Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 472

"Do you expect the ebony throat to work for you like me?"

The question of the old father Thanos silenced Beckett.

"Dark quadrant, Centaur galaxy."

"These, the future is your Beckett."

"But they are not Ebony Maw."

Text Chapter 359th Thor on Saka Star

People with hatred in their hearts are the easiest to control.

In other words, people who have concerns in their hearts are the easiest to control.

The appearance of Pitro brothers and sisters can be said to be a smooth accident for Thanos.

Beckett still has to sit in his position after all, and Thanos believes that day will come soon.

It is precisely because of this that he will let Beckett be this "good man".

According to the information that Woz extracted from the Hydra database, the two brothers and sisters voluntarily joined Hydra, a notorious organization on earth, for revenge.

In other words, the revenge has swallowed their hearts, making them voluntarily become the test subjects of the Hydra.

Now that the name Hydra has strangely disappeared, why not let Beckett take over?

Two subordinates with infinite gem isotopes............

Thanos is looking forward to it.

Looking forward to Beckett's performance.

As he said before, his Obsidian will not belong to Beckett's team after all.Not to mention, the relationship between Beckett and Ebony Throat is not very harmonious.

Partial hall, inside the dungeon laboratory.

In cooperation with Woz, the Pitro and the Wanda brothers and sisters who had a full physical examination took off the helmets with dozens of threads, turned over and got off the experimental platform that had just been set up just now, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At the very least, what Woz said before was true. It was really just collecting and filing various data on their bodies, not trying to use them for any messy experiments.

"How is the situation?"

Beckett, who pushed the door suddenly, made the breathing of the two brothers and sisters who were just relieved again.

Especially when Beckett's eyes swept over both of them.

"His Royal Highness, Mr. Pietro and Ms. Wanda's physical strength data have been collected and tested. The analysis results are expected to be given to you in three days due to the imaging of the spiritual gem isotope."

In this regard, it can be said that Woz, who is confident, turned around and saluted Beckett with the other respectfully.

"His Royal Highness Beckett."

Pietro, who reacted quickly, stabbed his sister in a vaguely elbow, and the two of them had learned the etiquette of the Dark Quadrant.

Beckett's gaze immediately fell on the other.

With his eyes facing each other, the other grinned, his brows filled with joy.

For the other, training the two quasi-subordinates brought back by Beckett is still a piece of cake.

"You two, don't have the right to salute me now." Beckett didn't bother to look at the flattering the other, and the words made the respectful Pitro brothers and sisters feel tight.

"Prove to me that you have the value of existence."

"How to prove?" Taking a deep breath, Pietro looked up and looked at Beckett.

"Complete your revenge and let me see your abilities."

The faithful dogleg the other silently moved a chair and placed it behind Beckett, and Beckett sat down very naturally and said.


The Pitro brothers and sisters who had no hope of revenge changed suddenly.

"Hydra's database is completely undefended in front of Woz. So, I know everything about you." Beckett leaned on the cold seat back, his face full of tactical recoils against Snake Shield. Contempt of technology.

"You mean, will you help us?" Wanda, who was the first to stabilize his mind, asked before his brother Pietro.

Never doubt the hatred of a woman.

"No, I will only give you a squad of Zetaru, and other than that, I will not give you anything."

Beckett shook his right index finger.

If everything is paved, what do you still need to do?

Pointing out a way forward for them, setting a goal, is enough for Beckett.

This is the way Thanos has always been. Beckett, who grew up under Thanos, has naturally learned a tenth.

Pietro and Wanda looked at each other, and both saw the doubts and puzzles in each other's eyes.

There are no restrictions. Instead, there is a well-trained elite team to give away, just for them to complete their revenge?

Hydra is not so generous.

At the very least, Hydra wants them to go undercover for a period of time to find out what the "Ultron Project" is before they can take revenge.

"If what you said is true, I agree." Pietro, as the eldest brother, agreed.

What are the rigorous experiments and training the two brothers and sisters have undergone in Hydra for?

Isn't it just to avenge Tony Stark?

That was the pillar that supported their two brothers and sisters through that difficult time.

For this, they are willing to pay any price.

"The other, prepare an elite team for them." Watching Pietro agree without hesitation, Beckett was very satisfied.

He hates chirping people.

"The time of the attack, you two decide by yourself, I will not force you."

"But you better remember a little."

"This task is my test for you."