Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 418

"Hey, can you still move?"

Tony Stark, who took off the palm cannon of his arm, stretched out his leg and kicked Steve Rogers, who was holding the vibrating gold shield in front of him.

"Ah, no problem."

Even though there had been a lot of bickering and disagreement with notions before, Steve Rogers had no time to think about these at the time of the enemy.

"Then, prepare to save people!"

call out!

The palm cannon that was manually recharged was launched instantly, and Steve, who hadn't had any discussion with Tony Stark beforehand, held his shield forward as if he had a good heart!


As if he saw the ants struggling, Beckett threw Natasha aside, who was almost suffocating in his hands, and the energy piercing through his fingertips directly penetrated the so-called "Earth Hard Shield] vibrating gold shield.

He even pierced his lungs.

There is also a palm cannon fired by Tony Stark after manual adjustment.

"go to hell!!!"

The surging thunder and lightning fell from the sky in an instant, and the figure holding the Thor's hammer was stepped on the foot by the leaping Beckett in the next second!


The condensed supernatural power was abruptly dissipated by Beckett, and Thor, who lifted off into the sky, was embedded in the roof stone bricks in the blink of an eye!


The clothes of Dr. Banner tearing apart with extreme anger, compared to humans, the green giant wore a pair of seemingly unbreakable trousers and roared, his fists slammed directly in the direction of Beckett!

"Compared to the power of the Asgard Protoss?"

"Does Midgart have such humans?"

There was peace in Beckett's eyes.

The heart of the released Hulk was filled with anger, but the punches he threw were easily received by Beckett.


A fierce fist flicked through the corner of Beckett's eyes, and Hulk, whose anger was still tumbling, made Beckett take a half step back for the first time.

"His Royal Highness Beckett, something is wrong."

"The strength in his body is still rising, it seems that it is far from reaching the limit!" After sealing Jarvis, he continued to drink the other's oil and bribed him, and Woz gave up robbing the other's work in a serious tone.


"He should be a special case in Midgart."

"Otherwise, he should not be alone here now."

Originally thought it was just an extremely boring persecution, but now Beckett is in interest.

Hulk's rising power with anger interested Beckett.

"Woz is analysing the cause, please wait a moment for His Royal Highness Beckett."

In the space of the bracelet, Woz's simple and cute face was full of seriousness.

"No need."

"Just one, the green [Giant]."

Beckett, with one hand behind him, kicked on Hulk's knee, and his powerful force made the "child" who currently has only angry IQs suddenly fell to the ground and howled.



The Hulk in the roar was slapped and slapped by Beckett, and the roar stopped abruptly!

"Hulk... Hulk... hurts!! Roar!!!"

Hulk, who had smashed the roof wall, kept clutching the window with his arms. The violent muscles were about to pour out with anger, but he slapped his right cheek again, and his eyes suddenly stared in pain.


"That's it."

"There is no advanced combat intelligence, only the most primitive combat instinct."

Hulk, who had just gotten up from the ground, had not had time to vent his anger, and Beckett's devilish whisper came from behind.


Hulk turned around and slapped his cheek firmly.

With one hand behind him, the Hulk who was suppressed by Beckett, who was responsible for the slap with one hand, felt terrified.

I felt fear for the first time since my birth.

That is all-round rolling.

Whether it is power or speed.

Hulk's instinct told him that he was definitely not the opponent of the man in front of him.

"Come again."

Beckett turned sideways, raised his hand towards Hulk, and moved his index finger with a look of contempt.


The angry Hulk clenched his fists and smashed the ground, splashing countless debris!


After the extremely sharp roar, Hulk... disappeared.

When the smoke and dust from the rubble dissipated, only Dr. Banner, who was naked, was left, looking at his hands at a loss.

Tony Stark, who stopped Steve Rogers from bleeding, was dumbfounded.

What the fuck????