Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 450

The neat and uniform footsteps were particularly harsh in the silent prison, and two undead guards dragged Thor, who had been imprisoned by chains, and appeared in front of the haggard Friega.


"Um! Um!!!"

"Um! Um!!! Um!!!"

After seeing the mother in the prison, Thor, with his head drooping, suddenly became extremely excited, but what he wanted to say was sealed back into his stomach by the mask.



"and many more!"

"What are you doing to him?!"

"Hela! What are you doing to your brother?!"


Knowing that the undead soldiers only listened to Hela's orders, Friga subconsciously grabbed the door of the prison with her arms, but the sudden flow of magic caused Friga to be blasted away instantly!


The struggling Thor's eyes were full of anger, and the violent emotion shook the divine power in his body that was confined by the chains, and hit the cage set by Woz himself again and again.



The heavy chain fell on the uneven ground, but it never broke.

The two undead soldiers in charge of escorting Thor looked at each other, and directly kicked Thor, who was still fighting in chains, into the prison next to Friega.


Although there was nothing in the eyes, the two undead soldiers still understood each other's "eyes".



"Are you okay Thor?!"

Irrespective of the body's tingling and pain, Frigga patted the transparent wall with an extremely worried expression.

Thor, who had struggled with the chains for a long time, was finally unable to choose to give up.

He couldn't break free.

No matter how much his power is driven by emotions, he can't break this damn chain.

"Uh, uh uh, uh uh..."

Pointing to the metal cover on his mouth and stiffening for a long time, Thor, who hadn't been able to say one, two, three, four or five, finally reluctantly chose to give up. He could only stand up and jump a few times to signal to Frigga that he was okay.

"Tor, you--?" Friga, who was about to communicate with her son using magical language, saw the red light reflected on the transparent wall.

The unpredictable formation made Frigga instantly happy.

She knew this magic circle, the traditional way of the Supreme Master.

Reinforcements are coming!

After seeing the man walking out of the circle, Frigga let go of the last trace of vigilance in her heart.

Whether it is the iconic mage robe or the ring that symbolizes status, it is enough to show that this man who came out of the circle came from the supreme sanctuary.

Most importantly, in the current Supreme Sanctuary, only one knows the coordinates of Asgard.

"Meeting for the first time, Queen Friga. My name is Casillas and I am a disciple of the Supreme Master Gu Yi."

The man's self-introduction confirmed the thoughts in Friga's mind.

"Master asked me to save you and leave, please follow me immediately. My concealed magic won't last long in Asgard." Although it was an anxious word, Casillas did not rush.

"Thank you, but I need to take someone with me, my son." The eagerly waiting people finally came to the Supreme Sanctuary, and Friga, who put a big stone down in his heart, hurriedly pointed to Thor, who was tied up with five flowers on the opposite side of Transparent. .


Casillas nodded and agreed.

The crimson teleportation circle appeared with the man's seal, and Casillas stretched out his hand towards Friga.

"Thank you." Frigga bowed slightly to express her gratitude, which was courtesy.

However, when her hand touched Casillas' palm, she suddenly noticed something wrong.

Why is this man's hand so cold?

Under Thor's unbelievable gaze, Friga's figure was suddenly engulfed by the black mist that emerged from Casillas after touching Casillas.




Thor desperately smashed the wall and shook his chain desperately, hoping that someone could come down to check the situation, but his eyes became desperate over time.

No one appeared.

And the "Casillas", who had been carrying Friga in a coma in the black mist, passed through the circle and left.


Thor roared in pain, the messy blond hair danced wildly, and blood was even oozing from the fists that hit the wall and the door...

In the hidden dungeon, no one answered...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ...

"Next, what do you want to do?"


"Wait? What are you waiting for?"