Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 489

"Becket, listening to Ebony Maw, you actually took two subordinates?"

While Proxima Dark Night is habitually pulling home, Beckett's attention is all on Camora.

Her mental state is very unstable.

And the energy in the body is extremely disordered, as if he had just experienced a big battle.

But strangely, he couldn't see any injuries on Kamora's body.

"What's up with her?"

Although they didn't meet many times, Kamora said they were all Thanos' daughter and his sister.

But at the moment his performance as if he had lost his soul really made Beckett feel dissatisfied.

"Normal phenomenon, don't care."

"It'll be fine in a few days." Proxima Darkye didn't tell Beckett about the "mutilation" of Kamora and Sister Nebula.

This is an assessment set by Thanos and has nothing to do with Beckett.

normal phenomenon?

Beckett frowned.

What does he think of Kamora is abnormal.

"That's it, I'll take her back first, and I'll talk to you later." Proxima Dark Night, who didn't want to delve into this topic, chose to leave with Kamora.

Not long after, when Beckett turned another turn, he saw two other familiar people.

The sister named Xingyun, and her instructor General Dead Blade.

Text Chapter 371 Defection

Cold, cold submerged in the bone marrow.

Obviously, the weather in the Dark Quadrant has not yet reached the point where he can feel cold, but Kamora still feels extremely cold.

Cold Heart.

Every time, every time she wins the battle with sister Nebula, her heart will be cold once.

Because she clearly knows what the consequences of her sister Nebula will be when she wins.

Every time you lose, part of your body will be transformed.

That kind of pain...

She loves her, she really regards Nebula as her sister.

However, she really did not have the courage to lose.


Every time, every time she saw Nebula looking at her, she thought that she would deliberately release water to Nebula.

Unfortunately, she couldn't do it.

She was afraid.

I am afraid that my body will be transformed so that people will not recognize ghosts or ghosts, and I am afraid that I will lose the last hope of helping my parents and family revenge.

She endured the humiliation and even took the thief as the father, for what?

The purpose is to be able to grow with the power of Thanos and wait until it has grown to a certain level before starting revenge.

She regarded Nebula as her sister, and she could swear to God that she really regarded her as her sister.

However, she still loves herself more after all.

Between Nebula and herself, Camora chose herself.

Even though she has been trying to ease the relationship with Nebula on weekdays, she will not be merciful every time it is time for the competition.

Nebula said she was hypocritical and she was a false compassion.

Kamora had wanted to refute more than once, but in the end he would be speechless by Nebula.

Today, it is the same.

Back home, back to that extremely cold home.

Kamora directly locked the door, and his slender body was sitting on the ground directly along the vertical wall.

The weightlessness caused by the sudden fall caused Kamora, who was paralyzed on the ground, to bury his head in his arms.

She felt helpless, but she had nowhere to tell.

In the entire dark quadrant, she has no one to trust.

This is a very sad thing.



"I don't want to be like this... but I have no choice."

Sitting by the wall, Camora began to regret the past twenty years.

Although this is of little use to the defeated Nebula, for Kamora, this is the only channel through which she can deceive herself.

She has passed this kind of life for more than 20 years.

Kamora thought he would live like this at least, at least another hundred years.But Beckett's return made her see the light.

The dawn leaving the dark quadrant.

Because she is gradually losing the attention of Thanos.

Although the resources for cultivating her have not diminished, Kamora can still feel it.

Since the return of that Beckett, Thanos’s focus is no longer her and Nebula.

For this reason, Kamora, who had never dared to act rashly during the mission, did several outrageous moves back and forth, but was not punished by Thanos afterwards.

Because Thanos was focused on Beckett and had no time to take care of her.