Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 492

Giving up is not the style of the earthlings.

"Don't forget, you can't fight back against Beckett at all." Camora said with a cold face, exposing the truth of Carol's capture.

"But it was precisely because of that match that I had a relatively clear concept of Beckett's strength, didn't I?" Carol was not angry, but instead asked Camora with a smile.

"From the unknown to the one that is relatively clear, for the people on earth, the meaning of it is quite different."

"Humans can create incredible miracles here." Carol pointed to his head with his hand.

The 373rd chapter of the text is your kid who brought the enemy here?

Carol has always believed that the human mind can create incredible miracles.

Because she is a part of humanity.

Although she hasn't returned to Earth for a long time, she still remembers her [earthman] identity.

And human beings can become the master of the earth, relying on the brain, that is the brain that can give birth to all kinds of incredible miracles.

"Why do you think so?"

Kamora is a little curious now, wondering who gave her the courage, so arrogant that she can find a miracle against Thanos.

"You can't even beat Thanos' son."

"With those, smart people on earth." Carol stroked the messy bangs in front of his forehead, and raised the BB machine in his hand.

Thirty minutes later, in the rebuilding of New York City, workers were sweating like rain under the drive of capital, but Carol and Kamora in the corner were silent.

"Wait, he may be busy. In fact, you know, he is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and he may have a lot of business. It is normal to be too busy." Carol leaned against the wall and explained.

An hour later, Carol was already waiting in the corner with her arms akimbo.

Two hours later..................

"So, those smart earthlings in your mouth............?" Camora leaned against the cold wall, admiring Carol's awkward look at the sky.

"Ok, I admit, this is indeed beyond my expectations."

"Maybe, maybe something happened in SHIELD."

Carol quietly put away the bb machine in his hand, and found the most likely reason for Nick Fury's non-response.

Carol sneered and shook her head, the sarcasm raised at the corners of her mouth made Carol a little bit unconscious.

"Wait, where are you going now?"

Seeing Camora turn around and leave, Carol hurriedly reached out.


"Escape to a place that Thanos can't find." Kamora said without turning his head.

Before killing Thanos with complete certainty, she is not going to appear in the galaxy that Thanos has touched and is about to touch.

She was tired of killing and hated the faces that flashed back in her mind during the midnight dream.

She doesn't know if she can succeed, but she wants to do it.

She didn't want to live in the shadows anymore.

Don't want to.

"You are scared."

"Yes, I'm scared." Kamora was honest.

"I know Thanos better than you, better than the smart earthlings you know."

"Because of understanding, so fear."

After giving Carol the last meaningful look, Camora's figure disappeared at the corner of the alley.

"S.H.I.E.L.D., what happened on earth?"

Unable to solicit, Carol can only embark on the path to find the S.H.I.E.L.D. mothership with regret.


When she came to the place in her memory, she found that there was nothing in the sky except the blue sky and white clouds.

Where is the mothership of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

What about a mothership?!

Carol looked around the empty surroundings and fell into deep doubts.

At the same time, a scarlet circle suddenly appeared in front of Kamora who was about to leave the earth in her own way.

One person tall.


Kamora vigilantly held the dagger that he didn't know where he took out, and pointed at the mysterious man who walked out of the scarlet circle in front of him.

"My name is Stephen Strange. As you can see, I am a mage." Strange looked at the outsider in front of him with a very bright smile.


Before Kamora could react, her feet were empty.The whole person seemed to have fallen into a space tunnel, and the strong sense of weightlessness made her instantly lose control of her body.

When Kamora regained control of her body, there were four more people in front of her.

No, it should be said that it is three people and one soul.

"Wait, who is she?"

"Why are you...?"

Bruce Banner, who didn't understand the operation of Doctor Strange, pointed Camora, who was holding a dagger, and turned his gaze to Strange.

"Daughter of Thanos, I don't know what the name is, I can't see it clearly." The understatement of the introduction made Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, and Pepo Potts all give the card to Kamo. Pulling cast a vigilant look.

"who are you?!"

Kamora threw her dagger directly at Strange, but disappeared in the scarlet circle that suddenly lay in front of the strange doctor in the next second.

"I am the Supreme Mage Stephen Strange, I need you to help me contact Thanos."