Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 267

"Yes." Hela admitted readily.

The father in her memory was the overlord who swallowed the mountains and rivers, the god king who trained her as an Asgard execution officer, rather than the coward who suddenly wanted to give up the unified hegemony.

Conquering for Asgard, this is the idea that Odin has personally carved into Hela's bones for more than 20 years, or it is a dream or ideal.

The decision that Odin told her after recalling her was undoubtedly a betrayal of his ideals.

Hela felt that her father Odin should be just confused for a while.

She, Hela Odinson, as the future heir of Asgard, the daughter of Odin, must use her own actions to wake up the temporarily confused Odin and regain his not long ago ideas.

"So you want a gem of the soul?"

"What are you going to do?"

"Do you play the role of being kind and filial with your father?"

Beckett stopped the pen in his hand, and the brain hollowed out by the review phrase immediately found something that could stimulate his cerebral cortex.

"My current strength is too weak, and it does not achieve the purpose of reminding my father."

"So, I need a gem of the soul, Beckett."

Hela said it very seriously.

Father Odin will go to Jotunheim tomorrow to discuss the so-called peace treaty. With her current strength, even if it causes trouble in the past, she will definitely not be able to make waves.

But if there are soul gems, then everything is different.

The power given to her by the Heart Gem on Hara is obvious to all.Hela is confident that as long as she has that power again, she will be able to lead her army to awaken her dad who has been deceived for some reason, and wipe his heart of opening up the territory to achieve supreme hegemony spotlessly. bright.

"Sounds great." Beckett listened with relish.

"But I refuse."

Strictly speaking, the soul gem is the possession of his adoptive father Thanos, and it is only temporarily stored with him.Beckett felt that he did not have the qualifications to lend the soul gem to Hela on behalf of Thanos.

What if you don't pay it back?

My father once said that the heart of defense is indispensable.

Even if this Hela is already--

"Your review, let me write it for you."

What Beckett hadn't said was directly interrupted by Hela.


"If I didn't guess wrong, you should have been confined by your father because you went to Harasin without authorization and asked to write a review?"

"Look at the number of papers, it should still be ten."

Hela crouched at the table, the image passed through the body of the sleeping orange cat, counted the number of papers, and said affirmatively.

"I will write it for you, and you will lend me the gem of the soul, one day."

"I only need one day."

Hela stood up and raised her right hand to indicate that her loan period was short.

"I can promise to write sincerely. I know someone who is very experienced in this regard."

"After a day, I will personally return the soul gem to you."

Beckett squinted, looking like he was thinking.The lazy orange cat on the table yawned in his sleep, his paws smeared his cheeks, turned over and continued to sleep.

Sleeping is its only pleasure in this barren land.

"We are also considered comrades who have fought side by side. This is the first time I have formally asked you, Beckett."

"Happy cooperation."

At the same time, because of the ghostwriting for Beckett last time, the two species with completely different body structures, the?other and Woz, are now sitting under the same roof of Zeta Rising and sighing.

"His Royal Highness Beckett is already good at cultural classes, and Lord Thanos wants ten more. What can I do..." Doraemon Woz's pancake face is full of sadness, and his naive facial features almost wrinkle. When they got together, the other beside him was also frowning.


Asgard, outside the palace.

After reaching a consensus with Beckett, Hela finally took the initiative to walk out of her bedroom.Friga, who had been sending people to watch, was finally relieved.

Especially after she saw the initiative to order someone to cook dinner for her.

"Let Kiel Martha come to see me, now."

After dinner, Hela began the first step of her "Sober Project".

Let Keel Martha, one of his most trusted subordinates, come to see him.

In other words, the former subordinates.

Since the dark elf king Malekis was slashed by Thanos, Keir Martha, as the leader of the garrison of Walter Alheim, was promoted by Odin to guard one side.

The kind with a heavy hand.

Thirteen minutes later, Hela's bedroom.

"His Royal Highness Hela."

Although he is no longer Hela's adjutant, Keir Martha still has respect for Hela in his heart.

"Martha, take your army and set off for Jotunheim tomorrow." Hela's attitude towards Martha did not change because of his position.

"Jotunheim?" The man who heard the words was taken aback, unable to figure out what Hela was thinking.

"His Royal Highness, the king wants to—"

"Martha, I ask you, do you want this humiliating peace?" Hela ruthlessly interrupted the doubts of the former adjutant.

The question that is thrown goes to the core.

"His Royal Highness..." Martha opened her mouth, staring at the woman in front of her in a daze, unable to speak for a long time.

He vaguely sensed what Hela wanted to do, and his cold sweat oozes out unconsciously.

"Don't worry, I just want to make my father a little more sober, I want him to abandon this unrealistic idea and revert back to the supreme king."