Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 254

[Everyone introduces Beckett and Hela into the position of the evolutionary magnetic field at all costs.

For what?

Help them evolve?

Kross, who saw this order at first glance, didn't know why.

"Becket and Hela are so powerful not from themselves, but from the addition of infinite gems."

"The power gushing from the infinite gem is constantly transforming their bodies and souls, which is what we commonly call evolution."

"However, the evolution of any race in the universe has its limits, even these two people are no exception."

"Introducing them into the evolution zone to accelerate their growth, making their bodies unable to withstand the strength and damage brought about by continuous evolution. When the damage to the body reaches the critical point of collapse..."

The temporary response guide written by the Supreme Wisdom himself caused Kloss a headache.

This is a response plan made by it after careful calculations, known as the [God of Artificial Intelligence].

If you want people to die, you must first make people crazy.

What the Supreme Wisdom has to do is to kill the rising Beckett and Hela step by step at the cost of fewer lives than the entire Hara Star and the entire Kerry Empire.

Toward the abyss of self-destruction.

It wants Beckett and Hela to experience despair in the evolutionary magnetic field, and then pay the price of their lives to comfort the spirits of the fallen soldiers.

"Fourth Fleet, the whole army will attack."

Although he did not agree with the plan of the Supreme Wisdom, Kross implemented the plan after all.

In Kerry, no one now dared to defy the orders of the Supreme Wisdom.

Even knowing that this trip is likely to be gone, I still have no regrets.

call out!

Intensive artillery attacks continue to harass Beckett's heart, and the energy belonging to the soul gem unconsciously stimulates his nerves.

The calmness faded away, and the bloodthirsty excited him.

The energy growth rate experienced in planet u40 once again quietly descended on him!


[You, all are going to die!

[No one, no one can target me!!!

[This is the price of staring at me!!!

A strong killing intent was constantly gathering in Beckett's body along with ever-expanding energy. Unknowingly, the two people who had killed their eyes had been introduced into the circle set by the supreme wisdom.


With an order from the Supreme Wisdom, the evolutionary magnetic field specially created for Beckett and Hela opened instantly!


The strength in his body skyrocketed, and Beckett immediately noticed something was wrong.

Looking back, Hela, standing behind him, also showed a strange appearance.

Not only that, the soul gems inlaid between his brows also bloomed with a familiar light of Beckett.

Thanos' pupils, who used artificial intelligence Woz to monitor everything in the Dark Quadrant, suddenly shrank.

As knowledgeable as him, he already recognized what was on the screen in front of him.

"Backup hidden energy is activated, authorized person Thanos!"

"Woz, bring Beckett out!"


With a piercing beep, Thanos’s communication secret door in Woz’s body instantly lost its function!


The screen in front of Thanos went black, completely losing the right to know.



Within the evolutionary magnetic field, Beckett's ears sounded like a burst of heartbeat!



This feeling…………

The familiar feelings of the old days at u40 came to my heart again.

The dazzling light bloomed from Beckett's body, condensed into a crimson beam of light, wrapped Beckett and rushed into the sky!



Text Chapter 216 Hello, the super three experience card has arrived, please pay attention to check it

"Bei... Your Royal Highness Beckett...?"

[B] Inside the spacecraft headed by the symbol, the other, who had to be manually operated due to Woz's accidental shutdown, looked at the crimson-gold beam of light not far away, with a worried expression.

No one knows what happened to Beckett in this beam of light, and no one knows what this beam of light means to Beckett.What the other can do is to pray secretly in his heart, praying that the strange appearance of Beckett will not bring bad influence to him.

"Target One has begun to force evolution!"

"Target One has begun to force evolution!"

"Repeat it again, target number one has begun to force evolution!"

"Received, now start to concentrate on the second goal!"