Saiyans adopted by Thanos

The Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 143

"Bacchus?" Hela glanced at the wine glass in Yigo's hand, and then at the heart-shaped stone that appeared in Yigo's hand for some time.

"Or a stone god?"

"Interesting." Ego smiled and toasted and drank the wine in one glass, then threw the heart-shaped stone in his hand into the huge glass.



The coquettish burgundy rose immediately filled the whole wine glass.

"Actually, I am the God of Creation."

Igo slowly pushed the wine glass full of roses to Hela.

"Do you like a fantasy creation god?"

Hai stretched his hand to pluck a rose from the wine glass, fragrant.

"Not bad. It should be a good choice to deceive the little girls on Asgard."

Like a taster appraising the color of the flower, the burgundy petals withered in Hela's hand. In the end, only a bare rod was left in Hela's hand.

"Perhaps you should learn how to please women?"

"This method is outdated."

Hela stood up, swaying her waist and gradually moved away under Igo's gaze, until she completely disappeared from his vision.

"How about to please women?"

Igo retracted his gaze and reached out to take a pair of black sunglasses that Hela had left on the table and put it on.

"The gadgets produced by Jiafaxing are really good."

"Waiter, check out." Yigo, wearing sunglasses, raised his hand.

"Sir, the lady just paid the bill for you." The waiter's respectful voice contained a hint of envy.

"is it?"

Igo raised his eyebrows, feeling as if he had encountered an opponent.

[However, this seems to be more interesting.

Wearing sunglasses and whistling, Igo stepped on several corpses and left the tavern.

It is the first time Igo has met a woman who awakened the death divinity to this level at a young age.

[Asgard, is it the Asa Protoss?

[Does that group of primitive people evolve so fast?

Ego, who has been searching for breeding partners in the universe to find the direction of evolution, has not been to the Nine Realms.

It's just that the Nine Realms at that time left him a bad impression, and the only thing that made him interesting was a giant named Ymir.

The strength is not bad, but he died earlier.

A race that has evolved so fast, coupled with Shanghai La’s talent for awakening the god of death to such a degree at a young age, Igo's tongue swept across slightly dry lips, and Jennifer's heart would suddenly be thrown away. The anger and loss were thrown away.

It was not the first time in his long life that the left and right were left behind.

But he hasn't met many women like Hela.

[The goddess of death in Asgard............]

And shortly after Ego left, Jennifer, who was wearing a red dress and flying blond hair, pushed open the door of the tavern with the allies she had just made.

"Here, it is one of the only three places on Gafa Star where the laws of Gamma are not enforced."

"Generally speaking, if I feel bored, I will come here for a drink and listen to those people talking about some strange things in the universe."

Perhaps because it was still early, the tavern was not as lively as a drunken night.Looking for a table on the edge and sitting down, Jennifer ordered a serving of what she used to drink, ran her fingers across her ears of short blond hair, raised her eyes and asked the man sitting across from her: "What to drink, Beckett?"

"Boring interest."

Beckett was sitting in the position with his back straight, his arms folded around his chest, his face full of impatience.

"The sign of this shop is not bad." After shrugging and directly taking care of the impatient Baker's characteristics, Jennifer leaned back in the chair comfortably.

Ten minutes later, Jennifer watched with a stunned look at Beckett with an impatient face, emptied the food on the table with a light and windy posture and a windy speed.

And she just took a fried beast meat roll.

"Waiter, have another one, the same." Jennifer, who had basically eaten nothing, glanced at Beckett who was drinking after finishing work, and had no choice but to raise his hand and signal the store to have another one.

After another ten minutes, Jennifer, who still had only one fried beast meat roll in his hand, looked at Beckett sitting in front of him, and rounded up the rest.

"Look at what?"

Beckett, who wiped his lips, frowned.

It's been two times and the portion is so small, it's not enough to stuff his teeth.

It is better to have a small cafeteria at Gates in the base, not to mention a lot of food, but also nutritious and balanced development.


"You take the liberty to ask, are you full now?" Jennifer asked with a question mark.

"No." Beckett bit the straw and drank, looking cold.

"Ten more." Jennifer helped her forehead helplessly.

Ninety minutes later, the shopkeeper in the pub "invited" Jennifer to the cashier.

"Ms. Jennifer, your friend has eaten up all the food in our tavern." The boss's chubby cheeks were filled with professional smirks.

"Tell me please, you guys, are you really entertaining me?"

After making repeated promises and paying a sky-high deposit, Jennifer returned to Beckett.

The latter was pointing on his azure light screen, and when Jennifer came back, he waved away from the light screen.

"Are you full?"

"Half full."