance under the rays of the setting sun.

"At that time, I was in an extremely irritable state just like you."

Beckett was silent.

"Anger can give you great power, but believe me, anger can also make you lose your mind gradually."

"I have gone through many detours, Beckett, and for this, I have paid a price that is painful."

"So, I don't want you to be the same as me back then, under the influence of anger, you will go further and further, until you have paid the price and then you will regret it."

"You know, I rarely feel surprised, but you did surprise me this time."

"So I hope this surprise is not a flash in the pan, do you understand?"

Thanos’s tone gradually became solemn, and Baker nodded in the setting sun: "I understand."

"You have always had a huge flaw."

Thanos, who moved his gaze away from Beckett and cast it toward the distant skyline, sighed:

"You are too emotional and not too calm."

"You will be angry because of a small matter in the task, and you will also lose the ability to think calmly because of a vague offense."

"It's just that your strength has covered this shortcoming for you over the years."

"So this time, I hope you learn your lesson."

"It's not that you let you abandon your emotions, but that you have to learn to control your emotions."

"Let your emotions become a booster of your strength, instead of making yourself a puppet of emotions."

"I understand." Beckett continued to nod mechanically.

When Thanos saw it, he stood up with a smile, and looked into the distance of Titan with his helmet in his arms: "Woz's data is still backed up in the Dark Quadrant. After you go back, you can go to the base to help it make a new body. "

Beckett stood up abruptly when he heard the words, his eyes revealed a touch of surprise: "Father?!"

"Think of what I just said to you, Beckett, I look forward to it, and look forward to the day when you will bring me more surprises in the future."

Thanos turned around and stroked Beckett's shoulder with his generous palm, as soft as he stroked the back of his head when he was a child.

"Father, what about the other's core data?"

"Child, you have to understand that not everything can be done perfectly in this universe."

"...Is that so, I understand."

After returning to the main ship from Titan, Beckett put away the emotions on his face and changed back to the cold Beckett again.

The Ebony Maw, who was handling the battle on the battleship, didn't even look at Beckett, and walked straight to Thanos.

"Master Thanos, news of General Dead Blade."


Asgard, the palace of kings.

Soaking in the constant temperature pool water to wash away the tiredness of Hela, turning the test tube containing the green nutrient solution in his hand, closing his eyes, all that came to mind is Beckett beating Malkis over Wat Alheim. Picture.

[I can't win at all, I don't understand.

[I am a Saiyan!It surpassed the Saiyan, Super Saiyan!

With the appearance of flying blond hair, Hela couldn't help crushing the test tube.

The women of Asgard never admit defeat.

She must be able to pin this annoying guy on the pillar of the Palace of Asgard and get the place back!

It just takes time.


The milky white mist lingered around the body, followed Hela out of the pool step by step.

The black magic tights automatically attached to Hela's body, and the white and tender skin was completely covered.

However, the gap in the thigh of the tights that was torn by her hands was not restored by Hela's will, just because it was the shame she tore off by her own hands.

One day, she could make Beckett tear down his clothes, or she might be strong enough to tear his clothes by herself.

At that time, after washing the humiliation, she will recover the whole garment.

"His Royal Highness, Your Majesty wants you to come over."

The maid who had been waiting for a long time bowed and said.

Text Chapter 122 Doing this next time will not let you resurrect

Centaur galaxy, dark quadrant base.

The huge space battleship slowly landed to the ground, and three figures walked out of the hatch.

"Master Thanos, received a notice that General Deadblade and Dark Night Proxima have arrived in the virtual video conference room."


Thanos nodded, and then handed the key in his hand to Beckett next to him: "Go, I know you definitely don't have any intention to listen to him now."

Thanos sees it very clearly, it is completely impossible for Beckett to calm down.

"Yes, father."

Beckett, who received the key, did exactly as he expected, turning around and leaving without any hesitation.

"No. 3 data collection database..."