Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 207

In the next second, as if something was caught under his feet, he fell directly on the beach.

"Thank you for your generosity."

Beckett raised his eyebrows, paced to Hela's side, and simply sat on Hela's ass, grabbing the latter's right hand.

The cross of the fingers means death and at the same time that the new death divine nature is continuously transmitted from Hela to Beckett's soul, repairing his cracked body.


The massive body under the energy blessing made Hela completely unable to move. Beckett, who could only keep his eyes open, closed his eyes and enjoyed the power that was completely uncontrolled in the quilt, nourishing Beckett's soul.


Hela was a little crazy.

Why is Beckett inexplicably able to swallow and absorb his own power?!

Why can't she swallow his power in turn?

Although the part of the death divinity absorbed by Beckett is only a fraction of her, this feeling of powerlessness and being forced still makes Hela very unhappy.

At the very least, she wants to be on it.



Suddenly, Hela seemed to hear a strange sound. The next second, her eyes suddenly fell into darkness.

When she opened her eyes again, she was already standing on a devastated planet. In front of her, a woman with the same tail was smiling and saying something to the baby in the escape pod.

Smiled and cried.

Hela followed the woman's gaze, and there was a baby in the escape capsule.But unlike this woman, the baby in the escape pod has a red tail.

"That tail?"

The moment Hela saw the tail, Hela thought of Beckett for the first time.

And then,

She heard the baby's hysterical cry.


Planet explosion!

A man soared into the sky, but after all he could not withstand the blow that destroyed the world.

The weird pronunciation and unintelligible language made Hella very confused.

"This is... what happened?"

Hela was wondering, the surrounding environment suddenly began to turn back into a light spot!

On the barren Titan star, Thanos in a golden armor was holding a baby who was constantly resisting, and slowly disappeared in front of Hela.


The picture suddenly went black, and consciousness returned to reality.

An unspeakable sense of suffocation filled every cell in Hela.

"what are you doing?!"

Beckett whispered and pressed Hela firmly into the sea, his pupils were reddish.


Hela opened her mouth and the sea water poured in, making her unable to speak at all.

"Ahem! Ahem! Ahem!!!"

"I do not know!"

"I just want to go the other way--" Hela who was dragged out coughed, and the explanation came to an abrupt end.

She suddenly remembered that before she saw those images, what she thought in her mind was [Why can't I swallow Beckett's power].

Hela who reacted instantly lowered her head and looked at her hands. For a while, she still didn't sense the power belonging to Beckett.

Her hair was not automatically dyed golden.

Is it because his power is not as strong as Beckett, so he can't swallow his power and can only look at the memory in his soul?

Hela's face turned dark when he thought of this, as if he felt the evil of the universe towards him.

"The other way around?"

"Tell me, what did you see?"

Seeing Hela did not respond for a long time, Beckett's body surface energy surged, and the strong killing intent was like a tide, and it instantly rushed to Hela.

Beckett disconnected from her when he sensed that his memory seemed to be flipped through by Hela.

But he didn't know how many memories Hela saw about himself.

"I saw who he is?"

Text Chapter 184 Domam's Back Hand

As soon as the voice fell, Hela clearly noticed the strange look of Beckett.

The anger visible to the naked eye appeared on Beckett's cheeks, and the left arm that locked Hela's throat suddenly exerted force. Unexpectedly, Hela was pushed into the sea again by Beckett!




The feeling of suffocation instantly stung every nerve in Hela's body.

Struggling with her teeth and dancing claws, she fluttered a few charming splashes on the sea level, but it was of no avail. She still couldn't break free from Beckett's shackles.


"Are you crazy?!"