Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 525

With his reputation as Captain America, the aftermath can reduce a lot of resistance.

"Well, good luck to you."

Te Chara shrugged and was about to take Steve away, but the alarm sounded abruptly over Wakanda.

Loud and harsh.

"Someone invaded!" Techara's face changed suddenly, and his smile disappeared instantly.

The azure blue energy shield was erected at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a figure that was very familiar to Steve Rogers was slowly floating above Wakanda.

Open your hands, like a king over the world.

Like a church priest’s chant, Loki, in Asgard’s armor, flipped his hands, tyrannical magical energy waved like an arm, and in the blink of an eye, a figure with the letter s engraved on the front of his chest had already torn apart the tiles. The fragile line of defense over the territory of Kanda!

Superman Clark, the leader of the Justice Seven!

"Who are you?!" Wakanda's high priest asked sharply, but his vigorous body was pierced by Clark's hot sight in the next second, without any resistance.

"From now on, this country and this land will be taken over by me."

"I am Loki, a god from Asgard."

"Now, kneel to your gods."

Loki's figure slowly landed, and Clark with dark eyes floated behind him. He was Loki's strength to suppress all reactionary forces.

"I said, kneel down!"

Seeing the strange-looking warriors around him didn't mean to put down their weapons, Loki lowered his voice and exclaimed.


As his voice fell, his magical energy also exploded!


An angry rebuke, a shield descending from the sky.

The Captain America wearing the Stars and Stripes sprang out from the crowd. After throwing out his shield, he suddenly stepped on the ground with his right foot. I don't know if the manhole cover made by Zhenjin flew into his hand in a short time and stood on his chest.

The sudden change made Loki's eyes widened.

Steve Rogers?!

Why is he here?!

Also, if your shield is awesome, why can you block Lao Tzu's magic by throwing a manhole cover?!


The manhole cover fell apart and fell to the ground.

Steve Rogers, the intact son of Marvel's luck, and the well-known non-public fifty-fifth man Steve Rogers slowly walked out of the splashing smoke, stretched one hand forward, and caught the whirling shield.

His expression is serious, his eyes are serious.

Me, Marvel is fifty-five, not open!

Text Chapter 397 The Prologue of the War of Invasion: The Demise of Wakanda, the Death of Steve Rogers

Loki suddenly felt a little pain in his teeth.

Because he was beaten by Steve before in New York.

To Rocky, Steve is a very strange person.Hulk is fine, but this Captain America, whose physical fitness is not out of the human category, is able to fight with him, Asgard.

Even when his temper came up, even his brother Thor could deal with him.

Loki didn't understand this earthly person very much, and even more did not understand why he was here, but it didn't matter anymore.

No matter who is here, this Wakanda, who has a lot of vibrating reserves, is about to decide.

No one can stop him, even if Beckett comes.

"I have no interest in you."

Glancing at Steve, Loki twisted the rectangular box in his palm.The light suddenly appeared, and Natasha Romanoff, a senior S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who had been controlled in the Stark Villa in Washington, appeared before Steve.


Steve was taken aback when he saw his comrades in arms.

"kill him."

Loki gave the order, and the black widow with gray eyes rushed towards Steve, the former comrade-in-arms who fought together!


Steve was shocked, and the body honed in the battlefield automatically responded to Natasha's attack.

To deal with Steve Rogers, such a forced 50-50 headache opponent, is to send a person of poor strength to be his opponent.In view of the characteristics of his fighting, his level of strength will be forcibly suppressed by the opponent at the same level, and he will take care of others flawlessly.

The Avengers members of the weakness of Steve Rogers articles, Author: Bruce Wayne.

This is one of the plans formulated by the controlled Bruce Wayne after analyzing the information of the reunion members that Rocky found. It is also why Rocky did not directly kill Natasha when he was in the Stark Villa in Washington, DC. Romanov controlled her easily.

He doesn't greedy the body of this earthling.

Controlling Natasha is purely because it is convenient for him to throw out and confront Steve in the future. If Hawkeye Button appeared in front of him at that time, Rocky still controlled it.


"Natasha wake up! I'm Steve!"

"do you still remember me?!"

The troubled Black Widow was brought close, and Steve only felt that the shield in his hand was a little bit awkward.She tried her best to wake up Natasha, who had manipulated her mind, but found that everything was in vain.

Blackening is three times stronger, and whitening is weaker by three points.

Natasha, who is tireless or even painful, has been entangled with the famous Captain America Steve Rogers with her skillful articulation skills. As Batman Bruce Wayne expected, she has no time to take care of everything except Natasha. thing.

"Well, the annoying flies are gone. Now, we can have a good talk."

Put away the rectangular box suspended above the palm, Loki crossed his fingers, crossed Clark's figure and appeared in front of the assembled Wakanda army, smiling: "Now, kneel down."

"I can forgive you"