Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 488

"It's a pity, Ms. Pebo. You have not been able to touch Tony Stark so far except me."

The initiator of this scene, Stephen Strange, cut open a sparking portal with one hand, and motioned for the three to go with him.

Text Chapter 370 Secret Invasion, Space War


"You mean, from today, I can only see people in my soul state?"

Earth, America, New York sanctuary.

Tony Stark, who was floating with his feet in the air, pointed at his face with eyes closed while lying on the stretcher.

Anyone who knows that he is very likely to become a lonely ghost from now on, and his mood will not get better.

Can't eat burgers, can't touch people.

Even if it weren't for Stephen Strange's spell effect, I'm afraid his beloved Little Pepper would not be able to see him.

"To be precise, yes." Strange directly ignored Tony Stark's face, and with a move with his left hand, a book that recorded the introduction to magic floated into his hands.

"You can't leave me for too long, unless you also become a magician."

"Me? A magician?"

Tony Stark frowned.

"Yes, this book is specially prepared by my teacher for you. She said, you should be able to achieve something." Stephen Strange gave a reason for everyone's confusion.

"your teacher?"

"Wait a minute, you mean that your teacher knew Tony would become like this for a long time?" When it comes to the safety of his lover's life, Pepper Potts' thoughts turn extremely quickly.

If this is the case, it would be hard for her not to doubt it.

"Perhaps." Strange shrugged, he didn't want to talk too much about his teacher Gu Yi to this group of people.


"We didn't even know you or your teacher before today."

"This is totally illogical."

Bruce Banner is as skeptical of this matter as Peppe.

"Because of magic, I say so, do you understand?"

Strange, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, was not angry. Since taking over Gu Yi's class, his whole person has become relatively peaceful.

If this is to put aside his previous temperament, where will they be given the opportunity to ask about this.

Believe it or not, love it or not.

"In short, Earth, no, it should be said that our universe is about to fall into a huge crisis."

"And you, Tony Stark, are a crucial person in this crisis."

"So, you can't die now, and you must learn the magic in this book, understand?" Strange handed the book in his hand directly to Tony Stark.

"Sorry, I never pick up things that others hand me." Even if it becomes a soulless body, Tony Stark is still the Tony Stark.

"About this, I have always done it for you." Although I don't know what medicine is sold in Strange Gourd, Pebo, who is obviously on the thief ship, has picked up his duties as a secretary again and helped Tony. Stark took over the thick magic book with mysterious patterns on its cover.

"Can you tell me, what do you mean by the so-called cosmic crisis?"


Tony Stark is obviously still interested in the so-called "Crisis of the Universe" than this magic book that he can't read the cover font.

"No, it's not Beckett."

"It was a war invasion from another universe. I can't determine their specific location. However, I can be sure that an invading vanguard has already arrived in our universe."

Strange's tone was very calm, but the facts that came out of his mouth made the rest of the people waiting for Ray's outside focus and inside tender.

"what is this?"

"Secret invasion? Space war"

After a brief absence, Tony Stark became interested.

"I don't know." Strange shook his head.

It is Gu Yi’s limit to see this degree in the future. Going up, whether it is Gu Yi or Strange himself, what you see is a blur, and every scene seems to be given by someone. Mosaic was forcibly marked.

Strange speculated that this should be due to a space war in the future.

And it was precisely because he couldn't see the future that Strange chose to tell Tony Stark all the truth.

In the letter left by Gu Yi, two candidates were left for Strange.

Two candidates who hope to win this war.

One is Tony Stark, and the other is Beckett, son of Titan.

Gu Yi's original intention was to let Strange choose who to help according to the actual situation in the future, but Strange obviously had his own ideas.

Only children do multiple-choice questions. As a mature adult, he chooses............all!


The universe, the centaur galaxy, the dark quadrant base.

Beckett walked out of the base hall looked a little strange.

The conditions given by Hella surprised Beckett.

He was curious about how Hela could get the time gem.

Counting down the past time gem owners, which one is not good at playing rogues?

One-handed time loop has no temper at all that can directly pinch people, even if Thanos and Odin come.

Or is it that Hela found the weakness of the current Supreme Master?

Beckett thought to himself, but after turning the corner he ran into two familiar figures head on.

Obsidian, with a satisfied smile, will compare Neighbor to Dark Night, and his sister Kamora, whose hands are shaking slightly.