Saiyans adopted by Thanos

The Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 176

What is this?

Will it be calculated?

Who is [calculating] whom between the two of them?

"It's great."

Woz sat down with a pair of short legs dangling, holding the oil cup and taking a sip, and exclaimed: "Apart from Lord Thanos, Ms. Hela, you are the first to take the initiative to care about His Royal Highness Beckett. people."

"I care about him?"

"What a joke!"

Hela, who was able to easily break free from the restraints without Igor's obstruction, leaned over and stared at the Doraemon, whose head was only up to his calf after sitting down. In the latter's dull gaze, he stretched out his hands and continued to knead. With Woz's round cheeks.

"If it weren't for revenge, Igor had to use his power, do you think I would care about him?!"

"Are you looking at him too high?!"


"It hurts!!! Wo knows, Wo knows!!!" Woz replied vaguely with his cheek being kneaded, and the unfinished motor oil in the cup was spilled on the floor.


Hela let go, crossed her arms around her chest, and looked up at the golden figure under the dim sky.

"how is this possible?!"

"Why is your power so powerful?!"

After being punched in the face by Beckett again, Igo, who was already bruised and swollen, looked at Beckett, who was not blushing or breathing in front of him in disbelief.

How much time has passed since this monkey, who was unable to fight back at Jaffa, was able to suppress himself easily?!

Although his power has not fully recovered yet, this is not the reason why this monkey can suppress himself!

"Father once said,"

The pupils reflecting Eagle's body were full of indifference, Beckett raised his right arm, opened his palm, and concentrated energy in his palm.

"I evolve faster than light."


A reborn energy beam blasted from Beckett's palm, and Igo, who had already achieved the ultimate defense, lost an arm under the energy beam of Beckett!

"Oh? Broken your right arm?"

"The reaction is quite fast, but, it's okay, you still have two legs." Beckett tilted his head, and the sneer raised at the corners of his mouth made Eagle chill.

As soon as the voice fell, the dense energy bombs formed a light net, and with Beckett's finger, they flooded towards Igo!!!

Boom boom boom!!!!!!

Indiscriminately attacking the entire Saka star has changed. Countless energy light bullets penetrated Ego's defense and landed on every inch of Saka star!

The mountains and rivers are broken, and the rivers are countercurrent!

The unavoidable Igo fell directly into the upstream river, and the remaining left arm prevented Igo from being washed away by the inverted river.


Beckett landed on his toes, behind which was the eruption of a volcano.

"Now, tell me," Beckett paced to stand before the embarrassed Igo, stepping on the splashing torrent.I stepped on the left arm of Yigo, leaned over, and the pupils reflecting Yigo's appearance were full of indifference: "With only one left arm, what else can you do?"

Text Chapter 161 Lost the ball!Igo was blown up again!

Pain, pain deep into the bone marrow.

Even the previous battle with Thanos Odin didn't make Ego feel that way.

The humiliation was intertwined with emotions of fear and anger, and it instantly imbued Ego's heart.

After all, he was directly cut in half by Thanos at that time, but at the moment, Beckett did not give him a happy idea at all.

The humiliation was intertwined with emotions of fear and anger, and it instantly imbued Ego's heart.

Right arm, legs, everything reminds Yigo of Gaffa not long ago.Contrary to the present, at that time it was him who was above Jaffa, and it was Beckett who was trampled under his feet.

"Take a tooth for a tooth, ten times to give it back."

"This is His Royal Highness Beckett."

Woz, sitting quietly on the edge of the cliff, refilled himself with the oil drum, holding the cup with his chubby hands to his mouth, a pair of suspended short legs swayed back and forth, taking a sip of brown oil, his brows Satisfy.

"From childhood to adulthood, all the hatreds that His Royal Highness Beckett took in his heart, without exception, were doubled and returned."

"Including, the other Black Yao four generals under Lord Thanos."

He took a long time from his belly pocket and turned over a booklet whose cover was already bluish. Woz held it up and smiled openly at Hela. The crooked universal text on the cover clearly caught the latter's eyes.

""Becket Growing Diary"?"

"what is this?"

Hai stretched his hand to grab it, but Woz was flexibly avoided.

"Those are precious memories belonging to His Royal Highness Beckett."

As if deliberately losing his appetite, Woz held the "Growth Diary" in front of Hela for a while and then retracted it back into his abdomen pocket, and patted the belly with satisfaction.

"If you want to see it, you can go directly to His Royal Highness Beckett."


The dark-faced Hela kicked Woz on all fours.

"Don't force me to tear you down!"

The blue Doraemon bumped into the oil drum set aside, and the golden figure immediately fell in front of Hela in the next second.

"what are you doing?"

Beckett's cold to the point of no emotion caused Hela's body to shiver subconsciously, and the pressure from the bottom of her heart made Hela unconsciously ooze cold sweat on his forehead.

how come?