Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 515

"Becket, what's your situation?"

Hela, who was already familiar with "invading" the Beckett communication channel, looked at Beckett wrapped in green flames, equally stunned.

She had never seen this scene.

"I don't know, don't you feel it?" Beckett asked with a frown on the appearance of Hela phantom.

"It was you who burned, how can I feel?" Hela rolled her eyes vaguely.

They are not conjoined babies.


As soon as Hela's voice fell, the flame enveloped Beckett suddenly fell, and disappeared instantly after falling to the ground, revealing Beckett's rare astonished face.

"Your power ran away?" Hela was a little curious.

"...What are you looking for me?" Beckett responded coldly, staring down at his hands.

The other, who had regrown an arm, gave Beckett a thumbs up silently.

[As expected of His Royal Highness Beckett, the Xiaosan met outside can be so hard-hearted when they come to the door.

[Sure enough, you can do whatever you want with the strength.

"Do you want a time gem?" Hela took out the time gem that Stephen Strange gave her before, and looked at Beckett playfully.

The color of fluorescent green suddenly appeared, and the green of HELLA's head was illuminated.

"?!" Beckett also lost his unusual thoughts, his eyes suddenly moved away from his hands and fell on Hela.

To be precise, it was the infinite gem in Hela's hand that exposed the tip of the iceberg in the container.

Time gem.

A gem of time kept by the Supreme Masters of the past.

"How is it in your hands?"

"I made a deal with the current Supreme Mage Stephen Strange, Beckett. Hela shrugged while playing with the objects in hand.

"I'll wait for you to come over specifically, I also have other things to ask you." He glanced at Beckett, who was frowning, and the communication phantom belonging to Hela disappeared.

"Deal with Kamora." Beckett made a decisive decision and chose to go to Asgard.

And to dispose of Kamora's body was the last order Beckett gave before leaving the Dark Quadrant.

Asgard was far away from the Dark Quadrant, but after Hela came to power, a teleportation array was established between the two places.

The obvious reason is to facilitate mutual assistance.

Secretly, it is not clear.

Anyway, Hella and Beckett will never have to fly as long as before.

Asgard, the palace of kings.

Hela, sitting on the throne, tilted Erlang's legs, chewing on the fruit from her subordinates.When he looked up, he saw a figure walking in from the main entrance of the palace.

A loose black combat suit, with a red tail wrapped around his waist.

"Where is the gem of time?"

Beckett, who hurried over, cut directly into the subject.

"It's hanging around her neck." Hela put down the fruit tray, got up from the throne, and stepped down the steps.

The green gems of time rolled between Hela's chest.

"Steven Strange wants you to talk about it. He entrusted me to give it to you, saying it was his sincerity."

"Oh, right, this Steven Strange is a disciple of Gu Yi, the current Supreme Mage."

Hela took the gem of time and handed it to Beckett.

"Talk to me?" Beckett frowned, feeling the familiar infinite gem energy, confirming that it was genuine.

"I didn't say what it was. He gave me the gem of time, saying in exchange that he wanted a chance to meet with you."

Hela shrugged and spoke out Strange's request.

[In exchange for time gems, just to talk?

Beckett thinks this Stephen Strange is like a silly critic.

"How about it, do you want to see it?" Hela continued to ask.

"You promised?"

"No, I just said do my best."

"Then I'm not free." After collecting the time gems, Beckett returned with confidence.

This time it was really righteous.

That ghost [eternity] brought him so much shame, he had more important things to do than to meet a supreme mage who lost the gem of time.

As for the agreement...

How does the agreement between Strange and Hella have anything to do with Beckett?

They all say they are doing their best.

Hela shrugged and said, "I will tell him the result."

"However, before that, I need to know what Mera is all about." At the end, Hela's gaze looking directly at Beckett's eyes was too sharp.

Beckett: "...... someone I know in another universe."

"Then chasing you here?" Hela's eyes were still sharp.

"Your brother Loki brought it here." Beckett corrected seriously.

He doesn't remember this pot.

Without Rocky's trouble, no one will remember him in the universe that has been restarted by Barry Allen, and Mera is no exception.

Beckett is very confident about this, so even the sharp eyes of Shanghai La still show no guilty conscience.