Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 486

"Ms. Hela, Lord Thanos wants you to meet him."

Hela, with a bad-eyed look, was taken away by Woz, the steward of the Partial Hall, leaving Beckett standing in suspicion: "Father looking for Hela?"

"You want to marry Beckett?"

In the dark quadrant base hall, Thanos on the throne looked down at Hela who was brought over, his theoretical future daughter-in-law.

"Yes." Hela admitted quickly.

The Dark Quadrant is the base of Thanos, he will know what just happened, Hela is not surprised.


"Becket and I have a marriage contract, I don't think you can forget this." Hela raised her head without fear, and stared at Thanos with the scrutinizing eyes.

"Odin is dead." Thanos's tone remained unmoved.

"Yes, Odin is dead, but my mother is still alive, and Friga is still alive. You didn't dissolve this engagement at the beginning, did you?" Hela, who had been prepared, asked rhetorically.

The subsequent series of events happened before the marriage contract was finally terminated. Strictly speaking, Hela said that there is nothing wrong with complying with the agreement.

Thanos didn't speak any more, just quietly staring at Hela under the throne.

After a silent period of time, perhaps because Thanos gave her too much psychological pressure, or perhaps it was something else, Hela broke the silence: "The gem of time."

"Beckett said that you have always wanted to gather six infinite gems."

"Soul gems have strict requirements. I can't help you but I can help you get the time gems."

Hela offered her own assassin.

"Time gem?"

And the facts were exactly as Hela expected. After she sacrificed the [Time Gem], Thanos's unchanging tone finally changed.

Soul gems obviously have their own independent thoughts and their own set of rules, so it is difficult to fool around.

But the time gem is different.

HELLA is confident to get it.

After all, Gu Yi is dead.

Hela, who has the blessing of the World Tree, can be sure that this unfathomable supreme mage is dead, and her successor is just an earthling who has just practiced for a while-Stephen Strange.

"I am waiting for your good news, Hela."

Thanos waved, Hela saluted and retreated.

After Hela's figure completely disappeared at the gate of the base, Thanos, who was on the throne, brought out Beckett's virtual image model again.

After absorbing the power of Hela, he has not been able to break the rules and become a god, which Thanos did not expect.

"In the end, what went wrong?"

Thanos was thinking, constantly flipping through the logs about Beckett in Woz's database.

"Is it guided by emotions to arouse changes in the cells in the body? There is nothing wrong with the way, but why..."

"Or, isn't the emotion enough?"

Thanos is still on the throne wondering what kind of emotions can drive Beckett to completely erupt. The other in the Dark Quadrant Logistics Management Department has already completed registration with Pitro and Wanda brothers and sisters.

The name and code entered by Wu Muhou.

Scarlet Witch-Wanda;

Fast silver-Pietro.

"Well, from now on, you will officially become the subordinates of His Royal Highness Beckett. I will be responsible for helping you quickly familiarize yourself with all the rules in the Dark Quadrant in the near future."

"And, Pietro, this is something His Royal Highness Beckett prepared for you."

Finally he can be the boss of all directions, the other is very proud.

At the same time, he handed Pietro a chip.

What's in the chip is the data that Woz had compiled for the Flash Barry Allen in another universe.

Beckett's meaning is naturally clear as the other, who is the minister of the brachial stock,-he wants to try to train Quicksilver into the same Flash.

As for the Scarlet Witch Wanda...... the ability similar to magic is not Beckett's strong point.

Text Chapter 369: The Destroyed SHIELD, Tony Stark's Soul Body

Earth, America, Washington, DC.

Quietly late at night, the night sky is dotted with stars. In the intensive care unit of a hospital, Tony Stark, who is on or off the operating table, has a suspended infusion tube inserted all over his body, lying on the hospital bed, still in a coma.

Pepper Potts, the little pepper who was watching the night, sat on the edge of the bed, sleeping with his eyes closed.

She is too tired.


What happened today is beyond her tolerance.

Today, Tony Stark, who can barely keep his heart beating with tens of millions of dollars a day infusion in bed, almost broke her.


The door of the ward was knocked in the silence of the night, and Pepo Potts opened his eyes instantly and said vigilantly: "Who?"

"It's me, Banner."

With a bag in his hand, Bruce Banner pushed open the door of the ward, looking haggard in the dusty appearance.

"I brought you something to eat. You can eat something first."

Bruce Banner put the bag of sandwiches and milk on the escort table.

"How about SHIELD?"

"What did they say?"

Pebo Potts, who pinned all hope of curing Tony Stark on the black technology of SHIELD, hurriedly stood up and asked.

"Pepper..." Bruce Banner looked hesitant, but decided to tell the truth after all.