Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 303

Including but not limited to Odin's weapons and equipment, his opponents and so on.

Beckett even saw Lauphy's name.

The Frost Giant King who was smashed like a toy by himself also exists in the Norse mythology of this world.

And the identity is also the Frost Giant King.

Throwing away Loki and others that he didn't know, this was not a coincidence that could be explained by Beckett.

In fact, Woz was also following this [coincidence] clue to look up relevant information under his order.

Of course, it is impossible for Beckett to talk to the woman named Mera in front of him.

He knew that Mera must have her own little abacus in her heart, but he didn't care.

He just wants to go home now.

Then go to bring Odin a real dusk of the gods.

He wants Odin to taste the pain, and he wants to reproduce the scene of the volume of "The Twilight of the Gods" in his hand.

He failed to save Hela, so he even destroyed the entire Asgard and buried it with Hela.

To do all of this, he must find an energy source strong enough to open the passage of the universe.

Reality gems can't be counted on for the time being, he can only start from the local energy of this world.

According to the information collected by Woz, it seems that humans in this world once possessed an extremely powerful source of energy.

Beckett didn't know what it was, and the digital records of that energy source that Woz could retrieve were limited.

At present, the time and place that Beckett knows and was recorded in the network database for the last time was Britain after World War I in this world.

That is also Beckett's next destination.

What is he going to England.

"So, do you have any plans next?" Mei La with Xiao Jiujiu in her heart raised her eyes and asked.

"No." Beckett took off his sunglasses and glanced back at the sea level, but he gave him a rare unexpected look.



Twenty minutes ago, Highbury Hotel, Room 91.

Diana, who has gone through the settlement procedures, is making a satellite phone call with Bruce Wayne.

"Are you sure they are on the balcony of this hotel?"

Opening the suitcase, Diana took off her clothes one by one.

Bruce Wayne’s low voice came from the satellite phone placed on the TV cabinet: "Alfred was located through facial recognition technology. Our descendant of the awakened god does not seem to know the modern technology. power."

"Have you already determined his identity?" Diana stretched out her hand to choose from the left and right in the suitcase, and picked out a set of light blue bikini swimsuits.

"If the Nordic gods really existed, then they would not have escaped the twilight catastrophe."

The dusk of the gods is not just talking.

"So Diana, you should have a common language."

As a descendant of the gods, Diana has also experienced the period when she first entered human society.

This is why Bruce Wayne asked Diana to contact Beckett.

At the sensitive moment when Superman is dying, how much benefit can a descendant of a god awakening from a deep sleep bring to this earth?

Just look at Diana.

The dark forces from outside the universe have sent his vanguard, and Bruce must make the best use of all the forces that appear around him.

"What about the woman next to him? Is it also a descendant of the gods?"

Diana did not forget that Bruce was talking about two people.

"No, that woman shouldn't be. Judging from the surveillance footage, that woman and our ocean guardian who is still in the hospital should know each other."

"There is a high probability that the people on the bottom of the sea."

"Is that so, I understand, he will leave it to me." Diana knew.

In the era of Norse mythology, the descendants of gods who fell asleep for some reason gradually sank to the bottom of the sea due to changes in the earth's crust, and then awakened in modern times.

After being discovered by people on the bottom of the sea, they sent someone to take him ashore to find information about the era of Norse mythology and help him understand what happened that year.

This logic seems to Diana to be no problem at all.

After all, she also knew that Atlantis existed.

The history class on Paradise Island also said that the king of Atlantis was the trident that unified the seven seas.

With the mind to speak with her own appearance, in order not to cause unnecessary misunderstanding, Diana specially put on a bikini according to Bruce's proposal, pretending to be a tourist.

No matter what era, beauty is always the first choice for a woman to get in touch with a strange man quickly.

But when Diana deliberately walked towards the direction of Beckett with the steps of the model, the name uttered from the latter's mouth made her confused.


"you know me?"

Diana, who was planning to make contact by passing by, now has a fair reason to contact Beckett.

What's more, she was really puzzled.

She can be pretty sure that she has never seen this man, why can he call out his name accurately?

"Do you know her?"

Mera was also very confused.

She knew Diana because of the presence of this person in the recent death of Superman.

But isn't Beckett from another universe?

How did you know?