Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 397

If it hadn't been for him that he still had the mind to take advantage of the hegemony, he would have already beaten him with a hammer in the attitude of the hegemony of letting the pigeons go first and now late.

Don't doubt his courage.

After all, he was a ruthless man who dared to directly betray the giant Kerry Empire.

Even the person who can give up the position of [Kerry Supreme Accusation Group] will definitely raise the courage to hammer a Thanos.

"Father is testing you, whether you can pass this last level." Nebula began to rant about it with his understanding of Thanos.

Ronan didn't dare to attack her anyway.

"..." Ronan was aggrieved.

Obviously it should be an equal cooperative relationship, but now it has changed because of Thanos' move.

It was as if he was catching up with Thanos.

He was very upset, but helpless.

Thanos has been cultivating in the universe for many years, and the reputation of the Dark Quadrant even fears even the god of artificial intelligence [the Supreme Wisdom] of the Kerry Empire.

This is why Ronan will cooperate with Thanos.

After betraying the Kerry Empire for a long time, he vaguely heard some unfavorable winds. He needs to use Thanos' name to deter those compatriots in the Kerry Empire who have always looked at him unhappy.

It's that simple.

"Here." The Cautious Thinking Nebula in Ronan's heart is naturally not clear, and she is not in the mood to figure it out now.

The looming spaceship in the sky gave her a sigh of relief.

If Thanos does not come again, she really can't find any reason—????

The relaxation of Nebula's brow corners instantly solidified.

She had no influence at all because of the battleship that descended in front of her at an extremely fast speed.

The beautiful streamlined hull and the tough and elegant lines outline a special spacecraft that is the only one in the entire universe.

The big [b] character is a symbol that Nebula has never seen before.

"Who?!" Nebula blurted out his vigilance.

"Your mental quality is much better than the other one." The hatch opened wide, and a figure dressed in a loose black combat suit with a red tail around his waist slowly walked out accompanied by the other.

"Becket?" Nebula's expression was stagnant when he saw the person coming.

"You should call me brother."

Beckett paced in front of Nebula and Ronan, ignoring the small team behind Ronan.

"Brother? Thanos' son?" Ronan frowned. He had indeed heard that Thanos had a son, but he didn't know much.

After all, when Beckett was active in the universe, he was just a newborn baby and didn't remember anything.

By the time he remembered, Beckett had disappeared.

And what Ronan can find in the Kerry Empire Information Database is only a little marginal information.

"Bei——Why are you?" Nebula, who also failed to call out his brother, looked at the man in front of him with alert.

"Father's order, I will handle the matter with the Kerry people, haven't you been notified?"

Nebula shook his head slowly.

"You don't have an intelligent assist system?" Beckett frowned, looking at the cyborg-hybrid sister in front of him.

Nebula directly nodded his head, and a beam of light immediately projected from her eyes.

The information scrolled along with her thoughts, and finally saw the command from the dark quadrant base intelligent system in a lot of boring logs.

Beckett was silent.

He felt that this was because Thanos was afraid that he would create an intelligent life form to help write reviews.

"Wait, you mean, I have been waiting here for so long, and Thanos sent you to talk to me?"

Ronan's hoarse voice suppressed anger.

Deceive people too much.

This is simply too deceiving.

Do you really treat him as a vassal?

It’s fine to fly the pigeons before, but now the deity is reluctant to come out and push a son out?

Did you say that I should also push a subordinate out?

Have to make a temporary substitution?


Beckett moved his gaze from his sister Nebula to Ronan.

"After so many years, the Kerry people are still so disgusting."

Ronan's face was gloomy for a moment.

The team members behind him suddenly raised their weapons, and the muzzles of Kerry's technological weapons were aimed at Beckett and Nebula.

"Ronan, you--" Nebula, who wanted to warn Ronan, was completely stunned by the scene before him.

An energy flare emerged from behind Beckett, piercing the members of Ronan's chest and wiped their heads in an instant.

My father once said that you must beheaded to kill.

The silent attack, when Ronan and Nebula reacted, only three of them were still alive.

"..." Ronan swallowed vaguely, and clenched the warhammer handed down from generation to generation.

According to his mother who raised him, it was a weapon left by his grandfather.

Ronan tempered several times, and now this warhammer has become one of Kerry's masterpieces of technological weapons.

