Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 422

The golden skirt gleaming in the sun automatically flew up to Beckett's waist, the ink shook, and Beckett raised his right hand.

The golden gloves inlaid with two infinite gems immediately put on Beckett's right arm.

Then, punch out!

The light of the power gem flashed away, and the defensive figure of Odin sank straight into the ruins of New York City!


The bottomless pothole took shape in an instant, and Beckett quietly floated in the blazing sun above New York, with his arms folded around his chest, condescendingly watching the bloody figure behind the boundless smoke and dust.

The red-gold pupils are full of endless indifference, and the bright red cloak complements the color of the wagging tail behind Beckett.

Text Chapter 325 Overture of the Twilight of the Gods: The Death of Odin


"Cough cough cough!!!"

The former prosperous New York City has now all been reduced to ruins. The aftermath of energy spilled from Beckett's fight with Odin destroyed one of the most developed cities in the United States, causing countless casualties.

And Odin, lying in the ruins of New York at this moment, took off the Destroyer's armor with difficulty, hemoptysis, and never stopped for dozens of seconds.



Thor, who had been stopped thousands of miles away by the other before, was about to split his eyes, shaking Thor's Hammer in his hands to join the battlefield!

He can't do it, can't do it, just watch it!

"Wait Thor!"

"Do you want to die?!"

"You are not Beckett's opponent at all!"

Loki, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, didn't care about pretending to be pitiful, and immediately broke free of the rope tied to him by the reunion people, and stretched out his hand to press Thor, who was approaching the runaway shoulder.

"Don't stop me!"

"Don't stop Loki."

"It's all caused by you, so don't force me to kill you." The backhand of the held Thor was a hammer swept past Loki's eyes, and the nearby fluctuations of divine power suddenly raised Loki's heart. A chill.

He had never felt this feeling in Thor before.

"I understand, I understand Thor, listen to me, calm down."

"I and Beckett are just a simple deal, okay?!"

"The people in the dark quadrant saved me! Saved me when I fell down the Rainbow Bridge! In return I have to come to Midgart to help them get the space gem, you understand?!"

Seeing that Odin really seemed to be dying under Beckett, Loki also began to panic.

What a joke, the reason he dared to let Beckett in was because he thought his father Odin could beat Beckett back as he did more than a thousand years ago!

What the hell is this now?!

Loki, who had miscalculated, was upset.

Does he hate Odin?

Of course, but he just hates his partiality, always partiality to Thor.

But the spells and fighting skills that Odin used to fight Beckett had told Loki over and over again - Odin was not partial.

Those were all things Odin gave him when he was a kid.

The funny thing is, he still thought Odin was hiding in private, just because he was Lauphy's son.

Loki licked his dry lips, his heart full of bitterness.

"Father is dying!"


"do you understand?!"

"If we don't save him, he will die! He is dead!"

The reflection of Odin's hemoptysis kept flashing back in front of Thor, and the roar of the tough guy who used to look like an iron was added to the choking.

"I know! I know! I know both!"

"But we can't go!"

"We are not Beckett opponents! Not his opponent, do you understand?!"

An angry Thor grabbed his collar and scolded him face to face, and Loki also spit back.

"......I really saw you wrong, Loki."

Thor stopped his screaming and slowly let go of his hand holding his brother's collar.Shaking his head, he turned and left with Thor's hammer in his hand.

Loki trembling lips, closed his eyes, and tried his best to find a way to save Odin.

[In the beginning, how did my father defeat Beckett...]

[Think of it quickly......remember it!

Loki, who closed his eyes and cut off all sounds, tried to find his own memory. He vaguely remembered that he had seen relevant records in the secret room of Jotunheim;

And Thor, holding Thor's Hammer, was surrounded by an infinite army of Zetarees compared to him...

"Hands, he will be exhausted if he is tired." The other who commanded the Qitarius army waved coldly, and the fleet swarmed toward Thor.


The thunder above the nine heavens roared, but no dark clouds gathered.

"You lost, Odin."

Beckett, with black hair and golden eyes, slowly landed beside the ruins that Odin had smashed through.

"Cough cough... cough cough..." Odin, whose teeth were stained with red blood, inserted the Gun of Eternity into the ground, held it, and slowly stood up.

"Power gem, reality gem..."