Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 262

"This is... Asgard?"

The scenery of the hometown was familiar to Hela, but she clearly remembered one thing-Beckett's spacecraft should be headed to the main star of the Skuru Empire to find fault.


Ten minutes ago, Asgard, the palace of the palace.

Helping Odin walked out of the convalescent pool again, Friga looked at her husband with worry in her eyes.

Just now, Odin had already informed his wife of the story of the defeat.Had Heimdall sensed that Odin was in danger and forced him to intervene in the fight to rescue him from the battlefield at the cost of damaging his vitality, I am afraid that Odin would have already been reduced to a corpse.

The intervention of Heimdall is also the reason why Odin previously declared martial law across Asgard.

He didn't know whether the aloft god would chase after him, a challenger who didn't know the heights of the earth. The only thing he knew was that he, or Asgard, must prepare early.

Prepare to meet the anger of the gods that may come.

"Where is Hela?"

Odin, who was dressed under his wife's service, asked.

"We are having trouble with Beckett in Harrah's Star." After hearing this, Friga smiled bitterly and shook her head, and informed Odin about the private transaction he had reached with Thanos.

"Hara, the ruler of the Kerry Empire?" Odin frowned.

"Yeah." Frigga nodded and said.


After confirming the facts, Odin blew his beard and stared.

Hela who hasn't grown to the top to go to Harrah to make trouble?

Isn't that going to deliver food?!

"Let Hela come back, now, immediately, immediately."

Odin, who wanted her daughter to stay outside for two more days to avoid the limelight, immediately overturned the decision that had just emerged in his heart.

"I tried it and couldn't connect. She should be in a place with extreme energy disorder."

"... Heimdall, bring Hela back, now." Odin was silent, and only after a long while he held the eternal gun by the bed and informed his most loyal subordinates.


Heimdall's voice echoed over the bedroom, and Odin closed his eyes tiredly.


Seeing her husband look like this, Friga inevitably feels distressed.

"I'm fine Friga." Odin opened his eyes, the fatigue in his eyes disappeared.

"Don't worry, I will be fully prepared, trust me." Reaching out his hand to embrace his wife, Odin gradually made a decision in his heart.

He is going to find Lauphy.

Sit down with him and talk face to face.

Compared with the god that might come, the so-called elimination of Lao Fei seemed insignificant.

Asgard’s troops stationed abroad must all return, so that Asgard’s strength can be restored to its peak.And to return to the voyage, he must talk to Lao Fei about the peace of the Nine Realms.

True peace...


Somewhere in Asgard, along with the colorful lights that brought Beckett and Hela back to Asgard, Asgard appeared with two other figures.

One big and one small.

The big one is burly, with sloppy blonde hair and a beer belly that can hardly be concealed by loose clothing, while the small one is a raccoon.

"Wow, cool!"

"Tor, it turns out that you Asgard was so magnificent two thousand years ago!" It was the first time I saw the world two thousand years ago, and the raccoon looked at the magnificent and majestic building in front of him and was amazed.

"In fact, it was the first time I saw it."

"Tons, tons, tons, tons..." The man named Thor felt a little nervous in his heart after a few consecutive vomits were added to his throat.

[Father...mother two thousand years ago...]

[And that... sister...]

"Okay, okay, don't drink it!"

"We have to quickly find a way to put this thing on the yuan-chewing beast!"

"If there is no error in the data record, your sister's wedding with that man is the best time for us to take away the yuan-eater."

The raccoon kicked Thor's calf and urged.

The 221st chapter of the main body of Odin in the transformation




In the noisy tavern, tasting the wine from his hometown two thousand years ago, Thor, who was in a trance state, repeatedly ignored the raccoon's cry in his ear.As a last resort, the raccoon can only use his nirvana-slap Thor in the face!


The voice was clear and loud, and the people of Asgard around Thor's table paid their attention.

"Um... I said I was flirting with him and scolding you to believe it?"

The fierce gaze of dozens of people instantly softened the raccoon who wanted to straighten his waist and stiff.

At this time Asgard is not the heaven and earth that has become accustomed to peace and forgot about war two thousand years later. The sturdy folk customs is the only way for Odin to lead soldiers to the throne of the Nine Realms.

"Hey buddy, is this annoying thing your pet?"

Although he didn't know Thor who was slapped in the face, his obvious Asgardian characteristics made the people in the tavern prepare to lend a hand.

The kind of helping hand that is drunk.