Saiyans adopted by Thanos

The Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 125

Why doesn't it know?

It stands to reason that if you back up the core data, it should have some sense as the main body, but in Watt Alheim, it really felt that it was dead.

"Listen to Woz, next time you do this without my permission, I won't resurrect you again." Beckett, who restrained the arc of his mouth, continued to maintain his usual cold image.

"I see, Your Royal Highness Beckett."

Text Chapter 123 The Hope of Resurrection-Jaffa Star

As one of the six infinite gems of the universe, the spiritual gem is not something that the other leader of the Zetaru clan can touch.

Not to mention that he also learned that the Shafrin of planet u40 burned life, and with his strong will, he was able to use part of the power of the spiritual gem to repel the etheric particles added to Malekis.

Although Malekis, the dark elf king, was only repelled by this blow and did not suffer much damage, the other who forcibly used the power of the psychic gems would not give up because Malekis was not injured. cost.

The result of that life-burning blow is completely ashes.

"In theory, the other does not have the possibility of resurrection like Woz."

Woz, who analyzed the situation one by one, put the final result before Beckett's eyes.

As a special existence of cyborgs and cyborgs, the other's resurrection only requires a set of core data carrying past memories, but unfortunately, there is no data about the other in Thanos' database.

"What about Zitar Rising?"

Beckett immediately thought of the other born Zeta Rising.

"His Royal Highness Beckett, are you leaving now?"

Gates, who was still thinking about creating a recipe for the Primal Eater, sniffed out the overtones of Beckett's words, raised his eyes and asked, full of dismay.

It has made a big table full of dishes to welcome Beckett's return.

"wait me back."

Beckett leaned over and reached out to touch Gates' forehead. As soon as his right hand was raised, Woz had reshaped into a ring and returned to his wrist.

In Gates's eyes, Beckett's figure disappeared instantly.


The orange cat caught off guard screamed, and his front paws grabbed Beckett's hair, which prevented the accident of falling to the ground.

"His Royal Highness Beckett!"

The soldiers guarding the warship harbor saluted when they saw Beckett landing.


"The route has been planned for you, Your Royal Highness Beckett." The revived Woz was as intimate as ever.After connecting to the data network in the Dark Quadrant base, a small battleship has opened its hatch under the control of Woz.

"Master Thanos, detected an abnormal movement in the warship port."

In the dark quadrant base, the virtual video conference room.

Thanos, who listened to General Deathblade's report, heard the report from Ebonmaw.

"It's Beckett, don't stop him."

The pondering Thanos stepped out of his thoughts, glanced at the ebony throat, and explained.

"Yes, Lord Thanos."


The Zeta Rising in the harsh environment, the battleship carrying Beckett slowly landed.

The figure who walked out of the hatch flew straight to the life farm of Qitarixing, where the life of the Qitarix clan was bred.

The half-mechanical and half-biological structure of the Zetaru clan were born in this farm, even the other is no exception.


After confirming his identity, Beckett pressed the ring on his wrist.The light lit up, and Woz instantly connected to the gene database of the Zetarixing Life Breeding Farm.

If there is a backup of the other's core genetic data, then it may only be found here.

"Woz is looking for existences that are more than 90% similar based on the other's genetic model."

"Woz is searching..."

"Retrieval failed."

"His Royal Highness Beckett, there is no genetic backup data of the other in the Zetarus Gene Database, only the information about the birth of the other."

In other words, Beckett can now deploy a new-born the other by himself based on the information left in the gene bank when the other was born...

"Can't find it?"

Beckett never considered making a brand new the other.

The subordinates he recognizes can only be the only ones, not replaceable.

"Unfortunately, Your Highness Beckett, the other Lord does not have the conditions for resurrection."

Calm thinking, careful analysis, and a little thought, Woz reached a conclusion.


The orange cat lying on Beckett's head jumped three feet high and jumped onto the console to attract Beckett's attention.


When he opened his mouth, he vomited, and it was a piece of biological tissue lingering in dark energy with blood stains on it.


Beckett, who was attracted by the Elemental Beast, frowned, and the information about this piece of biological tissue was scanned and projected by Woz on the light screen at his right eye.

"This is the other's biological tissue, with the energy of ether particles attached to it."

After Woz's reminder, Beckett just remembered that the other had already been destroyed by Malekith's energy shock wave before he threw the punch that turned himself into ashes.

And the piece of biological tissue vomited by the Elemental Devouring Beast now obviously came from the destroyed half.

After spitting out this piece of meat, the orange cat licked his lips, proudly raised his head in front of Beckett, and extended his right front paw towards him: "Meow~"

It looks like a pet waiting to be fed,