Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 451

On the high platform of Asgard Square, watching the people disperse after the ceremony, Hela turned sideways and looked at Beckett who was standing behind him.

"Wait for someone to help me get the soul gem from Warmir."

Beckett was leaning against the railing, and his tone was obviously unhappy when he spoke of the soul gem.

The autonomy of the soul gem is simply the highest among the six gems he has encountered, and he even knows how to threaten people.

If it weren't for the tyrant's ideals, according to his character, an energy cannon would have blasted Warmier into scum.

"And then?" Hela continued to ask.

"What then?" Beckett frowned in confusion.

"After your father's ideal is realized, are you going to go back and kill that Frieza?" Hela will never forget that "kiss" in Midgart that year.

While repairing Beckett's soul, it also allowed her to see the bloody feud in the man's memory.

"Your home is on fire."

"I know you might think I—what?"

"I said, your house is on fire."

Hela, who almost didn't slow down, opened her eyes wide, and looked in the direction Beckett was pointing. Above the magnificent Asgard Palace, clusters of red flames were spreading at an extremely fast speed.


A single spark, a prairie fire in an instant!

Hella's eyes are red!

Text Chapter 345: The changed destiny, a turning point in Asgard’s history


Hela's face became extremely gloomy in a moment, and she wanted to curse so gloomy.

In Asgard nowadays, no one knows what the blazing red flame is better than her.

That is the eternal fire known as [Never extinguished]. It was the most precious treasure that Odin seized from the hand of the flame lord Surtel when Odin fought the nine realms.

At the same time, it was the flame she used to revive her own army heroes.

how come……

Hela couldn't understand.

The eternal fire is placed in the heavily protected Odin's treasury. Today, in Asgard, apart from her, only Frigga has the qualifications to enter Odin's real treasury.

Now she is here, and Friga has already been locked in a secret prison by her.

"You don't put out the fire?"

Seeing that the scorching flames on the palace complex tended to spread outward, Beckett raised his eyebrows, a little curious.

"That is the eternal fire, the eternal fire that will not go out."

"Woz didn't give you the information?" Hela glanced at the curious Beckett coldly, and walked in the sea of ​​flames and kicked open the burning palace gate.

"It didn't follow me today. I let it stay in the dark quadrant to study something." Beckett, who curiously stretched out his hand to feel the temperature of the eternal fire, stared at the small flame pulsating at his fingertips quite interestingly.

Eternal fire?Nothing does not burn?Never go out?

"Sure enough, it's gone."

Hela, who quickly descended to the secret dungeon, looked ugly.

The prison where her mother was supposed to be kept was empty at the moment, but instead, Thor was curled up in the corner, with his head buried between his knees, as if he had lost consciousness of everything around him.

"Can he still speak?"

Hela, who didn't bring the key, slammed open the door of the prison forcefully, and grabbed the collar of her brother. The latter's dull eyes disgusted her.

Why did Odin raise such a waste son?

Isn't it just being caught by Beckett?

She didn't know how many times she had lost, or did she fail repeatedly?

But what about Thor?

For a person who is not motivated at all, Odin would actually designate him to be king?

Hela wondered if this man was Odin's species.

"Just pick it up."

The energy of Beckett, who was playing with the flames of his fingertips, was expelled, and the metal cover covering Thor's mouth cracked.

"Where is Friga?"


"I will let you speak!"

Hela slapped Thor's cheek twice, and the latter's loose eyes began to gather light again.

"Where's Friga? Where's her?!"

Hela pressed her brother's head on the transparent wall and pointed to the empty room opposite.


The regrouped light in the eyes simultaneously drove the previously stagnant divine power, and the heavy chain once again locked all the miracles that might occur in Thor.

"Taken away by a mage named Casillas..."

"I don't know where I went, I don't even know why he took her away..."

The tired Torso no longer struggled, gave up resistance and let Hela press his head and do whatever he wanted.

"Can you tell me why you want to do this, Hella?"

"She is your mother, why should you—"


Before Thor's voice fell, the mountain shook in an instant!