Saiyans adopted by Thanos

The Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 195

This is his selfishness as a king, and it can be regarded as his little willfulness.


A hint of surprise flashed through Beckett's pupils.

The structure of this unique building is whimsical and stunning even in his opinion.

Even Beckett can foresee that it can be said that it is very difficult to build this kind of building with the technological level of the Midgarts here.

However, this man did not give up, and even completed two-thirds of the building in less than half a year.

It's just the gratitude and respect for him in my heart.

Beckett's face, for the first time because of the existence of a non-enemy, revealed a complex emotion.

He didn't understand what was the reason that supported Menis to do this.


[This feeling, unexpected, not bad...?

Hela, who thought Beckett would say [extremely boring], glanced in surprise at the former who didn't say anything. She didn't have much interest in this statue.

I don’t know how many myths and legends about her in the ice and snow in Midgart, the statue of her father Odin, she has been accustomed to it, and she doesn’t feel much at all.


"Why, are you very moved?" Hela raised her eyebrows and stepped forward playfully, the emotions in the corner of her eyes teasing the expressionless Beckett.


Glancing coldly at the smiling Hela, Beckett turned around: "Tell me the way to meet Orphee, Menis."

"Yes, Lord Savior."

Menis hurriedly followed Beckett's pace and took out a pure gold pendant from his residence.

The whole of the pure gold pendant is triangular like the building, and there is a strange pattern of an eye carved on the surface. The surging magic power stored in it makes the smile on the face of the smiling Hela gradually disappear.

"This is the magic vessel I got from a demon god of different latitudes called Horus."

"If it is it, it should be possible for you, Lord Savior, to see the other-latitude demon Orphee."

Text Chapter 175 Who is Domam


"what is that?"

"Where did you get this thing?"

Hela, shocked by the magical energy contained in this golden magical artifact, passed the Beckett who stood in front of her, her voice with unprecedented solemnity.

She can swear to the Hall of Valor of Asgard that, among the magical energy storage she has seen since her birth, except for those outside the specifications owned by her father Odin, the golden artifact in the hands of Menis The magical energy contained is enough to rank in the top two, second only to the Arctic Ice Box of the Jotunheim Frost Giant clan.

No, it should not be said to be second only to.

Hela felt that this golden magical weapon should have another form, and the other form of storing magic power should exceed the form of the ice box.

"Save, Lord Savior, what's wrong?"

Menis was obviously frightened by Hela's reaction, and even Beckett did not expect that a magical artifact containing magic power would be enough to make Hela so gaffe.


Beckett raised his eyebrows, offering his assassin.

Woz's eyes, who had already returned to Beckett's wrist ring, gleamed, and various analysis data about this golden artifact suddenly appeared on Beckett's right spectacle lens.

"Horus, the demon god of different latitudes, is known as the [Eagle God] because of the characteristics of its eagle head."

"The Eye of Horus, as the name implies, is a holy artifact transformed by Horus' right eye, which has the effects of real exploration, protection, healing, restoration and exorcism."

"Among the many demon gods of different latitudes who admire conquest and destruction, Horus is more like an outlandish alien, so he is often attacked by those demon gods of different latitudes."

"And the last time Horus appeared in real form, it has to be traced back three thousand years before the cosmic calendar."

"Three thousand years ago, [Eagle God] Horus started a battle with a mysterious existence known as [God of Dark Latitude], and the final result is unknown."

After reading out the data recorded in the database word by word, Woz's voice disappeared, leaving time and space for several people present to think.

"Is it the demon god of different latitudes three thousand years ago? Now, I am starting to wonder how you got the Eye of Horus."

Beckett squinted his eyes and turned his gaze to Menis. The latter's face was also full of surprise at the moment. The moustaches on his lips kept shaking with his lips, and the other face behind Beckett who heard a surprise Hei: "You deserve to be the savior!"

The other suddenly felt that his status was threatened, a very strong threat, especially when he saw the appearance of Beckett's mouth rising, he didn't know how much he stabbed the villain named Menis with a knife. under.

"Six months ago, after being saved by the Lord Savior, I met a group of magicians who claimed to be disciples of the Supreme Master."

"I want to go to learn art from a teacher, but unfortunately I don't have enough talent, so after 30 days of persisting, I left the sanctuary where the Supreme Master was located and returned to my hometown, which is here."

"I took my father's scepter and became the king of Upper Egypt, that is, at that time, I got this thousand-year eye."

As he said, Menis raised the golden artifact in his hand, and the front of his forehead was dyed with golden bangs. The windless automatic: "Of course, the Eye of the Thousand Years is actually what we call it, because it has been circulated in our tribe for thousands of years. ."

"It was not until I took over that the power of Horus, the demon god of different latitudes, was awakened."

"With the guidance of the Thousand-Year Eye, I have mastered the power to seal the beasts of different latitudes into the stele and drive them to my use."

"Furthermore, I also saw the body of Horus in the already silent space of different latitudes."

"He is dead, in the hands of the Dark Lord named Domam."

"But before he died, he stripped the power that would restrict Domam from his body and hid him in the eyes of a thousand years, waiting for the arrival of his successor..."

Menis solemnly recounted the tragic epic belonging to Horus, Beckett was impatient when he heard it, but Hela was full of relish.

This is comparable to the "Collection of Odin Mythology" written by those Midgarts.


"Who is Domam?" Hela asked with relish.

Judging from the information Woz searched in the database, there was no trace of Domam. Of course, this could also be because Woz did not have enough authority to search.

And the education she received as a child did not have the slightest information about Domam.

"Sorry, Lord Savior, I just got the power of Lord Horus, and I don't have his memory."