Saiyans adopted by Thanos

The Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 136

During that period, he did feel the long-lost happiness, but it was a pity that Odin was still a man with a family business to inherit.

"he died."

"What did you say?" The collector paused, with a little surprise in his voice.

"Odin killed it?"

"No, Thanos."

Hela shook her head, and when she mentioned Thanos' name, it was the blond figure that came to her mind.

Thanos' sword light flashed, and Malekis head fell to the ground.

Since then ended his sinful life.

But before Thanos, the man who claimed to be the Super Saiyan who surpassed the Saiyan left the deepest impression on Hela.

"The survivor of the Titan?"

"He is indeed a tough guy." The collector's figure stopped in front of the counter where a collection was placed.

"However, this makes me understand why Odin wants this thing."

A broken map was handed over to Hela by the collector.

"It seems that he should feel the pressure."

Hela took the map and looked from left to right, but she couldn't see any name.

She couldn't understand why her father Odin paid so much attention to this broken map, and even sent her to a place so far away personally on the eve of the decisive battle with the frost giant.


"Where is this place?"

The destination marked on the map is a planet that Hela has never heard of.

"It's an extremely desolate place, but there is a force that Odin needs very much now."

After passing this dilapidated old map to Hela, the collector carried his hands on his back, stepped on the floating new toy, and slowly walked to the other side of the storage room with the two people behind him.

"Father, the power you need so much now?"

Hela puzzled.

Her father Odin is now the number one person in the Nine Realms. After Malkis's death, Laufi of Jotunheim is not enough to resist Asgard's conquest.

In this case, what strength is needed?

"Have you heard of Infinite Gems?"

Suddenly, the collector suddenly turned around and looked directly at Hela.

"What?" Hela frowned.

She heard the guy Beckett said that it seemed that the ether particles in Malekis' hands were the legendary gems of reality.

"That is one of the powers that existed since the birth of this universe, and the power that existed on the Warmier star is one of the six infinite gems."

"It represents the soul."


As a Protoss warrior who had awakened the divinity of death, the first time Hear heard this word, what Hela thought of was his own special ability.

"Although I don't know what Odin is suddenly going to do with this map from me, but since I took away my collection, then you have to give something that interests me."

Take Hela to the test field on the other side of the storage room.

"this is…………"

Blue fluorescence flows in the densely packed pipes, and at the end of these pipes is a floating glass bottle.

And in this glass bottle, there is a budding flower.

"Let this magnificent collection take shape, and you can take that map away." The collector said with his hands on his back, bending over to reach the glass bottle.

"what is this?"

Hela asked without knowing what this thing was.


The collector snapped his fingers and pointed at the man who had been following behind him in silence.

"That is, the flower of life."

Robin's voice with the helmet between his waist was steady and strong.

"With stardust as mud, nourished in the Milky Way, once formed, it will never wither, the flower of life that will always bloom in the silent universe."

There is one more word that Robin didn't say.

That is, the role of this flower in nourishing life is not worth mentioning to the collector. The reason why he is willing to spend 30 million years on Jaffa to cultivate this flower is only because of the moment the flower blooms. , Very beautiful.

Yes, collectors are so boring.

Of course, it can also be said that this is a pursuit, a pursuit full of style.

"how should I do?"

Hela didn't understand it very well, because she had never heard of it.

"Kill this man, find his body, and take away his star core."

The collector raised the chip in his hand, and Igo, dressed in clothes, appeared at the beginning of the video.

"This is the fastest way right now."

"Who is he?"

Hela frowned and watched the man in the video dance with a woman in the manor.

In order to maintain the image of his elders, the collector paused, and the video was frozen at the moment when the man raised his eyebrows confidently.

"His name is Ego."

Text Chapter 133 The Resurrection of The Other