Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 483

The key is to lick the right person!

Look at him!

Under the gaze of Wanda and Pietro brothers and sisters who saw the ghost, the other smiled vigorously.

"Why are you looking for me?"

"Go to the dark quadrant and say it alone."

After the Becket was launched, Hela decided to follow Becket back to the Dark Quadrant.

If everything goes well, just meet with the parent of Thanos.

She has always been so refreshing and slick.


A hospital in Washington, DC, USA.

With the name [Tony Stark] and the signature of Pepo Potts, who considered himself a family member in a hurry, an operation consisting of multiple medical experts was able to proceed without any hindrance.

Peppe Potts, who rushed Tony Stark into the operating room, sat on the bench tiredly rubbing his temples and covering his face with his hands;

Bruce Banner, who casually put on new clothes, leaned against the cold wall of the operating room, folded his hands around his chest, and cast his eyes on the closed operating room door from time to time, his expression full of worry.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s emergency contact numbers were not available. Right now, this hospital is the best hospital Stark Group can find so far.

Including those experts who are in the operating room.

Suddenly, in the corridor that should have been silent, an extremely harsh cell phone ringing suddenly rang.

Bruce Banner hurriedly took out his cell phone from his pocket, and the caller ID showed an unfamiliar number he had never seen before.

"Hello?" Looking carefully at Pepo Potts, Banner pressed the connect button.

"Banna, where are you? Did something happen?!" On the other end of the phone was Natasha Romanov's anxious voice.

"We are in the hospital. Tony was attacked and is currently undergoing surgery."

"What's the situation on your side, why has no one answered the phone?"

" do you say Banner, in fact, this is because of the mothership of SHIELD-God...what is this..."

Before Banner on the other end of the phone had time to ask what was going on, the communication signal was suddenly interrupted.



Bruce Banner in the corridor of the operating room held his mobile phone and stared at Pepo Potts who stood up. Both saw the anxiety and doubt in each other's eyes.

at the same time.

On the land of Villa Stark that had long been reduced to ruins, Natasha, who had hurriedly escaped from the exploding S.H.I.E.L.D. Mothership through emergency escape measures, was vigilant as she watched the cracks that appeared under her feet.

The gray-headed and earth-faced appearance did not affect the appearance of this senior S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, and the broken tight-fitting battle suit was stained with blood from the explosion.

"A large influx of external data has been detected..."

"A large influx of external data has been detected..."


The electronic sound that rang in Natasha's ears three times in a row was full of technological texture, and a silver robot frame gradually floated up from Stark's underground laboratory...

"God...what is this..."

Even though Natasha was well-informed, she was still disturbed by the strange scene before her.

"Data input is complete, core filling is complete, Ultron is starting..."

Electronic sounds continued to sound, and a lot of data that Natasha couldn't understand flashed in Stark's underground laboratory. Then, a small silver square suddenly fell from the sky and hit Ultron's head.

The data in the underground laboratory collapsed instantly, and the computer burned to death.


The small square that fell on Ultron's head was bright and bright, and the rich silver energy directly enveloped Ultron, who currently only had an empty shelf.

"How could......what is that...?"

"Of course, surprise." A familiar but unfamiliar voice rang in Natasha's ear.

Suddenly looking back, a heavily armed figure stood in the ruins, with a silver rectangular box spinning in his hand.


Text Chapter 367 Let's Get Married

"How is it possible?!" Natasha widened her eyes, completely devoid of the agent's calmness and calmness.

At the time of the New York battle, although she stood far away and couldn't get close to the battlefield, but she saw with her own eyes that Loki, who wanted to attack Beckett, was directly knocked out by Beckett.

But now, why did Loki appear again?

Is there something more in your hand?

"The long-lost air."

"Long time no see, Agent Natasha Romanoff."

Loki closed his eyes and took a breath of fresh air and opened his eyes, smiling at the woman in front of him.

Natasha Romanov, one of the Avengers who had tied him.

"Are you not dead?"

"Of course, I said, I am a god."

"And God, it's not that easy to die." Loki, who came back with strong support for revenge, smiled, but Natasha panicked.

She involuntarily stepped back a few steps, but a harsh metal rubbing sound suddenly came from behind.


Looking back, Ultron, the robot that has completed its evolution, is approaching her.

No, to be precise, it was towards Loki.