Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 415

"I know, Gu Yi's side, I will take action to hold her." The son's revenge plan is about to begin, and Thanos, the father, will help.

"I won't let you down, father." There was a bloodthirsty light in Beckett's eyes.

[Odin, wash my neck and wait.


Earth, America, New York, Times Square.

The voice was full of voices.

However, it is not the bustle and bustle, but the fleeing and screaming after panic.

Loki, who was fully prepared, made himself look like a god on the big screen of Times Square.

The men he brought out from the Dark Matter Research Institute are clearing the field, or in other words, forcing everyone to kneel.

Kneel towards him.

"Me, one last time."

"Kneel down!"

"Now, to me."

Loki, holding a scepter of mind, stood at the top of Times Square, but his voice spread throughout Times.


Boom boom boom!!!

The sudden explosion and the immediate bombing of the block caused the humans who still had a hint of hesitation in their hearts to abandon the gold inlaid on their knees and knelt towards Loki at the top of the square building.

"Really, interesting."

The condescending Loki closed his eyes and felt the breeze lightly stroking his face, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more unrestrained.



A fierce and domineering lightning fell from the sky, and Thor, holding the Thor's Hammer, steadily landed on the roof of the building, without any shreds of stone.

"My dear brother, meet again."

There was someone behind Loki who didn't panic at all, turning around, staring at the man in front of him.

This elder brother who grew up with him-Thor.

"Follow me back, Loki."

"Father already knows that you are not dead."

"Trust me, this time, you can go back to Asgard in the name of Odin's son." The brother who thought he was already under the rainbow bridge appeared again and alive in front of him, and Thor had something unspeakable in his heart. mood.

He knew that his younger brother was just thinking about it and went astray.

He is not hopeless.

And he, Thor, as Loki's brother, wanted to save him.

"No, I'm not Thor, son of Odin."

"I'm Lauphy's son, I'm the king of the Frost Giants in Jotunheim!"

A blue light flashed across Loki's bare skin.

"Excuse me, both of you. Obviously, we are not interested in your family affairs for the time being." The bright red Tin Man also fell from the sky, and Tony Stark's sulky voice obviously had not experienced the cruel reality of beatings.

"Hand over the universe cube, Loki."

"Otherwise, you may die miserably." Natasha Patton, the S.H.I.E.L.D. double waste duo with the invincible Hulk human body Dr. Banner and the former American spiritual symbol Steve Rogers pushed away The gate of the rooftop.

Raising the gun, the black muzzle was aimed at Loki, who was obviously confident.

Panting, apparently ran up from a safe passage.

"Cosmic Cube?"

"Sorry, before you, it has been booked by a terrifying existence." In the face of this capture team headed by his brother, Loki even has leisurely and elegantly arranged clothes.

"Becket? Who is he, Rocky, and why are you involved with him?" Thor threw the hammer in his hand with a serious expression.

"It's really rare, you who never read all kinds of secret history books will know Beckett. I guess, Odin's eccentric old immortal told you?" Speaking of Odin, Loki's eyes suddenly changed. Very gloomy.


"Want to know who he is? Then you can ask him yourself." With a playful glance over everyone present, Loki then threw the psychic scepter in his hand into the air.


As if receiving an order, the gems inlaid on the top of the scepter of the soul suddenly radiated light!


The majestic shock wave of energy broke ground from the underground of Times Square in New York, blasting a huge gap in the blue sky.

Outside the gap, countless densely packed alien warships are ready to go.

"That is?!"

Countless space battleships floated over New York City through this gap in an orderly manner, and then, like stars and moons, sent a figure into the eyes of the world.


"The great son of Titan! His Royal Highness Beckett, the lord of the Zetarrising who is admired by all!"

"At this moment, it is the time when the king is coming!"

Text Chapter 321 Odin, get out

Passionate, high-powered hymns accompanied by the other's miniature loudspeaker spread throughout New York.

The Zetaru battleship group that covered the sky has caused panic in the entire city!

"That is... what is that?!"
