Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 407

"He went back two thousand years ago, but the goal is not you, who was weak after the battle with Odin. It doesn't make sense."

"Since we have all traveled through time and space, is it just to do nothing to see Odin or you?"


"Unless, he encountered something, something more important than changing history."

"Reality gems."

There was a light called Wisdom in Thanos' eyes.

"He wants reality gems."

"The decisive battle with Odin is when you are weakest, most flawless, and caring for others."

"Relying on Thor Odinson's ability to take away the Elemental Devourer at that time, you have no way at all."

Thanos is the final word.

"But, traveling through time and space, this can't be done with time gems, right? And, their goal is reality gems, why?" Beckett was puzzled.

"The gem is just power, Beckett."

"Here is the real power." Thanos pointed to his head.

"In Midgart, there is a man who has been cursed by knowledge just like me. His name is Tony Stark."

"If it were him, it would not be unbelievable to create a machine that allows people to travel through time and space."

Beckett, who had never heard the name, frowned.

"As for why their goal is the reality gem inside the Elemental Eater Beast..."

Thanos clenched a fist with one hand and dropped one hand naturally: "It's easy, because I succeeded."

Text Chapter 315: The new toy of Beckett, the successor


Everything is echoed.

There was a touch of relief in Thanos's eyes with smooth thinking.

That's the comfort of a long-cherished taste.

On the contrary, it was Beckett, who couldn't keep up with Thanos's thoughts that had been cursed by knowledge.

"There are two infinite gems on Midgart, one space and one time."

"If Thor Oddingson is just because he encountered some powerful enemy, there is no need to take such a big risk to travel back two thousand years ago to try to take away the gems of reality."

"No matter what powerful enemy you encounter, two gems are enough."

"Even Beckett, the power of the time gem is enough to trap you in an eternal cycle of time."

"Unless, what they meet is me who has collected six infinite gems."

Thanos' tone was somewhat emotional.

The ideal he had pursued for half his life was realized in the future. He was very pleased, but at the same time a little angry.

Because he had already thought of the answer to Thor Oddingson's two thousand years of trying to take away the gems of reality.

Because that was what they could find, the only time Beckett had no time to take care of them.

Before that, the intersection between Beckett and Asgard was somewhat friendly. With the strength of Thor Oddingson, he wanted to unconsciously take away the gem of reality in front of Beckett and Hela. Different from idiotic dreams.

After that, Beckett was directly exiled by Odin with space gems. He has only now broken through the barriers of the universe and returned. During this period of more than a thousand years of empty window, Thor Odinson just wanted to find everything. Less than people.

"In the future, I gathered six infinite gems and snapped my fingers like this."


Thanos raised his hand and snapped his fingers in front of Beckett.

"The universe has returned to balance as I thought."

"Tor Oddingson must be unwilling to let his family and friends be randomly wiped out, so he wants to re-collect the six Infinite Gems to resurrect those who died randomly."

Speaking of this, Thanos' expression turned a little cold.

Let go of sorrow and move forward with weight to create a brighter future.

This is Thanos's expectation for those surviving creatures after the balance of the universe is restored, but now it seems that someone has failed his expectation.

"My existence ensures that Thor Oddingson and his accomplices cannot take the infinite gems from you, so they chose to go back to the past and go back to two thousand years ago." Beckett was also taken away by Thanos. Thinking of the reason why they just want to travel through the past.

"There is another possibility, that is, I chose to destroy the Infinite Gems." Thanos added an answer.

"What???" Beckett was confused.

"Father, the infinite gem is not—"

"Remember the question you asked me when you were a kid, Beckett, what will I do if my ideal is realized?" Thanos reached out and patted Beckett on the shoulder.

"I remember, father, you said you would find a planet where no one cares, and be a self-sufficient old farmer. It's okay to grow vegetables in the fields, wash melons in the river, and sit under the eaves steps and watch the beautiful sunset in the sky. Enjoy your old age." Beckett was deeply impressed by Thanos' description.

The quiet life that Thanos longed for once surprised the young Beckett.

"Infinite gems have extremely powerful power, but because of this, once they fall into the hands of those with ulterior motives, they will become extremely dangerous."

"So, before I start to enjoy the old age, I will personally destroy the Infinite Gems." Thanos's tone was a little heavy.

That's why he made Beckett his successor.

If the Infinite Gem is destroyed, his body will suffer heavy damage, his strength will be greatly reduced, and the life energy in his body will be weakened.


"Don't be sad for me, this is the path I chose myself."

"Also, I did it because I believed in you."

"Becket, I believe you will become a better leader than me in the future."

[If you were still alive then.

Beckett only felt that the broad palm of his adoptive father Thanos on his shoulders seemed to weigh 10,000 tons.