Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 513

Except for the shackles of his hands and feet and the roar from time to time that only he can hear, he is healthy.

"Dommam is dead, and the flame giant Sirtel is also dead. This time, no one can let the two of you leave here anymore. Stay at ease."

Finally, he glanced at the two people who were performing the mother-kind-zi-filial piety, Hela left with a cold face.

"Mother, mother wait a minute." Seeing her mother Frigga's tendency to break the casserole to the end, Thor had to interrupt her.

"I have something to ask you, a very important thing."


"We Asgardner, are there any monsters now?" Out of caution, when asked this sentence, Thor used his energy to prop up a soundproof shield.

"right now?"

"Of course not, why do you ask?" Friga frowned.

Although Odin became a pacifist fan after Hela was sealed, he is not yet ready to bury hidden dangers in Asgard.

"That's weird, in fact, since returning to Asgard before, I can hear roars from time to time in my ears."

"The voice was full of anger and resentment. It was sharp and harsh."

"The texture of the sound is also very special."

Thor, who could not be described in words, controlled his throat and restored the roar that had been heard in his ear before Friega.

The latter's face changed suddenly!


"Forget this voice!"

"Mute this voice!"

"right now!"

Friga's voice was full of impatience.

"Mother, do you know who this roar belongs to?" Thor frowned and asked.

"Ned Hogg, this is the roar of the devil snake Ned Hogg."

"Thor, listen to me, now you have to forget this voice, don't think about it, understand?" Friga's face was particularly serious.

Thor knew it.

Hearing this name, he can still understand his mother's attitude.

As we all know, the World Tree is the foundation of the Nine Realms, and the Niederhogg in Friega's mouth is a magic snake that has never stopped gnawing at the roots of the World Tree.

Text Chapter 388 [Eternal] The Great God’s Spare Tire

The dragon Nidhog, that is an ancient creature that only exists in Asgard's history textbooks, it is rumored to be a demon that has existed since the birth of the World Tree.

Thor didn't really like reading before, but for Niederhogg, even if he didn't like it, he had heard of its name.

Because in addition to history textbooks, Asgard has many myths and legends based on Niederhogg.

Those legends left an indelible impression on the young Thor.

Frigga had told the two brothers Thor and Loki about this evil dragon before. There are even rumors that this dragon is actually the culprit of [Twilight of the Gods], because it Since its birth, it has been gnawing at the roots of the world tree, the foundation of the Nine Realms.

But rumors are only rumors after all, and basically no one takes it seriously.

In the years of 1600 years, what happened in it has long erased the name of the dragon Nidhogg from Thor’s mind, but now, Friga’s panic has brought the name to Thor’s again. Right now.

"Mother, does Nidhogg really exist?"

"Isn't it just a legend?"

Thor frowned, a vague thought.

A bold thought.

"No, it does exist." Frigga sighed, nodding her head.

"That's what happened before my father and I got married..." A piece of history that had already been dusted up, whispered from Friega's mouth.

At that time, Odin was full of high spirits, and he was a famous slutty in the entire Nine Realms, and there were countless damaging girls. At that time, Frija was still the pride of Warnerheim, and his reputation was far-reaching.

The encounter between the two began with a crisis, and it was precisely that crisis that exposed Odin to the power and call from the World Tree.

And the legendary dragon Nidhog was exactly what Odin had seen at that time, the only creature that could make him fearful.

"Listen to me, Thor."

"Niederhogg must want to seduce you, just like it wanted to seduce Odin back then."

"Don't be fooled, don't think about that voice, forget that voice."

"It is a devil that will bring disasters to the entire Nine Realms. Once it escapes, both Asgard and the Nine Realms will be destroyed!"

Friga’s warning is serious and serious.

The power of the flame giant Sirtel was nothing compared to the dragon Nidhogg, otherwise Odin would not have easily taken the eternal fire away.

In Friga’s impression, Thor is not yet an opponent of the flame giant Sirtel.If this is tempted by Niederhogg, it is basically the same as if the sheep enters the tiger's mouth, just stop cooking.

"I understand, mother." Thor put away his thoughtful expression, and barely put a smile on him.

"It's good to understand. You can stay here with me during the period before the wedding." Frigga stroked her son's cheek kindly, and did not ask Thor about the change in his hairstyle.

The past, just go.


"She has been preparing for the wedding of Hela and Beckett for a long time. I promised her that I will be there at that time, in the name of a mother."

The debts in the past prevented Frigga from ignoring Hela. The option of attending the wedding was the only compensation that Frigga could make.

Even if she had to personally hand Hela's hand to Beckett's hand.

"..." Hearing the name [Becket], the smile in Thor's eyes disappeared instantly.

"You are my son after all, Thor, Hela, she won't kill you yet. So, promise me not to do stupid things." Frigga understands Hela, and she hates Odin deeply, but her heart remains With a touch of warmth towards home.

Because she is the goddess of death in Asgard.