Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 502

[But I can kill you!

When he killed Darkside in the past, the last words left by the latter suddenly rang in Beckett's ears.

Like a bell ringing in the morning and a drum, very clear.

Hela, who didn't understand the grievances between Beckett and Darkside, did not speak, but silently restored the energy in her body, ready to let her younger brother taste what it is called [sister's caress].

"Yes, all of this was created by Darkside, the Lord of the Apocalypse Star and the strongest new god!"

When the Lord arrived, Loki had no need to hide.

It's meaningless to hide and tuck.

Without the help of Darkside, how could a mere Rocky control the gangsters Zhenglian?

As the vanguard of the Apocalypse, Loki has destroyed all the energy operation hubs located in the international metropolis of New York. As long as the teleportation array is in place, Darkside can arrive at any time in a truly invincible posture.

"By the way, I advise you. Don't think about letting the artificial intelligence around you crack it. It's impossible."

"Darkside used to manipulate others, no one can break it except himself." With a grin, Loki directly shattered Beckett's last hope.

"Then kill them together." Loki's words hit Helen's arms.

The little bitch who dared to "seduce" Beckett smashed it.

"Father once said that nothing is impossible for me." With a cold face, Beckett's figure instantly moved to Loki's side.

Reaching out his hand about to lock Loki's throat, who had not yet reacted, a golden trident was already lying in front of Beckett.

Beckett moved for a while, and Mae, who was dressed in the gorgeous royal robe, stretched her hand and pulled Loki behind her back.


The familiar hot sight hit again, Wonder Woman's mantra lasso directly tied Beckett's right ankle, and then suddenly pulled!

The steel bones of the mechanical lifeform driving [Gundam Ultron] spread out, and the muzzle of the transformed particle cannon aimed at the frowning figure not far away.


Hela raised his arms forward, and the constructed metal shield broke out like the legendary Rashomon, blocking the steel particle cannon and Clark's hot sight for Beckett.

"I'm fine."

Sensing that something was wrong, Beckett pulled the mantra lasso wrapped around his arm with his backhand forcefully, and Wonder Woman Diana, who lost her balance, instantly fell to the ground and slid dozens of meters.


"From the analysis results, the energy values ​​in Clark and others are much higher than before, His Royal Highness Beckett!"

Woz's rapid siren made the narrow smile on Loki's face thicker.

He is not a fool, and Darkside is not a fool.

Knowing that Clark and the others were not Beckett's opponents, how could they not increase their strength before sending them.

The shrewd Daxed will not do the things that give people away.

"Well, that's it this time, Beckett."

"I hope that when we meet again next time, your mental state will be so good."

The dazzling light of the teleportation array appeared behind Loki, and the steel bones and others who had received the retreat instructions returned to the square in his hand one after another.Only Mela was left in place by Loki.

"I will leave Mera to you."

"I said that she was a gift I gave to my sister Hela."

With a weird smile on his face, Loki waved to Beckett in the distance, his gestures were filled with special kindness, and then disappeared completely.

Leave Beckett, Hela and Mera standing in place.


Beckett, who had no idea what medicine was selling in Rocky Gourd, was at a loss.As soon as he turned his head, he saw Hela's very nuclear look.

Turning his head again, it was Mei La's gray eyes with no emotion.

The Beckett who was caught in the middle suddenly understood what the words that Loki left behind before disappearing meant...


Text Chapter 380: The first meeting of Daxide and Thanos

"So, do you have anything to tell me?"

On the empty ice crystal land, Hela pointed to Mei La who stood motionless and asked He Shan.

"Why are you here?" Beckett, who answered the question, asked rhetorically.

Hela is supposed to be in Asgard, not the earth where Loki is.

The other who came down from the spaceship felt that the air pressure was wrong, and resisted the urge to celebrate, and took the flame gun to unblock the Pitro brothers and sisters and the traitor Camora, who were frozen in the ruins of the Sanctuary in New York. Up.

He saw the three people who had been reduced to ice sculptures, and by the way, he saw Strange, Banner, and Pepo Potts who were also frozen in ice.

The other puts himself in the right position, and he shouldn't participate in this kind of Beckett housework.

Honestly thinking about gaining prestige for Beckett is king.

"My good brother destroyed the magic hub of this city, and Asgard has changed. Let me take a look."

"Then, I met this Mera."

"How about you?"

"Aren't you supposed to stay in the dark quadrant?"

Doubts and dangers gleamed in his slightly squinted eyes, Hela asked about what she had encountered.

"Are you going to the Dark Quadrant?" Beckett sent an invitation to Hela.

"What?" He did not wait for a reasonable explanation, but instead waited for an invitation to go to the Dark Quadrant, which caught Hela by surprise.

According to common sense, shouldn't it be Beckett who is scouring his stomach and thinking about how to explain to her what this woman named Mera is all about?

Why does Beckett look at him and feel like nothing happened?

"Meera, and Clark before that are not from this universe."